
taking time....

is it really the end of 2011? honestly, i know that it's kind of true that the older you get, the faster the years seem to fly by... but really now... that was fast.

Source: etsy.com via Kymm on Pinterest

this has been such a wonderful year, too! and this baby blog of mine here is not even one yet! i have so enjoyed getting to know you fabulous readers, and bloggers, and crafty ninjas. ;) as i look back on this year, i realize how important this space has been to me. i have grown so much in it, as has my knitting, and my passion for creativity... and really you've given me the encouragement to do what i love... so thank you!
do you have any plans for ringing in the new year? i saw this video today by kinfolk magazine..... and it's a wonderful reminder to me of why i create. why i like to take the time to use my hands, go back-to-the-basics as it were..
i really do feel that in this world of busyness, of online connectivity, gadgets, etc.. we really forget the little things... watching something grow, writing letters the old way, reading a book... you know? just slowing down..
granted, i know that this is a struggle to fit into our busy lifestyles, but i think our ancestors were probably busier than we are... just with different things. and i hope to remind myself to take the time for these little things this year... have a look at the video, and you'll see more of what i mean :)

Dutch Oven Bread from Kinfolk on Vimeo.

it's also a reminder to me that i'd like a dutch oven :)  haha birthday present, maybe. when i bake bread, i use a recipe that doesn't require as many steps.. and that's totally ok.. but it was a nice reminder of how to get other things accomplished.
at any rate, it was such a nice thing to watch this morning... and it made me excited for the new year... and speaking of being excited....

i got a little pressie in the mail yesterday :) a little something from finland! i seriously looove snail mail. it makes me so so happy! do you remember the giveaway i had mentioned a little while back that was on  socks-a-plenty's blog? well i didn't win :) but as a thank you for the shoutout to her giveaway, liisa sent me the loveliest of stitch markers made by her!!

 aren't they pretty? and of course, she sells them in her etsy shop too!
of course, i just happened to need to cast on for a little selfish knitting. (we talked about this yesterday, remember?)  lo-and-behold, look what happened ;)

starting out my new year with a little selfish knitting? yes please. i loove this yarn too! it's the sparrow/grey-green from cascade 220.... it's going to be a great year!

how are you celebrating the new year? any little reminders you are trying to hold onto for the year ahead? do share! i'd love to hear of your plans :) are you a bread maker too, and want to take the time to remember the little things? coffee's on, and as always, i'd love to chat with ya! xo


there's nothing like selfish knitting to keep you focused... right?

i'm supposed to be concentrating on preparing for a certain birthday party.... and i keep getting sidetracked by a possible knitting project for me, and food. how's that for focus? haha. it's ok. i'll smack myself soon and get cracking on the cake... but right now i'm gonna seriously consider a little selfish knitting.
with all of the knitting for the market, and then chrsitmas, i miss seeing something for me coming off of those needles.. and really, i think it's time i snuck one in. i really do need to be working on a sweater sample for a class, but i can do that at the same time... want to see what i'm going to make for myself?

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

this is "kathleen" by jane richmond (of course) ;) and i just so happened to buy a skein of cascade 220 in sparrow/grey-green just for this project! as soon as i saw jane swatching for this project at one of our knit nights, i knew i had to knit whatever it was she was working on ;) thankfully it's a toque that i can easily squeeze in for selfish knitting while i'm working on store samples. hahah. but in all seriousness, we're going to be headed to alberta in mid january. a toque will be needed. and this will be perfect. also, i had decided that 2012 will have lots of selfish knitting involved... so i'd better start.
oh and something else that i've just stumbled upon while procrastinating? this.

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

 this is "kentmere" by lily kate france. i think i need to knit one of these too. this designer girl is only 14 or 15 i think! holy talent. love it!

and for those of you who are local to me... thought about any selfish knitting for the new year? i've got a ton of classes lined up... the very first one is a beginner's knitting class... perfect for those of you whose goals are to learn to knit! check out the cloth castle for a full list of classes.

as for my little man turning 4? i think i'm just delaying the planning because maybe that will slow down his bday? probably not, i know... and i really should focus.... haha thankfully, the hubs is still home on holidays, so we can tackle this together. i'm not worried....yet :)

how are you doing? over your turkey hangover, and ready to begin tackling goals for 2012? i'm already on my second cup of coffee... and i'm all ears! let's chat! xo


watching the rain...

this morning i woke up to the sound of the rain beating down on the roof. i love that sound. a lot.

and i know i'm not alone. there is just something oh so comforting and so cozy in that sound, don't you think? it also gets me thinking forward. planning for what is to come of the new year, and getting excited for what my future will hold. some days when it rains like crazy i don't feel so productive... more like cuddling up in bed with a movie, or bundled under a big woolen blanket. or sipping my fave cup of tea... and always having my knitting close by.

and then it's so great for indoor games, arts and crafts, and baking. haha but i'm totally getting ahead of myself. ....
today it got me thinking of the new year. i've never been a huge new years resolution fan. in fact, i always end up treating september more as the beginning than january... but this year i think will be different. this year, i have a feeling will be a very good year.

we had a wonderful christmas, and once i get around to actually going through the pictures, i'll be sure to share with you. we've got less than a week for my little man's fourth birthday party. (goodness, why does he have to grow up so fast?) and i'm feeling nervous about the cake. the hubs and i are considering working with fondant... something i've never done before. and i'll be sure to snap lots of photos so i can share with you on that too...
then shortly after that, we're headed for a mini holiday.. so the new year is starting out busy for us!

Source: flickr.com via Lynette on Pinterest

it just works out perfectly that today i feel reflective, and calm, and hopeful. and it's also a good thing that i like the rain as much as i do. :) maybe it's because i know what the rain can bring.

how are you doing these days? are you beginning to feel reflective? hopeful? are you also a lover of rain? i'd love to chat! and i've got a warm mug of tea here. xo


just popping in...

how was your christmas? did you have a wonderful day? our's was such a full, fun, fantastic day!

and as per usual, once chrsitmas day is over, i like to take the time to de-clutter. to de-decorate (yes, really!) and to spend some time with my family with our new gifts and just to rest.

it's been a busy time, anticipating chrsitmas! i'm sure you agree :) so i'm going to take the next few days as down time with the family, and to get ready to show you a little of how our christmas was! now my (almost) 4 year old is calling me over to a game of connect 4 :)

i'll see you soon! did you have a wonderful christmas?xo


eve of christmas....eve

it's the eve of christmas eve! such an exciting day :) how are you doing, my dear crafty friends? do you feel ready for christmas morning? i guess we're as ready as we're gonna be, hey?
i'm hoping to finish the hub's gift today, and there's still a little more baking to do. not difficult. just dinner buns :) but working on something little by little every day, the house will be ready. (a big thank you to the hubs for cleaning the oven out last night, while i tackled the laundry room).
hard to believe we're down to the wire now! december has really flown by!
and even though i didn't have a huge list of knitted gifts to make this year, i'm excited and happy. the only thing we're really missing is living a lot closer to family, and ....snow :)

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

wishing you all a lovely christmas! i hope you're able to spend time with loved ones, that you can rest, and enjoy this christmas season. wishing you all full tummies of yummy dinners, and christmas treats... and gifts of lovely soft yarns, favourite books, kiddos giggling, lots of snuggling, hot chocolate, and anything that puts a smile on your face :)

have a very merry christmas dear friends! xo


so much fun!

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

it's been a busy place, this home of ours... we've been keeping such a fun schedule! usually we aren't packing as much fun stuff into our christmas schedule, but this year we really wanted to make some memories. :) yesterday i laced up for the first time in over 15 years!!! eeks! and i'm fairly proud to say that i didn't fall :) and owen did very well. he loved it!

after that we checked out the holiday express. it's a train ride up in duncan through a tour of christmas lights. there's sipping hot chocolate around a fire, and a craft to do in an old school house, that's heated by woodstove. we did this last year too, and it really was so fun!

today we're headed downtown to look at the christmas trees at the empress hotel. always fun. and we are hoping to catch "the polar express" at the imax.
how's that for a full day?

yep. we've been having lots of fun. the house should be taped off with caution tape, it really is in such a state. haha but it's ok. i'll get it done. i actually just got a whack-load of christmas movies in the mail last night! so i'm thinking tonight will be a movie night, while trying to tidy up the chaos. :) i am a planner, and i usually function better in an organized environment, but you know... i'm just loving this. packing in all the fun we can.

how are your days looking? are you getting much sleep? i know christmas eve will be a late one for me and chrsitmas morning we have to get up before the kiddo! because our cat likes to destroy anything around the tree, including the tree itself.. (honestly he's knocked it down four times already) we'll get up early and make sure the pressies are around before anyone else is up. :) i love your company! and i'd love to hear how you're spending your days! let's chat! xo


warm feelings...

it froze last night. no snow.. but it's nice waking up to a cold december morning. there aren't many days left. it always amazes me how fast christmas comes and goes, no matter how early i try to start planning. but you know, i really want to savor these last days of anticipation, and really enjoy the time with family. even though we don't have snow here, we are all getting into the christmas spirit. lots of baking has been done....and much elving behind closed doors... we've got bags of goodies hidden in the nooks and crannies of our bedroom, and even pressies coming in the mail! oh my oh my.
i have been so pleasantly surprised! yesterday i checked the mailbox and was almost too afraid to open the package that came. haha. i had no idea what it was... and i had to show it to les .. you know, just incase he had ordered something that  i shouldn't open. nope.. i was free to open it! so i did. look look what was inside!!

i absolutely heart snail mail, and there's nothing like cards, and surprise goodies to get you even more into the christmas spirit :) this is no exception (clearly)...  this is swans island yarn. the colour is just ahmazing.

 i actually blogged about this yarn back when i was deciding on my cowl for the cowl knit along. do you remember it? goodness, in real life it's just so squishy, and fab. i don't know what i'll knit with it yet... but boy am i excited! a big thank you to Ummashin's Goodies. you sure made my day! i'm still grinning about it... haha i can't stop petting this lovely squishy yarn.
check out her etsy shop too! this is one talented mama who definitely knows her yarn :)

and then you remember that i have a soft spot for norman rockwell's photos, right? just brings me back "home" and makes me kinda warm and fuzzy inside.... well last week, these came in the mail!

these came from the lovely buffy of passionate design. i tell ya, i am one blessed girl.
and now that i'm full of warm fuzzies, i should be knitting away on a christmas pressie!! so that i can give too :) here's a little peek, to see where i'm at:

it's a toque.. so i'm not worried. i've got lots of time yet :) and our gifts for extended family aren't being given until a little later, so i've got more time to create. :)
and on one final note... did you happen to see jane richmond's launch of her new site and blog?! seriously! it's amazing! shannon, of luvinthemommyhood has been working hard with jane to create a gorgeous site. it's incredible! you need to check it out! and jane's having an incredible giveaway!!! honestly, you don't want to miss out on it...  go to  www.janerichmond.com and find out all of the details of the giveaway there.

how are you doing with your crafting today? anything giving you some special warm fuzzies lately? i'd love to hear about it! xo


daydreaming ? oops.

i love thinking of the perfect knitting evening. there is a fireplace involved, i'm probably in a log house and probably a rocking chair... it's snowing outside, i can smell the christmas tree... and it's a toss up of whether or not music is playing softly or i'm watching bridget jones' diary. probably the latter. ;) and there's a drink somewhere close by.... for certain.... and i've probably on my second.. bahah.

Source: tumblr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest
*smack* ok. in reality world now. :)  how's your christmas crafting coming along? because i really didn't go all out this year (and for very good reason), my list of FO's are little...  but i thought this was the perfect opportunity to share with you a gift a made for my nieces 2 years ago. it was really a labour of love.. that year it was all about the kids... and then the year after that, i went crazy.. everyone got a handmade gift. ok but back to the girls...
not to toot my own horn, but it really was one of those gifts that lit up their eyes.. their smiles were so big, and the cuddles were priceless. loove...

i had never made a doll like these before. but there's really something to be said for a handmade doll, with dress and undies and everything. you know? there are so many toys out there that have replaced the favourite doll, it seems... my owen has his muno.. but that's a different post. :)

i named these dolls after the girls. and even stitched their names on their undies :)

i enjoyed knitting these little cuties, but after a little while, i was hating the seams. :) i decided to treat them as one project, so all limbs were knitted first, and all the seaming was done at the same time too... maybe next time it would be better to space that out :)
but here are the deets:
pattern: sally, the eco fairy by jennie eveleigh lamond.
yarn: sirdar snuggly dk
needle: 3.0mm

i remember finding the yarn to be so uber soft. i loved knitting with it. and i love the colour selection too... it's a small needle though! eeks!
but you know, it's been 2 years now... i think i'm ready to make another soon... one for me. because i would like a  knitted doll...
you know.. just 'cause :) this pattern is a good one, but so is this one..

Leif & Astrid by: Jennie Eveleigh Lamond
yeah. i've got me some knitting to do :) hahaa. and now maybe i should be picking up those sticks and finish up some pressies! these dolls? no. maybe next year though.

how are things coming along for you? are you letting yourself breathe a little now? or is it a tough push to the end? i'd love to hear how you're doing! xo


diving in!

i have to be honest with you... i forgot that i wasn't on holidays. bahah. the hubs is home, and we started our weekend in full force with christmas activities. there are lots of things going on... parades, train rides, we'll be going to see the lights on the navy ships at some point... yes, very busy... it's so wonderful!
and our kitchen has been a busy place as well!

we've tackled luvinthemommyhood's recipe for nuts & bolts. sooo good!
and late last night, the hubs and i made sweedish meatballs. an old family recipe from his side. they are goo-oood...  these babies take a while to make. once the mixture for the balls are done you have to stick it in the fridge for a couple of hours before rolling them. after you bake them, they are served with a cream-based gravy. i'm not gonna say what they *might* threaten to do to my waistline though. haha. but 'tis the season, right? :)

 today, i'm going to make buns in preparation for christmas dinner, and i'm totally gonna tackle misocrafty's recipe for homemade turtles. ohman. i hope they last until christmas :) but to be honest, i seem to have my doubts ;)

as for the knitting front....

.... well i'm having to completely re-do the hubs' gift. he totally knows i'm knitting him a toque.. i finished one for him... and he tried it on before i was going to sew up the brim... and has decided it is too big. le sigh... it's not so bad though. i found "joe" by jane richmond to be a nice, relaxing knit.
as for knitting something for myself? umm that will happen in a while i suppose...

but all in all we're getting into the christmas spirit here:) we've been getting lots of mail! :)

checking out the lights before the firetruck light parade.

the only thing missing is snow :) we've got lots more planned this week, and we're having a blast... as for getting enough sleep? meh, there's always next year. lol.

hope you are enjoying a wonderful season so far, and that you are able to take time to enjoy the festivities around you. how's the crafting coming along? some favourite recipes being worked on? i'd love to hear how you're doing! xo



first of all, i have to apologize for this post taking so long to get up. :) it's tricky business editing photos of a secret gift when the recipient is in the same room, and always running up to ask for help, or just to talk, generally... ;)
but without further ado... wanna see what i've been up to these late nights?

it seems this little guy likes coffee as much as i do.. i guess he's tired too. haaa.... but after he had his morning bevvy, he warmed up to the photo shoot... speaking of which, the reason for the bad lighted window sill shoots is because it was the only place i could "set up" without owen knowing about it.... and it was only just getting light... so there's that.

the deets? pattern is louie the lovebot. my first rebecca danger pattern! definitely not the last!
yarn: paton's decor
needle: 3.75mm

he was really fun to make! and now that i've made him, i was thinking of casting on for a second one... with a heart this time... and i'd also remember to put the eyes down a little lower... but still, i love this one. he's cute.
and i hope owen loves him too.

yeah... this guy's a poser.

as for my other projects? yikes. i do have a hat on the needles, and i finished a sweater for owen already.... but i'm not sure what else i'll get up to doing. i really want to make more of these guys though.. maybe the nieces and nephew would like one? :) of course, they'd be late for christmas, but that's totally ok.
i'm also realllly wanting to cast on for a sweater for myself. but it's gonna have to wait as i'll be knitting up a store sample first, cause i'll be teaching it in the new year! woot woot!!!

the class schedule is up! and even if you're struggling with last minute gift ideas, what about a class?

anyhoo, off to think of some other patterns to possible tackle. to be honest, because i wasen't feeling so well for a little while, i've really missed knitting! (even though i haven't really stopped) you know i'm passionate when.. lol....

only 9 days left! what have been some of your most enjoyable patterns for gifts so far? any that you think i should tackle? i'd love to find a cool bookmark pattern for the hubs... anyone know of any? xo


christmas 911 - the home stretch!

we're almost there! and even into the single digit countdown! are ya singing with joy yet? :)

how excited are you getting? i'm guest posting over on luvinthemommyhood today, and we'd sure love to hear how you're doing with your last minute christmas crafting!

we've got some tips for last minute gifts, as well as the yummiest of recipes to help please the crowds while your turkey is a cookin'... or your hands are busy knitting away ;) trust me, there are some great finds there!

so head on over, k?  we've got the biggest pot of coffee on!cone share on how you're doing with your last minute christmas preparations! xo


i hope you don't mind.....

i'm in the zone now! for realz. :) elving is in full force, and i'm loving it!

i'm focused, and getting excited! of course there is much coffee on, and christmas tunes are playing.

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

but the important thing is that i'm totally enjoying it, and i refuse to stress... 'cause i love the pre-christmas planning, and excitement. it's what makes it just so fun! well in my opinion anyways. :)

so now that i'm on a roll, i've got to get back. 

what are you crafting today? any baking? watching any fav. christmas movies? i'd love to hear how your day is going! xo


my silly mistake... but there's a winner anyways!

a very funny thing happened to me yesterday. well it's really just silly... and you'll laugh too... 'cause it could happen to anyone, right? i go to upload photos on the computer, and proceed to freak out. nothing is working.

in fact when i plug in the camera, the mouse decides not to work (i work from a laptop, and have plugged in a mouse). seriously? wth?! nothing was working. i thought my computer was dying. turns out i was overreacting. (of course). because i was using a usb cord from a camera we had forever ago, and it doesn't apparently work with the one we have now. i should totally know this because well, i've been uploading photos from this camera for quite some time... ugh. anyways, i was going to show you a few FO's... but haha, well when i realized my little erm blunder, it was just too late for editing... soooooo how about later this week? yes. i think so.
there is my little funny story for you :) did you like it?

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest
alright, should we get to the goods? time for the winner of the cowl giveaway!
i've used the random number generator and the winner is:

comment # 34  Amy Baily

"I like your FB page. I love your blog! I am trying to teach myself to knit and make myself jealous looking at all of your projects :)"

congratulations! i'll be contacting you today to get your address, and i'll pop that in the mail for ya.

so how is everyone else doing with the craft sessions? getting more and more ready for christmas? it won't be too long before i'll be up for the late night craft sessions... can't wait to show you what i've been working on!xo


hello monday :)

what?! is it monday already!? uhhh i don't remember it being a weekend. le sigh. that means it was good and busy. i had a great weekend, actually.. and we're on the mend! (mostly). still not up to the very late craft sessions.. but i still have time. ... totally...
and now that i'm starting to feel better, i'm really beginning to get into the christmas spirit! yeah, i'm starting to get excited now!

we were playing christmas music all weekend, and baking started happening! woot woot! i made chewy gingerbread cookies. umm YUM.
and i actually started some christmas gifts! haha yes a little late.. but it's ok. i like to power knit. you know that. but i'm not a superhuman knitter - despite what you've heard.. hahah.... here's what i would totally make if i had the time and patience :)

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and i would totally rock this. just sayin'.

wouldn't this make any outfit perfect for a christmas party?

honestly though, i'm a busy girl! lots of knitting to be done... and i'll show you peeks of it soon! and i'm doing some work on the etsy shop today too :) so i've gotta fly.
but remember today is the last day for my giveaway!! if you want to win that gorgeous cowl go check this post out!! and speaking of giveaways, the lovely liisa from the blog socks-a-plenty has a super cool giveaway going on now. i almost didn't want to tell you, 'cause i want to win. but then i think santa would know if i were being greedy ;)

how was your weekend? were you nice and productive? i'd love to hear about it! xo


sweet friday...

i'm so glad it's friday! it's been a yucky week... full of coughs, pulled muscles, stuffed up noses, and a real need for extra sleep... so this means that not much knitting has been done, and that makes me sad...  but i'm very happy for the weekend.

we're still coughing a lot here... and mostly just wanting to cuddle (can't complain with that)... and i'm having to take it slow with my neck, but i think it's a blessing in disguise.
last year i really went all out with christmas knitting... seriously insane.. i was up until 3am for the last 2 weeks before christmas. for realz. this year, not so much... and lately i've really really been wanting to do some selfish knitting. after all of the knitting i've been working on that isn't for me, i want to indulge in yarns and patterns that i truly appreciate. ya know?

don't worry, i'm still working on a couple of things for christmas gifts... but this girl is dreaming of some selfish knitting...  and really it's kinda hard not to. there have been so many beautiful patterns released in time for the christmas knitting, that how can i not want to be wearing them myself?
so my plans for this weekend?
christmas baking with my little... he's been so patient to start making cookies for santa :)

going out to get the candle that smells like a christmas tree... it's the best! i grew up with real trees for christmas, but it's been a while since we've had that. if i can't have a real tree, then i'll for sure have my house smell like one.. (along with the smells of christmas baking... bliss!)

and feeling the comforting movement of my knitting needles working away in my hands... there will be some secret elving going on, as well as a little project just for me.

we'll also hit up a holiday market. i'm looking forward to it for sure!

Source: google.com via Lucy on Pinterest

i've been dropping hints for christmas pressies, and i know for a fact that the hubs can find it at the market. :)

how about you? what are your plans for the weekend? do you have lots on your plate this weekend? attending any fun christmas parties? how's the elving coming along? i'd love to hear of your weekend plans! xo
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