

is october over already?

how did that happen? it was a good month though ;) october is one of my fave months. it always gets me feeling cozy, and extra knitterly (if that's even possible). ;) lots of projects finishing up on the needles this month... including two knit alongs!!! and planning for my first market! yep. it's been eventful, and just plain awesome :)
how was october for you? i'm so looking forward to showing you some of my knitterly goodness! but first... want to see what i've been drooling over lately?

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest
pattern: audrey by jane richmond
yarn: sweet georgia tough love sock.

goodness it's gorgeous! i know i have soooo much on my plate right now, but i just love this. i did get some birthday money, and i'm seriously considering splurging on some of this lovely yarn... i still have yet to knit with sweet georgia. something i will remedy! so the big questions is.... what colour? what do you think?

as for the weekend. i had a lovely birthday weekend! full of spoiles! my hubby got me some beautiful fall flowers, wine, baileys, candles, and a gift certificate to my lys. yippeee!!!! i spent much of the weekend with my girlfriends. and i felt so loved! knit night, modern sewing group, sushi... coffee treats, pressies... sooo spoiled! i'm a lucky girl :)

i definitely feel ready to tackle november in full force :) but first... a little trick or treating.

hahah baxter isn't wearing the cone anymore... but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up :) are you dressing up?xo



every year teaches me something new. ... and usually i'm happier for it, even if the process can be painful. and especially if it was difficult. those are the best lessons. but as i'm sitting here, thinking about what the next year may hold for me, and how i've so enjoyed getting to this point (most of the time), i can't help but feel so inspired to do more, to be more, and to care more. you know?

i feel so blessed, so lucky to live in Canada. this is a beautiful place to live! the mountain air does my lungs good, the changing of seasons that bring the trees to their fullest potential... i could go on, but i think you get where i'm going...

Source: None via Rebecca on Pinterest

what a gift this life is!
and last night, as i'm out for dinner with a dear friend, i feel inspired. she has gone through some incredibly difficult battles for any woman, let alone a young woman. yet she is showing pure grace, strength and amazing beauty that shows such appreciation for this life.

Source: None via Rebecca on Pinterest

i am so thankful to have such wonderful friends. both in a physical sense, of course, but also here in this space... i have met so many lovely people through this blog, and through other resources, pinterest, ravelry, and etsy. to know so many creative, and inspiring people just lifts my heart. i am so happy to have you in my life.
and it's my wonderful family who have been with me from the beginning. encouraging me, comforting me, and pushing me when i needed it most. you've helped to mould me into who i am today, and who i'm becoming.

and it's really just the simple things that i find so important. i don't want to get so caught up in the buzz of chaos, but rather remain creative, healthy, and inspiring, while still "keeping up" with what this society likes to push at me. i love to be reminded of what i'm really capable of. to start from scratch and to make. to stretch . to breathe.

and so i'm looking forward to this next year of my life.... what i will learn, and how i will grow. and i'm so excited to have you with me in this journey. thank you! xo  


celebrating a spicy oatmeal...

yesserie, you read that right! it's a spicy one. with all of the warmth of autumn. i love it!

this is another pattern by jane richmond. i tell ya, i really really love her work ;) it's the oatmeal pullover, to be exact. i love it so much, that this is the third time i've knit it! hahah hey, i can accept that i'm obsessed... it's been said before ;) 

i love these colours, and the way this yarn knitted up. i used kertzer tweed montage. and the yardage is absolutely huge! i only needed two skeins! can you believe it? needle sizes used: 6.5mm and 8.0mm

this sweater has a very simple structure to it, and is more than suitable for beginners. great for learning to knit in the round. and since it's knit with larger needles and yarn, it's a quick project!

trust me when i tell you, i love this project... never has a sweater knit up so quickly! that's definitely a plus, don't ya think?

and if you're at all wanting to knit one for yourself, i'm teaching it! contact the cloth castle for details.

of course, i'm entering this into celebrate color for october's prizes. i've so enjoyed watching all of the lovely creations that have been posted there in this wonderful event! thanks so much to all of the coordinators! you guys are the best. 

Celebrate Color

have you been following along in celebrate color? it sure has inspired me to enter, and to create! i've had so much fun with it so far! do you find patterns you just need to knit more than once or twice? who are some of your fave designers? i'd love to chat! xo


really good intentions....

my plans for todays post really were:
- to have our meals for the week up
- to share with you how our weekend went
- to show you progress on all of my hard (knitterly) work....

would you believe me that i didn't take very many pictures, that i didn't actually make a meal plan... and that our weekend went by waaay to quickly? it's true! and i'm sorry. *scuffs feet*

as always it takes time to readjust to a new routine.. and this is the first monday that we didn't have to bring les to work because he'd be going to sea... so it's a new routine.. (and i'm happy for it!) and when readjusting to a new routine, as you know... all of the best laid plans are not always followed through... :)
i had a lovely weekend though!!! and i made much progress on the knitting front! i can't wait to share it all with you!

and as long as we're on a roll with good intentions..... (ahem). i need to confess something. i'm horrible at exercising. just plain horrible. (though i wasen't always this way...)  i want to, i really do, but i find every excuse in the book not to. i feel pretty bad about it. because i've got the little at home with me, i can't just go for a run... but i do have some exercise videos here, (that i probably won't mention the name of)...but i really can feel my body pleading to me to pay attention to it... to feed it better, and to stretch it out....

so now that that's out, i'm hoping i'll get my butt in gear, and do at least something every day.. even if it's just a few minutes...

i know there is no secret to it... that you just have to do it, and organizing my day will be key... especially with balancing it with housework, the little, and knitting.... but i can do it, ... right? of course, if any of you have any tips... i'd love to hear them...i'm not gonna lie, i'm a little overwhelmed at how i can fit all of what i want to accomplish in a day in....

but i bet that once i get my butt in gear (and in shape) balancing the rest of my crazy life will work itself out... and i hope know there will be time for it all...

how was your weekend? did you get lots of crafting done? how do you balance everything that needs to be done in your day? do you write it out as a schedule? do you just hold your breath and hope that by the end of the day everything magically gets done? (what? i bet you've done that lots) ;) i'd really love to hear from you, and i'm in the mood to chat! xo


in other news.....

Source: favim.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i haven't been relaxing all that much ;) but wouldn't that be nice? haa haa...  want to see what i have been working on? just this week, i sent off some prizes for the summer sweater knit along. do you remember that?

luvinthemommyhood fantastically put on an ah-mazing knit along, and it was oh so fun! and there were prizes!! i am so excited to have been one of the sponsors for it!! (they're mug hugs) ;) do you likey?

i do :) and i'm making a lot of these! umm it was just four of them for the winners... the others are for something else ;) hahah like a winter market, something else. and i promise i've been busy with lots of knitting for it. honestly, if you could see my place right now. there's yarn e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. ahahah. the hubs comes home today! yippee!  and there's no more sea time until the new year. huzzah! so um, maybe i should clean up a little bit ;) this weekend we're planning on doing a little pumpkin carving...

but not like that one.. hahahah

how was your week? have you been busy? getting some crafting done? i'd love to hear what you've been up to! what are your plans for the weekend? i'd love to chat! xo


cowl chat...

if you haven't already joined in the carefree cowl knit along, well you just plain should ;) shannon of luvinthemommyhood and i are joining forces here. there is tons of support on the ravelry thread all about the knit along, and some great chats!

i'm so excited to see how enthusiastic everyone is. so many wonderful cowls, and a few of you on your second and third cowls already! woot woot! i've gotta say, that's inspiration!
well you already know the cowl pattern i've chosen, but for the sake of just repeating myself, i will...repeat myself ;)
i'm doing the bandana cowl by the purl bee. i LOOOVE it!

funnily enough, when i first picked this pattern, there were very few project pages on ravelry for this pattern. since then though, this has really caught people's eye. (of course, it's such a lovely cowl!) and now it's becoming a fave in the KAL as well! yippee!

i really thought about ordering in some yarn from the purl bee, and i know it would have been just sublime.. but the price was hefty. $12 just for shipping.. eeks! i thought about the cascade ecological wool too, but the yardage is huge... and honestly, with market knitting, i have enough yarn here at the moment. (save for one other project that i'm crossing my fingers for... another post though... )
but enough chit chat...  i know you're dying to know what i'm knitting it up in.... ok time to spill the beans...

i'm knitting with berroco vintage chunky.and so far i'm loving it!
truth be told, i just didn't want to justify $43 for one skein.. well not right now anyways... and then i saw this. my LYS was having a sale, well it's just so squishy! I've never knit in berroco vintage before at all. so i'm pretty pleased with my experience so far! and the colour? i loooove it. this one is called black cherry..

Source: yarn.com via Rebecca on Pinterest
i mean seriously... isn't it so pretty?? yes, so very very pretty. :)
 first of all, bandanas are cool.. and second, well red bandanas... ?? umm hello. lately i've been on a red kick. i love it. it's probably the cooler weather.. but it's awesome. i was going to go for a more vibrant red, but truth be told, it just didn't look as good up against my skin.

this colour is really so lovely. it's so rich, and warm. perfect for the winter.

the thing that's so great about cowls, is that they are such quick knits! really, it's easy to whip up a few of them. and perfect timing for christmas pressies, don't ya think? the wonderful thing about the knit along is having such an army of knitters all knitting the same accessory! what a resource it is! so if you're looking for cowl patterns, aren't sure of a yarn choice, or need the support of someone making the same project as you... this KAL is really for you! we're a friendly bunch, i promise! have i convinced you? well the lovely shannon of luvinthemommyhood has made us a nifty button to sport on our blogs! want one?

isn't she just so talented? :) go on, grab a button here, and put it on your lovely blogs. thanks for showing your support for the carefree cowl knit along!

also if you haven't signed up for the KAL yet, just head on over to the link below and sign on up! the deadline is november 9th, so you've still got lots of time.

did you see that shannon has already finished her first cowl? you're amazing! head on over to luvinthemommyhood and check it out!

and don't forget to check out her shout out about jane richmond's newest design! i'm in love... and goodness, audry's on the brain!

how are you doing on your cowls? are you knitting more than one? what are your fave patterns so far? and what's the colour you're gravitating most to for this knit along? i'm always up for a chat, so go on, grab a coffee, your knitting and let's get cozy. xo


weekend fun!

nothing starts the week off better than a wonderful weekend... hey?

we had so much fun this weekend! the weather was awesome, just perfect for fall.

i got some knitting time in, an impromptu dinner with my knit girls, and yarn shopping before knit night.. and then there's the pumpkin patch!

yep. we had a good weekend. i just wanted to share this with you. the hubs is off again for another week.... but we'll make it! lots of knitting to be done, and lots of cuddles to be had.

how was your weekend? what did you get up to? any crafting done? i'd love to hear all about it! xo


a good kind of tired...

honestly... friday couldn't get here faster... soo needing to rest this weekend! (and knit)... and rest. :)

i had a great week! even though it was short, and we are lacking on sleep....my little man was a gem. he really was. but life just stacks right up, and maybe there's something about being spoiled with a long weekend that makes it just that much harder to get back on track. at any rate.. i want a fluffy pillow... and my cozy cardi... ;)

we didn't expect the hubs to come home this weekend, but their plans have changed on the ship.. and we get to see him! yippee! and he's promised me that i can lock myself up in the craft room/office and just knit!
because i have some news for you....

it's official, i'll be a vendor at my first craft fair! i'm pretty excited about it, actually.. and now that i have a real deadline... i'm able to be more productive than ever.. (i seem to work well under pressure).
the market is called "Handmade for the Holidays" winter market. and will be held in nanaimo (just a we bit up island, here on the west coast) on dec.3. so i've got to get busy!
this market is being planned by the felted fern. i'm so excited! this will be the first handmade for the holidays market, and i can't wait to see it grow over the years.

but this means i'm also in the "good-kind-of-panic" mode. haha. it's only just weeks away, and i've got some serious knitting to get done in the meantime. so i've made the decision to be visiting this space 3 or 4 times a week instead of 5. just until christmas. then i'll be back mon-fri. and i promise to keep you posted on all of my knitterly progress. :) i know you don't mind....right?

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and who knows, if i'm more organized than ever, i might just show up a little more often! i still just wanted to let you know of the plan though. cause i'm nice like that. ;)

what are your plans for the weekend? are you involved in any markets this year? what's your plan of attack? i'd love to hear what you're creating! i always have time to chat with you, so come on by and grab a coffee. i like your company. xo



wouldn't you know that the cowl i've chosen to knit for the carefree cowl knit along wasn't even in my round up yesterday?! hahaha. but i like to surprise you like that.

i have to say i'm really drawn to this one... it's so simple, but i love the shaping of it! also, i think i could wear this with more outfits...

Source: purlbee.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

...this is the bandana cowl  by the purl bee  and i think it's just so cool! i love the concept. ... surprisingly, this cowl hasn't been knit up all that much! (well that's just based on what i see in ravelry)  but here's where the tricky decisions come in... and if any of you have advice.. i'd love to hear it!...it's which yarn to use. the suggested yarn by the purl bee is a pricey one.. and one i'd have to buy online... i don't have any problems buying yarn online... but it's just whether or not i should. haha. also, if i've never knit with the yarn before, it's a scary purchase! what if i don't like it?  when it's just one skein, i don't mind splurging...  especially if it's going around my neck... but i need to know if this is a good yarn.
so here's my question to you... have you knit with swan's island bulky before? at almost $32 a skein, i'd like to know how awesome it is... the pattern only calls for one though. so that's good...  :)
and well i'm drawn to this colour....

isn't it pretty? so what do you think? it's called winterberry. yummmm
good choice? or look for something closer to home? the skein is 100 grams, 130 yards. and is made up of 100%  organic merino.
but wouldn't it just look fab knitted into this? yes...

source: purlbee.com

i think i'm in love... i just am not sure on the yarn...

are you enjoying the process of deciding on a pattern and the yummiest yarn to work with? are you as excited for the carefree cowl knit along as i am? we're sure excited by the quick response so far! come chat with me on yarns. i'd love to hear what you have to say! xo


another knit along!!!!

are ya in? yeah you are :)

this time it's cowls! you remember the summer sweater knit a long with luvinthemommyhood, right? well shannon and i have decided to join forces to do another one! this one is the carefree cowl knit along! how fun!!! to make things simpler just head on over to luvinthemommyhood for all of the posts and sign up info. also be sure to check out luvinthemommyhood's ravelry group.  we'll have a thread set up for you shortly all on the carefree cowl KAL. it's a great space to chat about what we're knitting up, and talk yarns, frustrations, loves.. etc.. just a great space for us to help eachother out with our projects.

i'll be a lucky guest poster every once in a while!
so to start things off.... wanna see some of my faves? i say some.. because really, it's so hard to narrow it down! i love that you can either go with only one solid colour, or mix 'em up. it's like having a mini blanket around your neck.

 source: 1. lionbrand.com 2. stockholm scarf. ravelry.com
i looove cowls. you can still have the look of a super bulky scarf, but not worry about those long tassles getting stuck in the car door.. or stepping on them... or unwrapping itself from you when you're trying to pick up groceries or kids or something... (what.. you know it's happened). haha. ok ok so maybe i'm exaggerating a little bit... but really i do love cowls! i think they're practical.... (truth be told, i actually love scarves too... but we're talking cowls here) haha. so let's stay focused. i think i like cowls so much because they're a lot quicker to knit up... and they're such pretty accessories! i do have to say that lately, i am a fan of the uber bulky cowl... they're just such quick and satisfying knits!

source: 1. happiknits (etsy) 2. melodyjoy1983 (etsy) 3. TickledPinkKnits (etsy)

however i seem to be dangerously intrigued by this one...

i know.. i have no time to knit something with this much detail right now, but how beautiful is this!? soo gorgeous. this is the Inspira Cowl by celery stalked. there seems to be so many options for this pattern!

i haven't yet decided on the cowl i'll be knitting up... so i'll have to choose quickly!

source: 1. LuluandLoie (etsy) 2. YesJess (etsy)

the start date for the KAL is today! yep. today. (these babies won't take you long, so don't fret)... and the end date is november 9th.  so grab those sticks, and head on over to

to sign your name up for this awesome KAL. also don't forget to check out shannon's round up of fave cowls too!

I'm already excited to see what you create! this is the perfect timing i think, once it's done the cool weather will start to kick in.. and you'll be snug as a bug in your fab fashionable cowl! let me know if you're up for this! i'd love to chat with you.. and don't forget to head on over to sign up!xo


where's my stretchy pants?

....only because i want more pie. bahahah. :)

well, i'm back from the turkey coma... of sorts.:) we had chicken. but it was still yummy! and now we're scarfing down the sandwiches, and i've got the carcass boiling on the stove. yep. it sounds gross, but it makes the best soup. and i loooove the smell in the house right now. so cozy.

i wasn't sure if i'd be too upset about not having an actual turkey.. they were just too big for our little fam.. but you know what? i didn't miss it at all. and we have much less meat to deal with now.

so all in all the weekend was great! also i taught 2 classes. can we say fun?! we had a blast!! it was all about jane richmond this weekend.

everyone had a wonderful time. and i'm impressed with the progress that some made! much of the yarn being used in the class is sweet georgia. yep!! you read that right, the cloth castle is now carrying sweet georgia yarns! i am so excited about this! i really am! i just kept wanting to go around the table to ooohh and aaahhh and drool a little (don't worry, i didn't) over all of the gorgeous yarns. these are going to be such delicious scarves. i can't wait to see them all!

i'd say this thanksgiving weekend was a success ;) i'm full, and the hubs was home, we played soccer, and i got to knit.

how was your weekend? did you get some crafting done? did you canadian readers have a good thanksgiving? (my aunt and uncle live in texas, but still celebrate canadian thanksgiving... love it!.. any excuse to have turkey ;) i'd love to hear about your weekend! xo


giving thanks

i grew up in a house with norman rockwell books and illustrations. there is something very familiar, and soothing to his paintings, i think. i loved growing up in the country.... where the house was in need of repair... lots of character to it... which.. to me... makes it cozy. it was a little chaotic at times, and messy... but these pictures just always fit in... and felt good. and you know, there's just a way he drew that made me thankful for family... you know? just the things that remind you of what's really important.
Source: art.com via Joy on Pinterest

i stumbled upon this pic, and i'm sure it's one many of you have already seen. i love it.
this weekend is the Canadian thanksgiving!
and we're so happy to have the hubs home for it! (he was away last year)... so i'm excited to make a thanksgiving meal! ...and though we don't have the farmhouse...yet... i'll be enjoying a handmade, thanksgiving.... with a little norman rockwell ;)

Source: google.ca via Rebecca on Pinterest

here's wishing you a wonderful weekend! full of family, laughter, and love.

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

it's a long weekend for us...so i'll be back in this space on tuesday!

do you have any plans for this upcoming weekend? are you also a fan of norman rockwell? i'd love to hear what crafty things you'll be up to this weekend. i've got lots planned for myself! come chat! i'll save a piece of pumpkin pie for you. xo


quiet today...

taking a breath today... it's been busy, and with the hubs away, i'm one tired momma..... owen has been a sweetie, but you mamas know, and my "me" time after the kiddo is in bed is being filled with things that "have" to be done instead.. ;)
so today... i'm taking some time to cuddle, and knit, and wind yarn.

i'm taking a catch-up day. and i know you understand ;) we've got a big weekend coming up! it's Canadian thanksgiving! (but everyone should celebrate it, because another excuse to have turkey, and stuffing... well hecks yes!) so this is the only day to take that breather...
do you remember this?

well i'm hoping to be winding away! i've got plans for the blue yarn! ;) 

this weekend is also full of classes too! so i'm taking a mini break from the blog... but i'm still working away here... i promise ;)

and you know, it's good to take a day... how about you? what are you up to today? any yarn winding? i'd love to know what you're up to! and ... well, i'm always up for a chat! xo
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