
my nook.

shortly before nook. began, i finally created a space to work in. this used to be a guest room for us... but the sad thing is that it was rarely used. it was nice to have a place for people to crash if they'd like to, but i was beginning to see this as "wasted space" . so i changed it. and are we ever glad the kitchen table is now not a dumping spot for all of the yarn. (!!)

i had originally thought that the little cubbies would be for toys for owen... hrmmm... i have much more yarn than i thought it seems ... of course it's still a shared space, as space really is precious to us... both the hubs and i grew up in small farming towns. our family had a hobby farm (now a dream of mine) with 50 acres of land!!  but that kind of acreage is just not easily attainable here...sigh. even a laundry line is not attainable right now.. but this craft room is!!

 of course, it's not just my craft room.. it's a play space and a creative space for owen... and it also provides the very much needed storage in the closet for all of the hubs' work clothes. but the closet is boring.. you don't want to see it.

we spend so much time in here now! i love it. most of my knitting still happens on the couch or at the park, or at the kitchen counter while i'm making dinner, but i love love having a space to just feel free to see the possibilities with the supplies we have. oh! and it's so nice to actually know what's in my stash now!

yep. i've got a lot of yarn. but i'll use it. don't you worry!

we're having fun with decorating this space.... the pictures aren't as bright as i wanted them to be. the clouds kept playing tricks...

and there are a lot of possibilities here. yes. very happy to see this space being used, and loved.

the thing i love so much about this space too, is that hidden in amongst my materials, i've also got my grandma's needles, as well as my oma's. i'll share more on those in another post though.

so this is my little nook. i still have big dreams for a studio, but this is what works for us now.  i love it, and i feel creative in it...well, most days. it's not usually this tidy though. but i bet you knew that.
i'm very fortunate to have this space, i know. i'm one lucky gal. so for now, yes, the laundry line can wait. but just for a little while ;)

do you have a little nook where you can spread out your crafting? where do you like to get your creative groove on? if you have a picture of your crafting nook, i'd love to see it! post a link here, and we can all hang out in our favourite spaces to create.



it feels good to stretch, once we make ourselves do it. and i think it's important that we stretch too... it reminds our bodies what we're capable of... and of what they can do.

but i'm not talking in just the physical sense here. i think that inspiration and dreaming is so good for the mind. it gets me back in my creative groove. and being creative is meditative for me... or at least it should be. :)

there are so many things on my "list" that i feel i just have to accomplish... and some days the more i look at it, the more anxious i become in not meeting my goals. on the days that happens, i think it's really good for me to just be inspired, and to stretch.

it's a good reminder, i think. and in the end, i feel inspired to create. and that's the point, really.

speaking of creating.....my work on the KAL is progressing along really well! I promise to be sharing lots more on that this week.
also, here is one of my goals this summer... i want to take a spinning class at a local fiber store. and to sew more.

this post has been inspired by shannon at luvinthemommyhood. if you have a post about what's inspiring you, leave a link on her site, and we can all feel inspired together! wishing you a wonderful day, full of inspiration, and a reminder to stretch. and to breathe.


weekend fun!

we're back!!! it was a whirlwind of a trip, and fun! to keep everyone up to snuff, we went to alberta for a weekend. left on friday night, home on sunday night. it was the hub's cousin's wedding.
thanks to grandma's iphone, owen was a very good boy for the ceremony. (haha). but seriously, doesn't he look adorable in that tie??? well at least i think so.

so yes. i wore my hair down for the ceremony, but here's what i came up with for the reception....

i'm not a hair dresser (unfortunately) but i think it was ok. of course, throughout the night, things changed...

also yes, the hubs looks pretty spiffy! we don't get a chance to dress up often, so we took full advantage of our opportunity ;)

alright. we're done with the hair. thank you for humoring me on that point. on to important knitting stuff :)
i had honestly thought about possibly not taking my knitting with me... but ummm no. i'm glad i brought it. here's the progress so far on the KAL...

i looooooove the colour choice.  i'm knitting with sirdar country style dk. it's so soft! and there are flecks of orange in the brown... love it. a lot. you do too, right?
we're playing catch-up today. on sleep, work, and just plain getting back up on our feet. there will be bread baking, laundry, and knitting. much knitting. and hopefully napping. but probably not.

how was your weekend? did you get much crafting done? i'd love to hear about it, and i'm in the mood to chat. just pouring another cup of coffee now....


hair help

to be clear... i'm not giving help, i need it! haha.
and also, this post is pretty random. if you like talking about hair styles though, please stick around! for you yarnies out there... i totally put in a picture with yarn, and it's related to the post. awesome.

i have pretty long hair.. like down to my waist. and bangs. i like my hair, but i rarely wear it down. that's mostly because i'm too busy running after a toddler, and it gets in the way... and in my past work experience, it had to be back most of the time anyways....

Source: fubiz.net via Rebecca on Pinterest

i do have a reason for this random post though... :) i need your help! i'm going to a wedding this weekend :) we're hopping on a plane tonight for a quick weekend trip to alberta. so fun! weddings as we know are already fun, especially for us parents who don't get a chance to have a night out too often... sooooo i want to style my hair and everything. the hubs and i have even decided to bring two outfits to the wedding! haha. one for the ceremony and one for the reception. which leaves also two options on styling!

i've been searching for tutes on how to style it without too much hassle, as i'm not all that practiced in making it look just right. and i've found that braids seem to be in...

fairly classic and simple, right?and probs good for the reception... maybe? i think i could handle it..
what do you think?

 and it's probably a good idea to wear it up for the reception anyways... (jeez, you'd think i was the bride!)
but what about for the ceremony? should i ponytail it!? 

hrmmm sigh. maybe i could just bring a personal hair dresser with me. (yah, i wish). i'm totally sounding like a diva. bahaha.
whatever i end up deciding, i promise it won't be this...

bahahah! could you imagine??

i seriously considered not bringing any knitting on the trip, but really... i think that's crazy talk. i'll bring it. we're only gone for about 50 hrs, and i bet i'll still find time to knit. :)

where are you off to this weekend? any jetsetters? be sure to remember your knitting!! seriously, if you have any tips for my locks, let me know! have a wonderful weekend!



sooooo you remember that i am a confessed obsessed knitter, right?

well it's true for crochet too. :)

yep. it's done! and i'm pretty happy. this will be what i'm teaching at the cloth castle next month. don't ya think it's pretty?

i ended up staying up very late last night... until 1am to finish it. like i said, i'm crazy when it comes with yarn. i forget to sleep. seriously. and i'll even choose to go with less sleep in favour of knitting or crocheting. see? insane. i don't know why i'm like that, but i am. and i probably always will be. haha.

anyhoo.. here are the deets on the blanket:

i based the pattern on the summer garden granny square by lucy of Attic24. the colour choice? well lucky me, as this is a store sample i was able to grab whatever i wanted. sweet, right? i know. so i grabbed them all.
this blanket is made up entirely of sirdar calico dk. an uber squishy and soft blend of cotton and acrylic. 60-40 blend.
and it took me a week. ridiculous. though to be honest, i did a lot of work on it daily. i pushed out this sample because it's a class i'll be teaching next month! so i wanted it up in the store for students to oogle over and fall madly in love with ;)

go ahead. love it.

i totally love the outcome.
it's pretty.

any of you up until the wee hours of the morning because you just have to finish your project? or are you one of the smarty-pants who knows that getting sleep should be a priority too :) i'd love to hear what you're working on!


tribute to summer

wishing you a summer full of colour...

of creativity...

of enjoying the company of good friends...

and inspiration to try something new :)

we're headed to a solstice party later on today. I'm really looking forward to it!

shannon from luvinthemommyhood does a great weekend wishes post on her blog. this is what inspired me to create todays post.

how are you celebrating the beginning of summer? are you doing anything special to welcome it? what are your summer goals this year?


seamless hybrid..... check!

 i know it's monday and all, but i've got something to dance about... it's done! i finished the sweater!!

.. can you believe it?!  and in time for father's day!! i actually finished it early sat. morning, so i could cast on for the KAL at knit night. ohhh i'm happy!
and here's the best part... it fits!! and it fits him well!
 of course i managed to get some pics... but just so you know, he's not the biggest fan of photo shoots.... so he did well for me :)

here are the deets. :)
the seamless hybrid by elizabeth zimmerman in knitting without tears.


first of all, i am a huge fan of EZ's patterns.... as i think most knitters are. it just amazes me how she could figure out the formula to knit up a sweater for any body shape. and then to impart this knowledge to us knitters, and give us enormous confidence in knitting a sweater on our own... based on our own calculations!!! love her.

some people have done a turned hem for the cuffs, but i really like the basic ribbing...


i used a 4.5mm needle, and used cascade 220 yarn. this colour is called vachon island heather.. it's more in the brown family.
i cast on 208 sts and then increased to 210sts after the ribbing. long sleeves for this sweater are 20% of the body, so i cast on 40sts. i know it's supposed to be 42 sts, but it wouldn't work out with the ribbing.. so after about 1.5" of ribbing, i increased to the 42 sts, and then began EZ's increase rounds.
after joining the body and the sleeves together, i had 306 sts on the needles, with 44sts on holders for the underarms.

i really like the saddle shoulders on this sweater.. it's good for Les' frame. he's got those lovely broad shoulders. ;)

the saddle yoke was a trickier part, because i couldn't figure out the math for that one at first, but then i discovered that it's 10% of your original body sts, in my case 210sts =21sts x2=42 rows for the saddle yoke.
the neck back is 8% of my original body sts = 16.8, rounded up to 17 x2=34 rows for neck back.

and i decided to stick with the regular neck yoke as in the pattern, instead of the shirt yoke. I like the small detail on the back.

this is a comfy, and warm sweater... and i think stylish too! my label has yet to go on it... where do you think i should put it? neck back, sleeve or lower body.. by the ribbing? thoughts?

this isn't the only project i kept myself busy with... remember, i'm a crazy knitter... major obsessions... it's ok, i've accepted it... and you should too :)
knit night was on saturday. and i'm lucky enough to be able to go to knit night with shannon from luvinthemommyhood , and guess what it's her bday today! (go on over, and show her some love) ...
so anyways, a present was in order, i thought... being a birthday and all...

i think it looks cute :)
the baby blanket is making progress too!! no pics yet, except from what you've already seen... here. but i am busy with this now, as i need to get it finished and up in the store before we leave on friday. we're headed to alberta for a family wedding. fun! i hope i can find something to wear!
i have finally cast on for the KAL. !!! wanna know what i'm working on?
drumroll please...

c a r a m e l!

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm looking forward to cuddling up in this baby when it's all done! I'm knitting this in sirdar country & style.

the colours i've chosen are a heathered brown, and a grey... maybe i'll throw in a blue stripe too, we'll see. i have a loose gauge, so i'm knitting this with a 3mm needle. it's knit from the top down.
yep. i'm excited!

you could say i've kept myself busy this weekend! it's a great start to the week! here's hoping i get the blanket finished before we leave on friday!

how was your weekend? how did you celebrate father's day? any of you have tips on where my label should go on les' sweater?  have any of you knitted any of elizabeth zimmerman's patterns? let's chat!


making progress!

...well, sort of ;)
this is the father's day gift i'm frantically trying to finish by this weekend.

but before you spit your coffee all over your moniter, i  know it may not get done... but i'm dreaming and knitting like it's nobody's business...

i'm just at the yoke now... i actually had bought this yarn over a year ago, for a sweater for me.. but the hubs liked it too, so it became a sweater for him. I was skeptical that i'd have enough, (yarn that is...) but i thought i might, 'cause i was pretty sure that i had bought an extra skein or two... well... that there is the rest of the wool for the sweater. clearly not enough! eep!!

but guess what!?! i head on over to my lys yesterday and they have the skein i need... same dye lot!!! this never happens. especially after it being about a year since i first bought the yarn.
needless to say.. i am happy :)

so let's hope it gets finished!
(yep, this is the craft/play room.. it's a work in progress as well... but i'll fill ya in on it sometime)

i haven't even cast on yet for the kal. shocking, i know.. considering i've been chatting about it so so much.. but ... i'm also working on a store sample! wanna peek?

i'm thankful it's crochet ;) so pretty.. and goodness, so so soft. it's being worked up with sirdar calico dk.

it's a blend of cotton and acrylic. honestly, it's so soft! perfect for a little baby blanket ;)

here's hoping i can whip this one out quickly! :) and since i've only been working on it for 2 days.. i'd say i'm off to a good start....

but really... i'm keeping myself busy trying to finish up this sweater for the hubs... i think it would be nice to give for father's day... and owen is going to make a card. he's excited about the glitter glue... :) we've got a couple of other things planned too... and it might include popcorn ;)

tomorrow night is knit night! i'm excited, and hoping i'll have my kal along with me!

what are you up to this weekend? any father's day plans? i'd love to hear about them! how is the kal going for those involved? leave me a comment! i'm in the mood to chat today. :)


i have a very ridiculous question to ask you....

 .....do you know what today is??? haha. of course you do... it's the very first day of the knit along with luvinthemommyhood!!!
and now here's the second question... how obvious is it that i'm just a little bit excited?

now i actually am already a little bit behind!!! but that's not important. as predicted, the hub's sweater is not yet completed... but i don't think it will be long now. a part of me even thinks that maybe i should just chug through it, and then start the kal... but that's also ridiculous. one can always have several things on the

so i'm swatching (aren't ya surprised i didn't do this last night?? that's how much i really want to finish the sweater for my hubs.), and still (kind of) deciding on the final pattern. I'm so torn between two, that I feel like casting on for both.

yet another crazy endeavor. but you have to understand how happy this makes me, to be able to be surrounded by so much yarn and options!
so here's the decision. i really really love caramel by the talented isabell.

the pattern has only just been published! i've been waiting on this one ever since i first laid eyes on it. she's posted it on her blog grasflecken . go! check it out!!  so yes. and also, how cozy would this cardi be? uber cozy.

and here's the other pattern: (but i'm sure you already know)

yup! hannah fettig's featherweight cardigan.

it's also pretty obvious that i'm into the stripes this summer, hey? haha. it's just so cozy, and camping-like.
but that's where i'm at. don't worry, i won't be posting daily only the knitalong..there will be lots of other things on my needles as well. (i know, i am crazy).

don't worry, i'll just sit here quietly, and knit. after the kiddo goes to bed, and my third pot of coffee is brewing, and the dishes are done..... it will all get done, eventually, right? 

how about you? have you cast on officially now? what are you knitting up? i'd love to hear about it, and to share about our knitterly triumphs, and froggings. ;) get your knitting mojo on, and let's go!
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