
market giveaway!

it's here!

 the owl designer fair is such a popular market here in victoria.. and i'm beyond excited to be a part of it! i'll be in the studio tomorrow all day.. from 10am until 6pm, and if you're in the area, please stop by to say hi!

of course i'm still offering my promotion of receiving an exclusive chrsitmas mug hug, but i've decided to run another promotion as well! check it out!

that's right peeps, with any purchase.. no minimum amount required... you can enter to win this amazing cowl! huge thanks to erwin loewen photography for such a stunning photo.

as you know, (and probably everyone else around me)... i've been almost drowning in yarn. but i've also been a busy bee... and i've got something to share with you monday morning! i'll be sure to have a recap next week too, of the owl.

so what's on your needles right now? do tell!ps.. do you like the new look? shannon cook has such a talent.. and i have her to thank.... because i really really love the new makeover! xo


just in time...

i am so in love.

this has been on my needles since last march! and i've been looking forward to having this wrapped around me ever since the first stitch. do you remember it?
i bought the yarn last spring at fibers west. and it's still one of the softest yarns i've knit with to date.

the deets? this is annie. by none other than jane richmond. when jane published this pattern last winter, i was in love. it's so squishy, warm, soft.. and luxurious. i had to knit it.

i seriously love it. and it's so perfect for our colder damp weather. i figure too, that it's nice for me to have something for me to come off my needles these days.. no?

this is baby alpaca, from knitopia. and i used a 3.75mm needle.... and i used just about every last inch of this yarn. there was no way i was wasting any yarn!

result? best. warmest cowl ever.
i totally recommend this pattern. it was super easy for me to just pick up and continue on with the knitting, no matter where i was, or what i was doing. also, it's the nicest cowl and warmest ever so splurge on that amazing yarn for yourself... or your very best friend.do it!

i'm in the final push here. just 2 more days until the owl designer fair! and i have to say i'm incredibly excited! if you're in the area, please come on by and say hi. i'll be there on the saturday! and then i promise i'll be making a much more regular appearance here in this space. xo i'd love to know what you're up to in this final week of november! xo


popping in....

hellooooooooooo!!!! man have i missed all of you! to my dear american friends.. how was your thanksgiving??? i'm sure it was lovely! i thought of you lots! and wished for turkey and pie... i'm not gonna lie. lol.
my market this past weekend was fantastic! i had a blast! and now i'm amping up for the owl designer fair this weekend!
i'll only be there on the saturday, but oh man am i excited! this is a long day though the market will run from 10-6pm. so i've got stuff on the needles for it, as well as getting customs completed!
this has been my busiest season to date, and i'm so happy for it... though i've missed spending time here in this space... so i wanted to pop by and say hi!
i thought i'd give a little glimpse into my world too :)
so here's my booth!

and here's what i've got going on now... swoon. i looooooooove getting yarns in the mail! ... i'm also on my way into my lys for some serious yarn purchases today...

and here's one of the completed sets for the customs i've been working on! this is hello new york hat and mittens. and you can find the pattern here. i promise to have a post that's a little more informative of the lovely knits... but in the meantime, feel free to check out my rav page to see what i used. :)

yes i've been a busy bee. my little man is waiting patiently for his christmas stocking. i think we've found a pattern though! so there's progress! and i'll be sure to have it completed before santa comes on christmas eve. even if i have to pull a few very late nighters :) it's probably still going to be a bit of a sparodic week of posting this week... but i'll try to come on by and show you what i'm working on! xoxo

i'd love to hear what you've been working on! are you needles and hooks on fire? how's your christmas list crafting coming along? crossing things off? i've missed you! please come chat! xoxo


are ya comin'?

i have to say i'm pretty excited about this market tomorrow! and i feel very prepared.
but preparation and organization is totally key... i've been working a long time in getting my stock up, and now i'm in the final stretch! i believe i'll be able to pack up my product today, during the daytime hours! that's kind of a big deal... because most market vendors are burning the candle at both ends until the final hour. true story.

that being said.. i've got a new item in my booth making their debut in this weekend's market! here's a sneak peek... and the exciting part? there's a pattern to come!! i hope to release it next week for you lovely knitters. xoxo

but i think the biggest tip i can give, is to have lots of fun. you've done the best job you can of planning, preparing, creating, etc. the market will be what it will be. just have fun and enjoy the ride!

and don't forget i've got that special promotion to those of you shopping at my booth! might as well pick up something for yourself while you're shopping for others... no? xo

i sure hope to see you there! if you're coming, please make sure to come by my booth to say hi. i love meeting all of you! it's one of the highlights of my day ;)

and what are you up to this weekend? any holiday shopping? are you hitting up a craft fair or two? i'd love to hear about it! come chat. xoxo


shameless plug

let me just say that this cold going around is a doozy. seriously it knocks you right over. and dammit it's hard to get any progress done. but i'm happy to say that i think i'm over the worst of it. hurrah!
and with only a few days left! eek! but i've gotten some things done and ready for the big first market of the season for me... i've decided to run a little promotion on my booth!

i've been knitting up these adorable christmas-sy mug hugs like it's nobody's business but the elves. (umm that could be a saying, right?) totally.
it's mayehm here. the good kind. yarn everywhere. christmas tunes playing, even the tree and all other decorations are up. (save for the stockings.... i've been dearly reminded many times already by a certain 4 year old to get on knitting his.. lol) .... my little man has even started his letter to santa, and plans for many batches of chrsitmas cookies.
i love this time of year. and now hopefully that i'm feeling much better, i can fully enjoy it!  this is such a busy weekend for so many of us! thinking of our neighbours in the south on your thanksgiving holiday. my sister and hubby and their kiddos are in virginia... she's proudly told me she's made 5 pies! they will have such a feast. and with my folks driving out, and my cousin flying out... i'm a little jealous... but excited to see the pics. xo
and i know that this weekend will be a busy one up at all decked out! such a buzz about it already! hurrah! i'm so excited for it! if you go, please stop by my booth even just to say hi! i love meeting all of you... and this crafting community rocks. so there's that too...
and then only a week after that, will be the owl designer fair! so please come to that too.. it's gonna rock! fo-realz. i'll be there on the saturday, in the studio... so make sure you come and say hi!

my needles have been flying, in fact they're on fire! when i say i work best while under pressure and with deadlines, i'm not kidding. hurrah! i can't wait to show you pics of the mock up... and of course of the real thing!
and there's the uber exciting thing too.. nook can now accept visa, mastercard & paypal. so let's get that christmas shopping underway! i'm excited to see you! xo

are you planning on attending any holiday craft fairs this year? which ones? what is on your needles right now? do you have a long handmade christmas list staring at you? what are you tackling first? share share! my queue could always get longer.. i'm ok with that ;) xoxox


chevy love

i while back ago, i did a test knit for knitterella....
and i thought maybe it's about time i shared that with you :)

this is the chevron stripe. i did the small version, because... well i was a bit short on time :) with the longer version, you'd have another colour to throw in to the mix...

at first i was a little nervous that this was going to look a little too "army" but you know.. i really like these colours together!

i used sweet georgia yarns cashluxe fine. and let me tell you.. it's so soft!

if you've not tried colourwork before, this is a great first project. i found it really easy to find my place quickly, if i had to put the project down.... and the pattern is really well written :)

if you want to see more of my notes, head on over to my ravelry page :)

i love that there are so many possibilities for this pattern. the colours you choose can change the whole look of it!

do you want to knit one? you can find the details and purchase the pattern here.

and if you'd like to check out more of her patterns.. you should :) you can find more about knitterella (and all of her fabulous talents) here.

thanks, jill for having me as one of your test knitters!

the post is a bit late today, but you should see my work space right now with market prep. lol! what are your weekend plans? are you knitting? crocheting? i bet you are... because well you know, there's a little holiday coming up... ;) xo


'tis the season

.... of complete crafting chaos.

it really is. and i know all of you fellow crafters are probably feeling the pinch right about now ;) am i right? i'm right. i know it. ;)

well at least i'm in the midst of complete crafting chaos. and that is the main reason for my quiet-ness on the blog...

in only a week and a half (exactly) i have the beginning of 2 holiday markets this year! 2 doesn't really sound like a big deal, i know... i've got a friend who's actually got a market every weekend it seems, for like 5 weeks! i don't know if it's really 5... i can't remember, but it's a lot!

however i feel like these 2 markets coming up are a big deal to me... because knitting is just really time consuming... it's one of the things i love about knitting, but it's a little more difficult in having a ton of stock.. ha. soooo here i am trying to have over-stock, because i want to have lots on my table at both markets...

it's a good plan :) but it means that i'm doing mostly knitting and crocheting these days...  and i couldn't be happier being busy with this... i've also got some fantastic custom orders to fill....and oh yah, aren't there christmas gifts i should be knitting??  like i said.. 'tis the season!

i'm also working on a couple of surprises that i'm excited to share with you!! i promise i haven't forgotten about you amazing people... and i'm still here at the computer, listening to podcasts, and music... reading your posts... and knitting feverishly away ;) so please understand if my posts are a little bit sporadic these days... it's mostly because i've been attacked by yarn. :)

i'd love to hear how you are doing! what are you up to? what's on your christmas knitting list? is it long? are you fitting any selfish knitting in there? please come chat! xo


current obsession...

as if i really have time to knit this right now... because i really don't.

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

but here's the thing... i can't stop thinking about it. i suppose that's what obsession is... but you know... just how cozy does this look?

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm waiting on the perfect yarn for it though. so it's ok. i'm not exactly casting on for it right now... which is a good thing... because i really don't have the time to ... but hopefully soon!!

the deets?
pattern: redy by ankestrick. ... her username is fallmasche. i actually love so many of her designs. this one in particular just screams "me" though... it's so my style! i'm sure i'll be knitting many of her patterns though. and her pictures are all just stunning, don't you think?

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

it looks so incredibly wearable... and man i would totally wear it. every.single.day. and i would knit it in a bright colour.. i really would.

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

anyhow, that's what i've been obsessing over while knitting for the booth, customs, and christmas knitting... oh and the aidez kal. ;)

what about you? what's on your needles? any current obsessions? i'll be taking an extra long weekend  here. lots of knitting that needs to be done, and i've got my beautiful sister in law coming to visit today. monday is also a holiday for us. as we take some extra time to remember those who fought for us. xo


heaps of knitting.....

this is what's pretty much going on here... non-stop!...why? because i've got a market coming up!!

the house is surrounded by vast amounts of yarn, and i have the most patient little boy ever. it has to be said. of course, he does have some extra requests of things for me to knit.... like a christmas stocking... making me busier than ever, but i don't mind....
this of course explains why i've been a bit quieter than usual on the blog, and in ravelry groups as well...

i get so excited for winter markets, and this year will be my first "real" year of winter markets. hurrah!!!

the facebook event can be found here. and i honestly would be beyond excited if you could come! please be sure to stop my my booth and say hi!

so in the next little while, (as i have just over 2 weeks until this fantastic event) you'll probably be hearing about market prep, and any new exciting things being added to the booth, and the etsy shop! hurrah! (and maybe a few extra goodies!)... 'tis the season!

are you a market seller? a market shopper? what are the things you love most about holiday markets? let's chat... i'll make apple cider ;) xo


from the coast.....

i believe i promised you a post of an f.o :)

this is a test knit i did for by annie claire. and i have to say, i have knit this with the softest yarn ever. i loved the whole process of knitting this shawl.

i love the simple beauty to this pattern. and it even used a few new (to me) techniques!
garter knitting is one of my fave looks these days... and i really think that this yarn showcases the stitch beautifully.

i knit this with 2 skeins of cascade eco duo, an organic yarn... 70% alpaca... 30% merino... and like i said, it's the softest yarn ever! i used the colourway almond smoke.

this pattern will be available really soon, and trust me, you'll want to knit it! it's such a lovely shawl to wear. and would make incredible christmas gifts too! note though, i used every bit of 2 skeins... with only a little to spare at the end.. make sure you do your gauge swatch on this one, even though it's an accessory. :)

annie calls this coastal fog... i love it! it's really the perfect name for it. it's so soft, fluffy, warm, and just luxurious! the pattern will be available soon! you'll want to keep an eye out for it for sure!

annie not only designs amazingly beautiful patterns, but she's got a beautiful line of yarns which she dyes organically. this girl also knows how to professionally shear sheep too! annie wanted to become more connected to the yarn that she loves to knit with and wanted to make that connection easier for us.... seriously, she inspires me so much!

to find out more about annie and to know just when the pattern will be released, you can find all things by annie claire here :

i'd love to know what you're up to today! i'm fully surrounded by yarn, and i'm as happy as a clam being this busy. i heart knitting season. it's the best, complete with teas, lattes, good company, and much much yarn. what are you working on ? xoxo


ready for winter

i am very excited for the winter season.

aka knitting season. it's one of my most favourite times of the year! this absolutely stunning photograph is by erwin loewen. i love his work. and his passion for photography coupled with his sheer talent makes for some incredible work. make sure you take a look at his sites. you'll be blown away.

doesn't she look so cozy in the marian cowl? love it! thank you so very much erwin for including some of my hand-knits in your photo shoots. my smile couldn't be bigger right now :)
the marian cowl will be listed in the shop very very soon. just have a colour chart to create...
and there are many colours available!

keep a close eye on the shop! these will make fantastic gifts, and treats for yourself in this cold, damp, wintery season. have any questions or want to get an order in early? just send me a line, and we'll chat!

happy weekend knitting dear friends! xo


stockings!.. a round-up of sorts ;)

and just like that we are into a new month! the de-cobwebbing has already begun here (i like to get it done straight away), and i'm hoping to create some order before the chaos of christmas decorating and planning get underway...

november always surprises me with how fast it fills up. not with the christmas parties and such, but with the creating, and gift planning... and i'm sure this year will be no different. :) i've got 2 winter markets coming up... custom orders to fill, and my sweet boy has asked me to knit him a stocking this year. and then there are other gifts to consider too ;) (ahem, i do have a sweet new nephew due to arrive shortly after christmas)...

so let the planning begin, and the yarn shops visited ;) this month will be a busy one indeed! so while we're all getting our notepads out, our pencils sharpened... and our caffeine fix... want to see some of my fave finds of christmas stockings?
sure. why not :)

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

that first pic kind of falls under advent calendar planning, i think... but it's lovely and if i could ever find the time to do something like that i probably would. :)  and these colourful stockings remind me of the whos from the grinch. am i the only one? haha. you can find the pattern on ravelry for them here.

these ones are also super sweet. but it seems they were ones to purchase online somewhere. that link is gone now :( i'm sure if we wanted to design something along the same lines though, we could figure something out.. no?also, the fact that they include knitted toys in the pic is priceless... just my kind of stocking ;)

Source: purlbee.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i really do thinks stripes are always a safe bet too... and the purl bee has a great pattern! you can find it here.
personally, i'm a big fan of stripes (in case you didn't know). and they make for easy peasy stockings with that splash of colour. realistically, i'll probably knit up a striped one... it just fits in more with my time frame, you know?
a couple of years ago, i did a custom order for a stocking, and i love the way it turned out. very dr. seuss like :)

i used the pattern, knitted christmas stockings by joy green. it was a cinch to knit. and it just may be my go-to pattern for this year. what do you think? you like? i knit this with lion brand's vanna's choice solids and twists.... and a 5mm needle. check out my rav page on it here.

what about you? will you be tackling knitted christmas stockings this year? what are your fave patterns? do you have a tried and true one that never fails? do share! i want to be ready this year ;) xo
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