

it's going to be a little crazy this week, as my man is working nights, so we're trying to pack all of our fun little errands in the morning. haha. and i totally wasn't prepared for it today, and this is why the post is so late.

my weekend was lovely, but a quick one! tell me, why is it that weekends always go by in a blurr? hahah. though i didn't get quite as much knitting done as i wanted, i was able to spend lots of time outdoors. i had a lot of fun on the run. owen and les were the best supporters! and i've already registered for another race!
it's only 3 weeks away, i'll be doing a 10k and owen will be doing a fun run. it's his first race, and he's so very excited!

i can hardly believe that we're already into june!! i've got lots of knitterly goals... let's hope i reach them! and of course, i'll share them with you too :) first up that pendulum has to be done by the 7th! can i do it?

what was your weekend like? i'd love to know how you're doing! tell me, what's on your needles? and what are your summer plans? xoxoo


  1. I like your photo! ><
    I have two exams this week so I was studing in the weekend,...
    but my needles, don´t stop, i m finishing the skew sock.
    and the next sock are norwegian rose sock, from Wendy D. Jonshon.
    I like knit sock.

    1. thank you so much! good for you for all of the studying! i'm also getting into sock knitting! i found the skew pattern to be so different, hey? have you seen mine? http://inanook.blogspot.ca/2012/02/sometimes-i-surprise-myself.html
      i'm trying to always have a pair of socks on the needles this summer... we'll see how i do :) i can't wait to see yours!!
      have a great week! xo

    2. ohhh!!
      they are a very beautiful socks!!!!!
      I´m agree with you, is a different pattern!! ><
      Happy day!!!!


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