
pretty coffee...

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm currently on the lookout for a decent french press... and while i've been looking into brands, sizes, quality, prices...etc etc i get sidetracked... of course... but by what?

well cozies... for the french press...

ha. i don't even have one yet, but i'm already thinking about how i'd dress it.. do i have a problem?

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

you tell me :)

do you have any favourites in terms of french presses? i'm open to all tips.. also.. what about cozies? haha. let's set our priorities... right? come chat! i love your company... and your thoughts. xo


stress-relief :)

i know i've been saying lately that i'm busy but... holy cow!!! i honestly have to focus to figure out what day it actually is... i feel like i'm already asleep when my bed hits the pillow at night, and in the blink of an eye (it seems) the alarm is going off to wake us up in the early mornings.
but it's all worth it... and soon i can show you what it's all for!
and i can't tell you how grateful i am that we have family here visiting and that they can help us out... they have to go in 2 more days.. but we're sure grateful and lucky that they're still here during this busy time!

so i tend to get stressed a bit when this kinda busy schedule goes down... i figure today is as good a day as any to get lost in some serious pinterest crushes....
don't tell me this isn't a good idea.. you know it totally is ;)
lately i'm crushing on:

finding the perfect afghan pattern...


i'm feeling nostalgic and having an afghan would be such a hug from the past, no?

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and i've gotta say, i'm loving the browns and oranges. hello. i'm living in the wrong decade. 

i also can't get enough of cozy cardis lately...

and i'm honestly loooving this yellow. i'd mostly wrap myself up in it along with a good book, and the perfect knitting project.. probably by a crackling fire... yeah... that would be relaxing! (and please, let's not forget the wine)
and one other thing i've been crushing on... buntings...

they are so portable, and the brighten up any spot.. don't you think?
Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

yes. i love them :) and i think i should be making some....
 and now, with my second cup of coffee in hand, i'm feeling more ready to tackle the day!

how are things going with you today??
what's you're go-to stress reliever. i know i'm not the only one who pops onto pinterest for some inspiration and daydreaming :) come chat. tell me your current crushes today!  xo


weekend goodies!

how was your weekend? did you enjoy a holiday weekend? i feel like we've been packing every bit of fun (and not so fun) into our days now. so busy!

i had a hankering for thrifting this weekend... and i made it happen :) i'm so fortunate to have the inlaws in town, and they took my little man to "hot-donalds" for lunch, so mama could focus in the thrift store. i haven't done that in a while. i wish i had more time though. i had only hit up one shop! i did enjoy a private sushi lunch though.. that was so nice :)
but to the deets.. want a sneak peek? there was a reason for the desired thrift shop spree... (and i'm not quite done yet).... i've discovered i'm gonna need a few things this summer...
 can you guess the reason why i'm stocking up... it will be fun :)

of course, i managed to get in some knitting... and i'm loooving this yarn. gah. it's madelinetosh merino dk. and it's heaven. well it's plaid blanket... but heaven too :)

i'm working on the honey cowl. i've had this in my que for ever... and it's time i did it already :) this is a very quick and easy knit. and i'm loving the texture it's bringing to this already fabulous yarn.

i have only one skein... but if i just make the cowl narrower it will work just fine.... see?
yah. pretty...

i've also got a little something something blocking...

haha i'm starting to sense a bit of a woodsy theme here. like the colours?
now i'm off to run more errands. it never ends! lol

how was your weekend? are you looking forward to the warmer months ahead? did you get any crafting done on the weekend? i'd love to hear about it! come chat. xo


weekend weekend!!!

so happy it's friday! and it's beautiful out!!!

here's hoping for a weekend full of:

 oh yeah. that there is an orange creamsicle smoothie. i need to try this out. yummmm..

and definitely some knitting... probably in the form of:

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i've got me some yellow sock yarn... and i'm looking to knit me some socks. perfect warm weather knitting, indeed!
honestly! the weather is ah-mazing... and i'm ready for some refreshments and relaxation aka knitting.. anyone wanna come yarn shopping with me?

what are you up to this weekend? anything you've been looking forward to all week? even though it was a short week for us.. i am sure happy it's friday! clearly..  :) come chat. i'll make you a smoothie. xo


for the sake of cuteness....

Source: veetje.be via Rebecca on Pinterest

it's always hard to know what to get excited about knitting in summer, isn't it? yes.. i realize we're not at summer yet... but you know, warmer weather usually slows things down for us knitters...

and i would looove for things to be just as hopping in the spring and summer (interest wise) as they are in the fall and winter....
and i can't stop thinking about toys.

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

they are the cutest... the cuddliest.. the squishiest... and full of colour. no?
and they're cute. (i know.. i said that already)...

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and i always thought i hadn't had a lot of experience with toys... but it turns out, i have made a few :) and i have to say... it's an addictive path.... so you know, i'm just warning you. ;)

remember this guy? he's a creation of rebecca danger's designs.. louie the lovebot

these were a labour of love for sure... dollies for my nieces. the pattern is: sally, the eco fairy

this little guy is sooo cute.. i've made two three of them. pattern: lamb by susan b. anderson

 this guy gets a lot of love around here... the pattern is sheldon by ruth homrighaus

and these guys... oh geez. i have such a crush on them. and so does everyone else! because i need to stock many more of them ;) the pattern? bunny nuggets by rebecca danger (who else?)

 there are more... but i think you get the idea... toys are addictive, and so fun to make! and really, they make the best gifts... did i mention that they're the cutest?

so what about you? are you a fan of knitting and crocheting toys? do you have a favourite pattern? i'd love to hear about it! xo


ummm... busted....

i need to ask a favour.. i need you to bear with me ;) i am so awesome, that i bashed my face into a metal awning pole. ha. my face is fine, but my glasses (that i really need, or else i am  useless) are busted.

for real. and right now, i am dawning the uber taped-up glasses look, just to get through this post. ha! i am pretty sexy if i don't say so myself....
i've been wearing some contacts for the last couple of days... but my contacts have been irritating my eyes lately... and they need a break now. (at least for as long as i am not in public... these taped up beauties are for special people only)
but if i had these??

i would sooo rock these...

and so now the real test is here... can i still knit? ;) you bet your stitches i can. dude, i would never not knit.
i have something to show you soon. just as soon as i can get pictures taken...
but while family is still here visiting, i've been trying to fit in all of the knitting i can!

what? tell me you don't think these are kinda cool....

so tell me, how was your weekend? it couldn't have topped mine.. .. you know with the face hitting the metal pole part... did it? xo


finally friday!

ohmy i am so excited for it to be the weekend :) i had a great week! but it was chalked full. here's hoping for a little bit of relaxation time...
sooo what's been on my mind lately:
a little nook (what have you) to steal away to and be quiet in... to knit with my fave coffee by my side...

this would be bliss! no? :)
i've been seeing stripes lately... it's a good thing! and i am already looking forward to being able to talk about it... but for now it's a secret... shhhhhh (i know, i'm such a tease)

it's a long weekend! wahooo!!! and the weather has been incredible lately! sure, it's supposed to start raining, but not until at least halfway through the weekend, and i'm ok with that. rainy days are cozy, and perfect too.... great for playing games... and speaking of games, i've been reminded of a classic childhood game, that i'm now obsessing over. i have to pick one up for my little!
remember this?

oh the memories! this game was so fun, but terrifying at the same time! lol. and for those of you who don't remember, it's called perfection.  and you should seriously consider playing it. but be warned... it's addictive, and loud. ;)

i'm really looking forward to this weekend. i'm hoping to relax, and to knit a little bit like a crazy person. (haha). there are lots of things happening around the area... a rodeo, the highland games, a parade... i'm sure we'll have a ton of fun no matter what we do.

what do you have planned for your weekend? are you going camping? knitting? umm obsessing over perfection now, and have to go buy one? lol. wishing you a wonderful weekend, full of laughs, squeals, knitting, and caffeine... and sunshine. xoxo


summer classes!

want one?

better yet... want to knit one yourself??
i've been a busy bee getting all of the knitting and crochet summer classes ready at the cloth castle.
we've got a lot in store, and i'm super excited about this class list!

if you've ever wanted to learn to knit, the summer time is a great time to learn! by the time fall rolls around, you'll be ready to tackle all of the warm wooly goodness to knit up for friends and family as gifts!

there will be an intro to knitting class offered, as well as the beginner knitting, level 2 where you'll knit this beautiful fitted jacket:

we'll be knitting socks:

and one of my fave sweaters ever!


(for real... i've knit two of them now) this pattern is incredible, because it covers a huge range of sizes... all to fit each "body" like a glove. jane richmond, you're a rockstar for designing this!


a simple crochet baby blanket:

and let's not forget the most adorable monsters ever ;)

i have a feeling they'll be a fave ;) how can you not fall in love with any of rebecca danger's patterns?

want to know more of the details? click on the link below to take you to the list of classes, with all details. you can print it out, or go in to the store to pick up a copy.

register early to make sure you have a spot in the class! it's also a great way to meet your knitting and crochet community! you'll make some great friends, and have so much fun in the classes! i can't wait to see you! also to keep up to date on the classes, check out my "classes" tab at the top of the screen :)

so.. what are you doing this summer? knitting as much as i am?  i'd love to chat! please share. xo


tops, tanks & tees progress!

i blinked, and it's wednesday again! these days are going by in a blurr. but i'm happy to report, i've made progress on my gemini! wahooo!

every time i work on this project, i'm loving the linen more and more. i have to say that for my first experience in knitting with 100% linen, this has been great! i would totally do it again.

it's also a bonus that now we're into our hot summer weather, the linen doesn't feel at all too warm to knit with. the project remains light and small. loove it!

i'm excited to announce that i'm only a few short inches away from the ribbing on the body! though i think i might make the top a tad longer... we'll see. i did try it on a few days ago, and i'm excited! (sooo wish i were knitting this on my knit picks though... it took a while to put the sts on scrap yarn and then put them back on the needles... ) ah well.. always worth it to make sure you are getting the gauge, and size you desire... never not try your top on...

..and the back..

i'm just excited to see how this will look after a proper washing. i have to admit that one of the things i'm really looking forward to is the fact that blocking the linen will be a breeze. i will just literally chuck it in the wash. when i washed my swatch, i even had it in the dryer until it was almost dry.. then let it air dry the rest of the way. how easy is that!? and it's sooo soft!

and even with having to have other wips on the needles, i just might get this baby done by the deadline!

don't forget to post your progress on our ravelry group page, as well as in the luvinthemommyhood flickr group! we looove seeing your beautiful work! and remember you have to have entered and to have started a project in order to be eligible for the giveaway at the end of the knit along. :) if you haven't entered yet, go ahead and enter here:

the deadline is may 23rd, 2012

how are you doing with the kal? are you happy to see your progress? have you ever knit with linen before?  i know some of you are on your second and even third tops! wowza! kudos to you!!! grab your coffee, and let's chat knits, ladies! xo
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