

i can't tell you how happy i am to see you here! today is a special day to me, because it's kind of like my grand opening :) !!! i hope you'll like this space, and will come back to visit often. it's fun here. we can chat about lots of knitting, and baking, and really anything that strikes our fancy. though, it must be said, that's usually a yarn related topic for me ;) i can't help it. haha.

feel free to kick off your shoes (after all, it feels like summer today so we might as well go barefoot), and take a little look around. there's lots to see.. don't forget to check out my shop!

stay a little while, and we'll have cake.... virtually anyways ;)

thanks for coming by to say hello! feel free to leave comments for me, i love love hearing from you! invite your friends and we'll have a mini party today. :) i like that.

how is your day going? do you have any exciting plans for the long weekend? i'd love to hear about it! what do you hope to find here on nook? what would you love to read about and chat about? send me a comment! it always makes my day hearing from you.


  1. Cool Blog! I expect to get cake like that all the time from now on... :)

  2. hee hee :) thank you dear husband <3 but really, you don't want that cake... do you? sigh.. i do too :)


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