
it's been a while....

... and there is a reason for it. I am sad to say that my grandpa passed away.

there was a whirlwind trip. and consequently, no work was done. but that's ok. it was so wonderful to see my family. we don't get very many opportunities to see eachother, and this was so very welcome. i took owen with me, but unfortunately the hubs couldn't join us, as he had to sail. we all missed him too.

this was  a wonderful opportunity for family to see owen again, and for some of them to meet him for the first time!
we all miss grandpa so very much. he was really the patriarch of our family. such an amazing man, and he certainly left a legacy. grandpa and i were very close, and exchanged many letters over the years. i am the oldest of his grandchildren.

although we miss him very much, we celebrate his life and what we have to remember him by. these photos are of our family cottage. one of my most cherished places to visit, and holds many memories of my grandpa.

i am home now though! and it is good to be back, and sleeping in my own bed again! so please bear with me as i play catch up this next week. lots of things to do! i'm working on a pressie for all of you crafty bloggers, and also preparing for my knitting class next week. we're doing a yummy cabled sweater.

date night didn't in fact happen, then.. so i have great plans that it WILL happen soon. we are lucky to have the hubs' folks out, so we'll have to sneak away for some couple time.

i'm already getting kind of excited :) date nights are great, aren't they? we really rarely go out, so this will be such a treat, and i think pretty important.

how are you doing? taking some special time for yourselves?

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