
run fast... knit faster !

how was your weekend?
mine was awesome :) i actually ran my first 10k.

i have to say i'm proud of myself, i did it in 58:08 and i'm already excited already for the next one in june. so between now and june, i'm working on speed training, thanks so much to my running mentor. honestly i wouldn't have been able to embrace running the way i do if it wasen't for her. she's the best. :)

and i immediately have to get back into the schedule of life again :) i have the mother's day craft fair this upcoming weekend. and goodness i'm looking forward to it :) so many cute little creations happening here. i can't wait to show you! but this also means, my knitting has to be faster than lightening. ;)

Source: google.co.uk via Sarah on Pinterest

and the plan is to have the spring cleaning finished in less than 2 weeks. yes, finished. we've got some serious organizing to do. i feel like i'm living in a constant state of chaos these past few days... (good chaos mind you.. but more like there's not enough time in the day).. you've been there, i know it.
so i'm super ready for this busy week.
my needles will be flying, my legs will be pumping, and my house will clean itself. ;) right?

tell me, what do you have going on this week? let's encourage eachother to get through our weeks being as productive as possible, shall we? :) now... i have another cup of coffee to pour. (my third). haha. and some serious knitting to tackle. wanna chat today? i'm all ears! oxox


tell me you're excited!

i've promised you something for 2 days now.... and now someone wants to say hi...

remember the big stack of yarn i showed you? well it's quickly taking form! i'll be having an official "summer classes" post with all of the details... but in the meantime, i thought you might like a few peeks. no?

i'm loving all of the spring colours i'm seeing, and i'm getting so excited about the classes i'll be offering! you're getting excited too, i know it. because how can you not be excited by something so cute?

hahaha. yeah. cute indeed.  and not only have i been working on class samples for you, but don't forget i've got a craft fair happening in a week! what, me busy? never. ha.

one class i'm excited about is the sock class this summer. i honestly think that everyone should have a pair of socks on the go. they're so light, you can do whatever you want... and perfect warm-weather knitting. really, there are no arguments here.  and i'm just swooning over the yarn options. you all know i'm a big fan of sweet georgia....

seriously. pretty. yarn. gah. i love. the yarns pictured are the ginger, and cypress...

so happy for the weekend! but i'll be just as busy on the weekend as during the week :) i tell myself though,  you reap what you sow. hard work will always pay off! you just have to keep at it.

i'm so sad to be missing out on knit night this week, as well as our sew modern meet-up... :( i've got my 10k race on sunday! and since the race starts at 8am, knit night will keep me up too late. i always come home hopped up on coffee, and never ready to sleep until way after midnight. haha. i love my knit night girls. i'll still be knitting on saturday, of course... but just at home, when i can hopefully go to bed early ;)
i've also got a little more gardening to do! i've picked up more herbs! yippee!

what are you up to this weekend? though mine is busy, it's full of the most excellent work. family time, gardening, yarn, coffee, running... yes... only thing missing are my knit night girls... but i will make up for that. i surely will. xo


click click click....

that's the sound of my needles and hooks just working away!
i'm gonna have to defer the sneak peak until tomorrow, friends! i'm honestly working up a storm, and  need to keep on truckin'! i know you'll understand though.

tell me, what are you working on today? are your needles and hooks starting to smoke like mine? or are are you a little more sane? ;)
i'd love to hear how you're doing! xo


tops, tanks & tees!

yes! i actually have cast on. ;) despite no one seeing any pictures, and the fact that i have a thousand other things to knit. hahaha (upcoming market and class samples! yippee!)
and here's the proof.

and i have to tell you, i'm loving loving how this linen is working up. i feel like this is the perfect project for it!
the only downside to this project for me, (well no there are 2). one.. i wish i could devote more time to it on a daily basis... but i do have other deadlines that are taking huge priority right now... i bet i'll have something to show you tomorrow... and two... i sooo wish i could be knitting this on my interchangeables. but with the gauge i get, i am working on a 3mm needle. i know i could probably order a 3mm tip from a different company, but i'm not going to... so that means for trying on the top... that's right. scrap yarn. boo urns.
oh well. i'll be patient with myself for that. in the meantime though, i love everything else about this! and i'm already really looking forward to wearing my gemini!

i am so inspired by all of you in the kal. i can't believe some of you are already on your second top! wahoo! you go! i really hope i'll be able to join you on the numbers game! but for now, i have to just remind myself to breathe;)
tomorrow i promise to show you a little of what's making me almost panic knit in my sleep;)

how are you doing in the kal? is your que growing exponentially like mine? ;) come chat! i love looking up from my chaos of a yarn life right now to convo with you! xo



i just looked at the calendar, and i realized that we are in our last week of april! when did that happen!? i told you a little while back that i had some exciting news to share... well let me tell you now before it's up and happened, and becomes something of the past ;) haha.
i'm selling at another craft fair! and it's in less than two weeks. this will explain why i'm a little bit scatterbrained these days. haha.
want to know the deets? and for you locals, come visit!

i knew this event was coming up soon... just didn't really let it regestier how soon. so please excuse me while i knit like there's no tomorrow, stopping for cuddles, and coffee only. ;)

what do you have going on today? are you side by side with yarn and needles? are you getting the spring weather? or like some parts of canada, snow?! (i know! crazy!) ... we're having nice weather, luckily ;) come chat! i'd really love to hear how you're doing, and what you're up to! xo


green thumb?

wowza. last week and the weekend just went by so so fast. seriously. in a blink of an eye, and it's monday again. and boy oh boy, do i ever hope this week moves at a slightly slower pace ;)
we filled the weekend straight up! and we even managed to stay slightly organized. ha. and now i have a lovely little garden space to relax in! :) ... yes i actually got some gardening in! (well planting, really) ;)

i'm a balcony gardner (as some of you already know)... and i really long for a yard. but i'm grateful that i can have some outdoor space anyways. there have been a few appartments in the past where balconies were out of the question... and this space is the first balcony where we can even have a bbq! and the wind isn't ripping through, so we can actually stay out there without freezing our butts off ;)
i don't get the sun though. and after 2 years of trying tomatoes, i've had to just admit it's not going to work here... next home hopefully!  so this has become my herb garden!

let me tell you, it smells lovely! digging in the dirt just does a body good :) i'll probably add more basil, since i go through that like it's nobody's business, and there are still hanging baskets that will eventually go up.... but i'm really happy with how it's looking so far :)

and did you see what little pressie came in the mail for me? haha! i love it!

it's totally me. no? this lovely mug comes from winemakerssister. my pal brea thought of me, and sent this my way :) i love it! any knitterly gift that includes coffee is tops in my book! thanks so much brea! xo
i've also picked up several skeins of yarn... they've got a purpose, and i can't wait to show you what they are!

 i guess i'd better get knitting... probably out on the balcony. :)

i declare this to be a perfect stress-free space. wanna come over? 

how was your weekend? was it full of sunshine? did you get to play in the dirt? what's on your schedule for this week? what are your fave herbs to have fresh? i'd love to hear from you! xo


is it really friday??

do you promise???

honestly this week has flown by. it's been a while since we've been this busy! there has been something up every day. and a lot of evenings too. this coffee has not kicked in yet....

i wish i could say this weekend will be nice and relaxing... haha. nice, yes.. it will be very nice... but it will be busy! we have two birthday parties to go to! to say my little man is excited is an understatement :) .. i'm kind of excited too ;)

apart from the birthday parties though, and the regular weekend stuff... i hope to get some relaxing in  :)
knitting, bbqing, cuddling, playing in the park, going for runs, more knitting....i'm hoping to cast on for a new project..(and that means i've got an F.O to show you soon!)..  yeah, this weekend can't get here fast enough!

bring it.

what is on your plate this weekend? will your yarn and needles keep you company? mine most certainly will! come chat! i love your company. you always make my day :) xo


bring it! :)

i think that by now you all know that i thrive on being busy. and it seems that the busier i get, the more excited i get about what's on my plate.

haahaa, well guess what? more just got added to my plate! i'm excited about it, and i can't wait to tell you what it is... but until everything is finalized you're gonna have to be patient.

so in the meantime, while i play major catch-up today with my knitting, and bread baking, and kiddo cuddling....  i thought i'd share some of my current springtime crushes. because we can all use a little inspiration, and colour, no?

Source: topshop.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm off to create today! we are totally out of regular bread loaves...  what are you up to? do you have any favourite bread recipes you always fall back to? what's on your needles? how has your week been so far? 
i'd love to know what you're up to. come chat.. i'm gonna go make more coffee :) xo


sneak peek!

i have been a busy little bee... we're introducing some new classes in the summertime at the cloth castle, and i've been working up a storm to get these samples done!!

it's gonna be an exciting summer! and for those of you who reeeaaallly want to learn to knit, do not worry, we've decided to do the learn to knit series again in the summer. that way you'll be full on ready to be knitting yourself a smooshy cozy sweater when the cooler weather hits! yessssss.... and you can totally join in the fun of our knit alongs! again, yesssssss. :)

i'm honestly really excited about the summer classes. and i hope you are too! as soon as we've figured out the schedule for classes, you'll be the first to know :) and it will be up on the cloth castle's website too!

if you live in the area and you're totally interested in taking any classes but can only attend at specific times, let me know! we'll try to work with you to make it happen :)

hrmm i bet you thought this was going to be about the tops, tanks & tees kal. well i have some frustrating news. i haven't cast on yet?! whhhaaaaaa??? it's true. i re-did the swatch, as you know... for the gemini, out of my luuurvly linen.. and i figured i needed to knit the body in a 3mm... but then i realized that i didn't in fact have a 2.75mm circ for cast on. bah. so i just cast on anyways with the 3mm. and then i twisted my stitches. le sigh.
haha do not worry, the gemini will be on the needles before day's end...

have you ever taken a knitting class before? are you wanting to learn new techniques? tips? what's on your needles right now? i'm very much in the mood to chat, and talk all things crafty... and caffeine... haha.. xo


the list.

so last night, i started a list of priority knitting. you all do that, right?  ;)  it was more of a list to just organize my thoughts and projects into what i could remember needed to be done...

ermmm do you see that only 1  thing is checked off???
i clearly have work to do it seems. ahem...
but you know what? in my crazy state, i totally think this list is very do-able. yeah, i said i was crazy ;) but i can't help myself. i have to make lists. it's what makes everything seem less daunting for me. i work things up to more than they really are when i haven't written it all down...but this list still seems pretty huge :)

tell me i can do this....  ;)
what are you up to today? is it a ton of knitting, like me? i'm also still working through the spring cleaning part of life too.... our house is a total disaster. ha.but i'm happy to report that a lot of stuff will be donated, i can almost taste the un-clutter, and the calm. sigh....

are you a list-maker too? i promise to have a little sneak-peak for you tomorrow! 
have a fab day! full of productivity! xoxo


press the "reset" button

i know i've mentioned this before, but a super awesome friend of mine told me once that mondays were like her fresh start days. clean slate, as it were... and ready to start off the week.. it's her "reset" button... she loves mondays. and ever since then, i've kind of had a different approach to my mondays. we're becoming friends again:)
the weekends are always busy and never super organized.. (i'm sure you can relate). and i've gotta say, i'm a habit of routine!

another thing that i thing i've mentioned before is..... i'm training for another race :) i had so much fun with the 5k and i felt so proud of myself, that i've registered for 2 10k's that are fast approaching! the first of these two is in less than 2 weeks.
but while i was on my run yesterday, i made sure to actually enjoy my surroundings. with the schedule that i'm on every sunday is my longer run days... and i end up taking new routes each week, because i'm adding more distance. this week i made sure to really look around while i ran (maybe that's a given to a lot of runners.. but i tend to get lost in my thoughts and not really be aware of the beauty around me... seriously, i get so lost in thought about knitting usually, and patterns i want to tackle.... prepping for markets.... deciding which classes to teach...)  and while i still thought about all of those things (who can't think about yarn..  and knitting... i mean really) i just made sure to look around a little more. and goodness, i just love where i live! i had gorgeous views of tree covered hills, mountains in the far background, clear blue skies, and the smells! the flowers are out, and the grass is growing!!oh yes, spring is here! yah, i totally enjoyed my run. and it made the distance thing not as hard.

Source: google.ca via Rebecca on Pinterest

and i kind of want to teach myself to do this in other areas of my life.. instead of getting all uber focused (which is good!buuut i can get a little obsessive... i blame it on my dutch roots) i want to also appreciate what's around me.

so i guess today i'm pressing "reset" and i'm just really going to enjoy the beauty and creativity around me. i still have to get stuff done, but it's ok. i'll enjoy it! i thrive on being busy. multitasking is just what i do... but having the reminder to take a break to enjoy what's around me is a very good thing indeed ;)

how was your weekend? was it full of the things you love? were you productive? busy? relaxed? i think i had a little of all of that mixed in. :) now i'm hoping i can remember to take the time to enjoy everything that's around me throughout my week as well!  here's to a very productive, and successful week! full of coffee, beautiful things, and the smells of spring!  tell me what you have going on! xo


it's the weekend! and we have a winner :)

i can't say how excited i am for such a wonderful response to the label love giveaway from inked papers. you guys are more than awesome.

and really, i don't know if there's a better way to start the weekend than to find out you're the winner of a gift certificate to inked papers lovely shop! well there might be a few awesome things that are up on that list, but winning is definitely up there too :)

so without any further ado, the winner chosen by random.org is..

# 45 sue@polliwogsinbloom "definitely fabric labels, for the little softies i plan to sell:)" polliwogsinbloom.blogspot.ca

congratulations sue! i'll be notifying michelle today and she'll be getting in touch with you! have fun spending your gift certificate! i have seen her stuffies, and goodness they are cute!!!

huge thank you to michelle for offering such a wonderful giveaway! i'm so glad you've all enjoyed perusing her etsy shop!

yep. this is a great way to start the weekend! and this weekend we have to super fun plans of spring cleaning on our plate. hahaha. oh geez. but we'll be more than happy when it's done :) i've promised the hubs beer and bbqing, so i think it should be a pleasant enough weekend. and i intend to get some beach-combing in as well if at all possible :)

this pic is from last year, but i love it.

i certainly plan on there being much knitting thrown into the mix as well. i've got a ton of new projects just itching to be made! some exciting news is that i'll be introducing some fabulous knitting classes in the summer! so i've got some samples to whip up! starting with socks. gotta always have a pair of socks in your bag this summer. don't you think?

what do you have planned for this weekend? will you be getting together with your besties to knit? will you be lighting up that bbq? cleaning? reading a favourite book? i'd love to hear about your weekend plans! and here's hoping for beautiful sunshine for everyone! happy weekend! xoxoxo


daydreaming a little...

you know, i'm pretty happy to be a part of the crafty ring. to find a hobby that has such a community of people supporting you is pretty stinkin' neat. and i'm not just talking about yarn and needles or hooks. (but it's totally included)  i'm talkin' about the whole crafty ring. it's awesome!

 i love how we support one another, be it in sewing, jewelry design, paper crafts, woodworking, gardening, weaving, spinning... all of it.
 i'm super happy to have all of you as my friends! thanks for encouraging me to pursuing my  ridiculous desire to craft... to create.... and to be happy doing what i do. and thanks for being the creative inspiration that i rely on! that helps me to keep on moving!
you guys are the best! xo

there's really not a whole lot i would change...

you know... except for the obvious. ;) haha i love that pic.
don't forget! today is the last day to enter the giveaway for inked papers! go to the link here. and also, if you live in the victoria, bc area, and need help with your knitting, there's a knit-in this friday! (yeah, tomorrow) . i'd love to see you! check out the cloth castle for more details. xo

are you daydreaming today? what's on your mind? what are you creating? did you enter the giveaway? come chat. there's always either coffee or tea, or both. xoxo


tops, tanks & tees knit along!!

today is the day! it's the big cast on for

 tops tanks & tees kal

 i know you are all so very excited about this kal. and for some of us, it's been incredibly hard not to cast on. hopefully that means, we've been spending that time swatching, and making sure we'll have proper fit to our amazing tops when it's done. :)

i am pleased to announce that i did re-swatch for the gemini, and i remembered what size of needle i used. i'm going with a 3mm for the body, which means a 2.75mm needle for the lace...whooo man thats a tiny needle! but it will soooo be worth it!

 how have you been doing with getting gauge? a lot of us are doing the gemini, and it's knit in the round. shannon has an excellent post up today about knitting in the round, and some tips that should come in handy with this knit along.

i can already picture myself wearing the gemini. and i'm so excited to be wearing linen! i bet it will be fabulous for the summer xo

 i have been so impressed, excited and inspired by the conversations that have been going on in the ravelry group! you ladies are on fire with pattern ideas and yarn options! i can't even begin to tell you how much i'm looking forward to seeing what you're all creating! goodness, there will be some lovely FO's being sported around. :)

want to join on in?

be sure to head on over to luvinthemommyhood to sign up for the kal. you must be signed up in order to qualify for prizes. (of course there are prizes!)

start date: april 11th, 2012 - but you can start any time before the end date...
end date: may 23rd, 2012 (the prize winners will be announced the following week)

and maybe you'd like to sport a button?? :) yippee! yeah, i know you do.
shannon is super talented with coming up with these buttons, and i know we all like to sport them on our blogs during the kals.


so grab your coffee, your fave spot to sit, grab those needles and hooks, and let's get clicking! i'm so very excited to see what you all create! xo


pow!! bam!!

is it tuesday already? i feel like over a week has gone by since i've been on this space. but i know that's totally not true...i guess that's what holidaying is like... well we didn't go anywhere... but you know... 4 day weekends, having the hubs home, and jam-packing in all the fun we can, while stuffing our faces and trying to remain active.... yeah that takes a lot out of you. ha i even had to request a nap or two!
but now it's time to get back into reality. and i seem to need a kick in the pants ;)

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

ha tell me i'm not the only one :)
i'm one who always seems to work better under pressure. i like it busy, so i seem to do my best to make things that way.
even though it's still only spring, i've got winter markets on the brain. gotta get to applying for them in the near future.
there's spring cleaning, preparing for classes, and training for a couple of 10k's. say what?!! so i think i need a bit of inspiration. i love reading things that make me want to keep on moving. keep on striving, and push through the murky days. not that today is murky, mind you... but i did eat a lot this weekend ;)

so i guess i'd better get creating! i have lots to show you this week! here's hoping i can remain productive! being productive also goes hand in hand with me having an organized space to work in. i've always been that way. so that's why the spring cleaning bug has hit me :) i feel like i just focus so much more when i have less clutter around. are you the same?
in other news....
aren't those fingerless mitts amazing? haha seriously too cool. the pattern is called fightin' words and it's by annie watts. and if you knit them up. you have to show me. but i also think i've just added them to my que ;) what? i have time.. i can fit it in, right? hahaha.

what's on your plate this week? are you feeling excited to tackle spring cleaning, and get some projects done? what's on your needles? any new schedules you're adjusting to? i'm just about to pour more coffee.. come chat! xo


happy easter! xo

easter has snuck up on us in this household. i mean, i knew it was coming... but with the hubs at sea, it just sort of magically appeared today. ha. so as i'm scrambling around trying to think of some fun activities for our little family to do over this holiday weekend, i'm wishing you a wonderful, chocolate-filled, easter dinner feasting, cuddle having, sport-filled weekend. xo


i'm hoping we'll hit the pool this weekend. and of course we'll be feasting:) what are you up to this easter weekend? can you spend it with family?xo


knitting away....

i've been working away at a little gift for a very cute little man. he's not my little man... i'm making the size 18 months...

and i'm making the larger size as he will grow into it, and i knew i'd be late in getting it done. and also... i'm hoping he'll slow down in the growing thing for a little while, so we can enjoy him wearing it ;) haha. though we'll see! i've been told he's already wearing 9 month sized clothing, and he was only born in january!

so far so good though. and i think he'll look very dapper indeed.
the pattern? gramps cardigan by kate oates. i'm knitting this in knit picks swish dk, and it's so very soft! this is the first time i've ever ordered yarn online.. and it's a scary thing for me, because i like to be able to touch the yarn before i buy it.. but i'm not disappointed in the least.  it helps that my knit night girls have all ordered from knit picks before, and i've seen their yarn :) haha.
i'm using a 3.5mm and a 4.0mm needle.
and so far... i love how it looks.
what do you think?

i started the first sleeve just the other day... and it's knitting up quickly. i've decided to magic loop it. i don't have 4.0mm dpns in the knit picks. and i'd really prefer to knit with my fave needles. wouldn't you?

sometimes i forget how much i enjoy doing cables... it's nice to be reminded of it. the next step will be to find the perfect buttons to go along with it... i want something kind of grown up.. to go with the gramps style.. ya know? any tips? any fave places to scope out for buttons??

what's on your needles these days? have you knitted this cardi before? once it's done, i'll have lots more notes to share, but in the meantime, let's just look at the pretty cables, ok? xo


tops tanks and tees kal.... are ya ready?

how are you doing in your search for the perfect pattern for our tops tanks & tees kal? any progress? as i had mentioned last week, i'll be doing jane richmond's gemini.

Source: knitty.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

it was a fairly easy decision for me because as soon as it was out in knitty.. (actually, truthfully before that) i knew i had to knit it up.
purchasing yarn is something i'm not doing a whole lot of these days.. i'm really trying to work through what i already have. my stash isn't the most impressive or huge by any means... (coughmisocraftycoughcough) ;) but i do have a stash... and a few years ago, i bought this linen... and several skeins of it.

this is montoya beach solid, by punta yarns. the colour is sage green. i've never knit with linen before. and i have to say i'm kind of excited about it! it's definitely different though. it looks so loose when i knit it up. because the loft isn't there... i had to wash and dry my swatch before actually measuring it.

a first for me.... and here's the kicker. i am so dumb. i didn't write down anywhere what size needle i used for the swatch. so while it's all pretty and everything.... and bang on for size... i have to do another one.
ha. it's ok though. because i've got time. something tells me that it's a 3mm though. i think i had to go down a full needle size. but i do remember talking to jane about it and saying that i really wanted to use my knitpicks.. hrmmmmm....

needless to say, before the kal has even started i have to do something over. hahaha. so my tip to you is.. write.down.any.and.all.mods. 'cause you'll forget. i just did. haha.

join up!

start date: april 11th, 2012
end date: may 23rd, 2012

head on over to luvinthemommyhood to sign up for the kal. and go check out her yarn choice for her gemini. it's gorgeous!  it makes me want to make sure i knit something up in a bright colour for this summer season! shannon's also got some great tips on getting gauge and choosing the right  yarn for your project. be sure to check it out!

so have you decided what you'll be knitting? do you think you'll knit more than one top? i do have another top in mind if i'm speedy enough.... but i'm honestly not holding my breath :) i'd love to hear how your progress is doing! xo


market talk

last weekend i did my second market! this was different from the last market, as it's springtime :) and not winter. haa.

i loved the challenge of trying to create items that would suit a spring market. because when you think wool, and knits... i gravitate to winter, and fall... it's good to be challenged. there were many oohs and aahs over the daisy bunting. loved making that! and almost all of the bunnies hopped away to a new home. as did a few other items. :)  i love learning new ways and techniques of trying to find the best way to market my product. my booth is still very new, and has a long way to go, but i'm enjoying every step of the way!

i just love the market atmosphere! and this one was pretty fun. one of the things i really liked was meeting other vendors...
there was so much talent at this event. and i really wish i had tonnes of money to burn. but then that could have been dangerous :)
i did walk away with a ring that i absolutely love. wanna see?

isn't it oh so pretty? this was designed and created by the talented janamade. she's a busy new mama, and she's starting to make an appearance in markets. funny thing, she's actually from my neck of the woods. but we had to go up island to meet. haha. i hope to see much more of her. she is super talented, and makes the most beautiful jewelry. i had crushes on lots all of her stuff! i have the "new ring" feel. you know, when you're newly engaged or just are sporting around something your fingers aren't used to wearing. it's making me gaze at it so many times. :) i love it!

i know that jana works with mostly silver and 14k gold. so it's really really good quality. she also had the coolest selection of leather earrings! honestly, this girl knows style.
i've been stalking her etsy shop, but since having her sweet boy, she's taken a vacay. she'll be reopening up the shop though, so i just have to be patient :) and by the looks of her most recent post on her blog, new things are a brewin'!  however, if you search under her sold items, you can see what's been hot. i know she's worked with custom orders too.

be sure to check out her flickr gallery to give you a great idea of what she creates. you can find all things janamade here:

make sure you head on over and show her some love! i am looking forward to seeing her at lots of markets :) yeah, the market atmosphere is so great! you just never know who you'll meet! and now that i've met jana, i bet i'll be sporting more of her goods by christmas. i just bet. :)

i had a lot of fun at this market, but i do think my product caters more towards fall and winter events... i do have one more summer market coming up that i'm excited about.. and i'll be chatting more about that as the time draws closer...

how about you? what is your fave thing about markets? do you make friends with the vendors like i do? are you planning on participating in many markets? how do you plan for them? do you bring extra moola with you to spend at other booths? xo


label love and a giveaway!

ever since they've been making their little appearances, i've gotten so many compliments. so i think it's time they had the spotlight.

i have always loved my labels. and they were the extra touch that made nook feel real, you know? and they've now become part of what makes me recognizable. i love it!

i found them on etsy. (of course) ;) these were fantastically made by michelle, who is the force behind

with a bachelors degree in fine arts and a diploma in graphic design, she brings so much to the table. i love the detail she puts into every bit of her shop. labels aren't her only thing either, she creates everything from announcements, and invitations to stickers, wine labels, and tags.
there is something here for everyone!

and this busy woman is a mama of 2! you know that adding a bit of fun to the mix is always important.  i mean hello! creating a postcard where the recipient can cut out and assemble a mini moving van? awesome! yes. i never would have thought of an interactive moving announcement.

i really do love her work. and i've always been so pleased with her service :)
and i've been realizing and am aware that you do too! so many of you have asked where i've gotten my labels, and that you are looking for some of your own! so i've got some news for you!

michelle has generously offered up a $25 gift certificate to her lovely shop! it's time for a giveaway! now you can have that extra special touch to your business, or to your invitations, or just for your guilty pleasure :)

this is the perfect time to get yourself labels, or stickers or whatnot for an upcoming summer market! i'm so excited about this giveaway! 
should we get to the knitty gritty? (hahah knitty)... alright.

how to enter
pop on over to inked papers, and scope out her shop. then come on back here and leave a comment, letting me know what you would choose to spend your winnings on if you won. (the gift certificate can also go towards shipping)

the rules
you need to leave a valid email address with your comment so that you could be contacted if you win. if there is no contact info there, i'll have to pick another winner. winner will be chosen by a random number generator.

bonus entry
become a follower on the blog and leave a comment saying so.

this giveaway is open until thursday, april 12th, 2012. midnight PST (pacific standard time).

good luck to everyone! and a very big thank you to michelle for the wonderful prize! find all things inked papers

do you have a special product you'd love to see your label on? are you a sucker for stationary? any markets you're planning for this summer? i'll be back tomorrow with details on how the all sprung out market went! xo
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