
the list.

so last night, i started a list of priority knitting. you all do that, right?  ;)  it was more of a list to just organize my thoughts and projects into what i could remember needed to be done...

ermmm do you see that only 1  thing is checked off???
i clearly have work to do it seems. ahem...
but you know what? in my crazy state, i totally think this list is very do-able. yeah, i said i was crazy ;) but i can't help myself. i have to make lists. it's what makes everything seem less daunting for me. i work things up to more than they really are when i haven't written it all down...but this list still seems pretty huge :)

tell me i can do this....  ;)
what are you up to today? is it a ton of knitting, like me? i'm also still working through the spring cleaning part of life too.... our house is a total disaster. ha.but i'm happy to report that a lot of stuff will be donated, i can almost taste the un-clutter, and the calm. sigh....

are you a list-maker too? i promise to have a little sneak-peak for you tomorrow! 
have a fab day! full of productivity! xoxo


  1. I actually do do this too! What can I say, I'm an obsessive list maker! good luck with yours :)

    1. hahah pfffeeewwww. :) i even make lists for lists. well kind of :) xo

  2. I too make the lists, my little notebook is full of them!

    1. and this makes me think, ooOOo i need another notebook! :) xo

  3. YOu know me...die hard list maker. You'll get it all done :)

    1. xoxoxo i seriously am dreaming of the stationary to write my lists on. haha

  4. Well, I'm a happy-go-lucky list maker. I make 'em when I need 'em but leave 'em when I don't :) There are days that a lot has to get done so I plan them out, lists, calendars, time blocking...the whole nine yards. Then there are days like today when the house is reasonably clean, nothing pressing buy the routine events (lunch, dinner, preschool). Those are the times that I just watch the clock to make sure I feed the kids and do whatever my creative heart desires. I find that if I go about life too structured that my creative self shrivels up and I'm no good to anyone.

    So today I'm working a on a gift, planning to catch some television tonight and do some knitting and worry about cleaning up my mess only when we need the table for eating off of.

    As for your list...well YOU CAN DO IT!

    1. wow buffy, when you make lists, you really make lists!! and i agree, having routine helps keep things fairly consistent... good to remember not to keep things too structured :)
      thanks for the encouragement! xo

  5. I love lists! I like to make lists of lists too! :) I used to have a bunch of notebooks, but got stressed out about trying to find what I was looking for in which book. So now I just use a huge binder. But it looks like a dictionary/encyclopedia/my brain has exploded all over the place!

  6. Here's a confession for you... I make lists of things I've ALREADY gotten done and then I check them off. Such a thrill! Ha ha!

    You'll get it all done... AND have fun doing it I'm certain. :)

    Can't wait to see your sneak-peak!!

    1. ohmygosh, genevieve, i totally sometimes add to my lists things i've just completed just so i can cross it off! so glad to know i'm not the only one! hahaha.
      yes, this particular list is a fun one in completing, i must admit :) xo

    2. Yup, me too! Sometimes you need a little perspective of what you have accomplished to persevere to finish the MAIN list :)

    3. Yay! Glad to know you girls do it too. :) Ha!


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