
bring it! :)

i think that by now you all know that i thrive on being busy. and it seems that the busier i get, the more excited i get about what's on my plate.

haahaa, well guess what? more just got added to my plate! i'm excited about it, and i can't wait to tell you what it is... but until everything is finalized you're gonna have to be patient.

so in the meantime, while i play major catch-up today with my knitting, and bread baking, and kiddo cuddling....  i thought i'd share some of my current springtime crushes. because we can all use a little inspiration, and colour, no?

Source: topshop.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm off to create today! we are totally out of regular bread loaves...  what are you up to? do you have any favourite bread recipes you always fall back to? what's on your needles? how has your week been so far? 
i'd love to know what you're up to. come chat.. i'm gonna go make more coffee :) xo


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how much more I accomplish when I have a hundred things to do compared to when I have very little pressing. I remember when I was in college the first time my first semester I worked 30-35 hours a week, was taking 17ish credits and thoroughly enjoyed my social life and got like a 3.8 GPA. I was completely exhausted so I cut my hours back at work, starting dating the man who would be my husband and had like 12 credits the next semester...my grades didn't do so well...sure makes you wonder right?

    I'm excited to see what you're up too. We need to chat soon {{hugs}}

    1. isn't that the truth? it seems we just morph into auto mode.. and just go. you know? yes, let's chat again soon!


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