
happiness is...

a while back ago i entered a giveaway. i enter them a lot.. but i never win... until now!! nope, i didn't win the entire bucket full, but i did get about 5 skeins worth!! this is the plucky knitter's "tangled mess"... her words ;)
here's my haul....

i do consider myself to be a lucky girl! and really... it's not that tangled... it's lovely!  trying to decide what i'm going to knit with it, is even more exciting! what do you think? any ideas?? i've never had the pleasure of working with this yarn, and i gotta tell ya... this makes me happy :)

happiness is....
that today is friday!!! owen has really missed his daddy this week, and well i have too! and it's a special weekend for us. it's our anniversary. we'll be celebrating 7 years together. and that makes me happy :)

the week was a full one, and i'm happy to see the weekend here! i don't think we have any big plans per say for our anniversary... just being together will be nice. we haven't been able to be together for all of our anniversaries (just with his work schedule), so this is special to us. september sure has flown by though! can you believe we're into october now?! crazy. and the festivities begin. here in canada we'll be planning for our thanksgiving in just 2 weeks! my tummy is already grumbling for it. haha

how was your week? you guys have been quiet this week! come chat :) i've missed you! i'd love to hear what you've been up to, and how you're doing! xo


for you.

soooo i really want to write up a nice post.... but i haaaave to knit!!! and i promise to make it up to you tomorrow... i really, really do. so to tide you over.... this is for you. and i hope it makes your smile ;)

i hope you're having a great week so far :) what are you up to these days? i promise to set down the knitting needles to chat with you!! xo


etsy feature!

it's been a little while since i've done an etsy feature, so i'm gonna do it today. today i want to chat about the chunky jester baby hat. it's squishy and warm and cute!

the pom poms are just so fluffy and soft! and i'm really a sucker for pom poms. hee hee...

this little topper is perfect as a photo prop, as well as for practical wear. knit with loops and threads country loom with a 6.5mm needle, this hat is super soft, and full of beautiful flecks of colour.

this pattern is from angie hartly's 4asong. she's got some wonderful patterns on her etsy shop. be sure to check it out!

yep these are pretty cute! and they make great christmas gifts! have you started your list yet?
check out more in my shop here. i'm always open for custom orders, and if you have any questions, feel free to either convo me at my esty shop, or email me. and of course, you can always find me here!

are you planning your christmas lists? have you gotten a head start on your shopping list? make sure you check out etsy, as it's chalked full of wonderful artisans who have many, many talents! stay tuned for more exciting info! i've got more to share with you this week! as always, i love hearing from you! come chat. xo


wake up!

i know i said i felt refreshed after the weekend... but the truth is... i'm beat! haha. in a good way though, of course :) let's pour another cup of coffee.....

Source: None via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm looking at my knitting calendar, and i'm honestly beginning to think that my little man should be in full time care from now until christmas so that i can get all of the knitting done! yikes! of course, that won't happen... so i'll have to work around that... :)  i think i'll start with inspirational photos to keep me going...

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

Source: purlbee.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

my tip to myself.. just a little bit at a time. goals for specific projects.. to be done in a reasonable and realistic time frame... and basically to keep knitting!

Source: purlbee.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

of course, i'm really wanting to be working on gifts, and some selfish stitching too... hrmmm i wonder if there is a way to extend the hours in a day. i know i like to call myself a superhero knitter... but that might be stretching my limits. haha. and if you might have an inkling on how to do this, please... send this amazing discovery my way too!

tell me i'm not the only one who feels this way pullleeeeze! but it's all good. i firmly believe i work better under pressure. and it's true! i've got some finished knitting here!

this is a cowl that i am donating as a door prize for an event hosted by the willow stream spa at the fairmont empress here in victoria. this is in support of the CIBC run for the cure  you can find more info on this event here..  pretty, hey?
here are the deets:
pattern: marian by: jane richmond
yarn: lion brand wool ease thick & quick
needle: 15.0mm
those needles are big puppies! loved how fast this knit up, and really how lovely it turned out.

i am also entering this cowl in the celebrate color event hosted here. this is my second entry for this fab three month event! my first entry is the rae scarf (another amazing pattern by jane richmond), and you can check my entry out here.

Celebrate Color

yep i've been a busy bee!

what do you have currently on your needles? have you entered in the celebrate color event? what did you enter? i'd love to hear about it! are you a big fan of jane richmond designs? what's your fav. pattern? i'd love to chat! it's perfect knitting & chatting weather. xo



this past weekend we...

:: did some bike riding
:: drank in all of the family time that we could
:: went to many parks
:: had wonderful weather for the little man's first soccer game! he was oh so excited!
:: enjoyed some birthday celebrations!

it was a whirlwind of a weekend, but it was a really good weekend. my sailor man came home for a couple of days, and we filled it full of family time, and birthday celebrations! i even managed to pull off my first cheesecake!

i am pretty proud of it, actually. haha. as i made up some of the recipe, but it didn't crack or sink! thanks to much help of friends online...i call that a success... and it tasted good. in fact, i have a lot of leftovers.. that might be a problem.* ahem *...
and now we're back to the grind, as it were. we brought les back to work this morning, and are cozying up inside for the day. we're under some pretty big wind warnings, and a lot of rain. it's a good day for popcorn and movies... maybe a little cheesecake? ... and a little comfort baking, i think.

how was your weekend? did you enjoy some much needed rest and rejuvenation? any crafting accomplished? i'd love to hear about your weekend, and i'm here to chat. xo


a warm weekend welcome!

it's been a long, yet fast two weeks without the hubs home.. and he'll be home for the weekend! yeah, only the weekend, but i'm sure looking forward to some rest and relaxation!

for real. i'm beat! we've been packing our days full and i am looking forward to a rest. well sort of. we kind of have a busy weekend too :) classes start up! (woot woot!) and the little man has his first soccer game! he is soooo excited about it and i'm sad to miss it, but i'm sure the hubs will document it well.

and then i'm excited to be going to knit night on saturday! ohh how i missed it last week! i really need my knit night girls. it's just amazing how wonderful and refreshed i feel after spending a few hours with them, including coffee and yarn. oh bliss. :)

as for right now, i'm busy preparing the home to have a late bday celebration (as the hubs was away last weekend and we couldn't celebrate his day with him) and get all of the weekend chores out of the way so we can have strictly a fun, family filled weekend...

what are you most looking forward to this weekend? do you have any special plans? i know it's just a little post today, but i'd still love to chat with you! what's on your needles? xo


drooling here...

if you are a follower of yarny things, particularly knitting on pinterest... well you've probably noticed a trend in cardigans. yep. i'm talking about them again. i had sooo much fun with the KAL hosted by my pal shannon of luvinthemommyhood, that i'm already thinking cardi's again :)

brooklyn tweed... you've heard of him, right? of course you have.... well he's just come out with an incredible release of fall patterns. soooo lovely, smooshy, cosy, full of colour.. well you get the idea. i'm drooling here. no kidding.

here are my top two faves... and there is no coincidence that they just might be the same colour... and maybe also in the same colour family as my rae.. no.. no coincidence at all.

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

this sweater, the peabody is designed by leila raabe. i know it's not a cardi, but ohhh it's a nice sweater!!! i love love the detail of it! seriously, isn't it gorgeous!!! i can soooooo see myself wearing this. i love the balance of lacework and stockinette. it's really something i feel like could be worn both casually and to dress up a little....  and it really doesn't look all that difficult! what do you think?

and the other??
Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i've had my eye on an "old man sweater" totally forgive me for this choice of wording, but i think you know what i mean, right? i think this is lovely...  the pattern is tinder, by jared flood. well now, you can't go wrong can you? this is stunning in such a simple way! i want to wear this now.
now realistically, i can't afford the yarn recommended.. but i'm sure that before long, i'll see some wonderful substitutes! one day, when i get a chance to knit with shelter yarns. ... i promise you'll probably be one of the first to know!! :)

want to see more of this line? jared flood came out with  a webzine just yesterday!!! go check it out!! (but then come back) 

and your thoughts? well i'm honestly dying to know!!!! let's have a cozy sweater chat, shall we?

how are you doing today? has the fall weather kicked in for you? are you in sweater mode? what are your faves? i'm waiting on you!!! can't wait to chat. xo



my very first elizabeth zimmerman project was actually a jacket! believe it or not :) the tomten jacket to be more specific. but i just looooved it so much i had to make it. and honestly, it's a good thing because i've been raving about elizabeth zimmerman patterns sooo much since then!

i was really overwhelmed with the thought of starting an ez project because i had heard so much of her, and just loved everything i saw.. and i had heard that the way she wrote patterns were not quite what i'd be used to. but you know what, as always.. i was impressed, and amazed at how simple the pattern was, yet how effective it was too!

and so of course the first one i'd try would be a jacket... with a zipper. ha. love it! this project only took me just over 2 weeks to make.
here are the deets:
yarn: cascade yarns 220, one skein of each colour you see.
needle: 4.0mm/US 6
size: 23-24"
i opted out of a hood, because i didn't have enough yarn for it. but i have to say, i loooove the outcome!!!
and the zipper i remember wasn't nearly as scary as i thought it would be.

the colours are beautiful. and this looked amazing on owen.
if you have any fears of jumping in to do an elizabeth zimmerman project, my advice is simply do it. it's just so liberating, and you feel amazed at your talents!

from what i can remember, the pattern was very straight-forward. and i had very little difficulty in sorting myself out. i also remember loving the process of making it.

it's been a while since i made this jacket.. back in 2009! ... and though i've done several other patterns by her including several baby surprise jackets since then, as well as the fast cap, and the seamless hybrid (ahem.. twice no.. three times!, but that's another story altogether), and a very warm hat.... i find myself surprised that i haven't made another tomten. hrmmm something i think i really need to remedy.

yes. i think it's most definitely time for another tomten... don't you? it's not like i have very many projects on the go right now anyways, right? hee hee.

and if you've never knit an elizabeth zimmerman pattern before, i'm teaching the baby surprise jacket at the cloth castle! sign up and see the wonder of this woman through knitting. i promise you'll have fun, and you'll love your baby jacket!

are you a fan of elizabeth zimmerman? have you made many or any of her patterns? what are your favourites? ones you one day hope to create? i'd love to hear your thoughts! come chat, i promise i'm good company :) 


how i feel...

as i'm sitting here, listening to my music... and thinking of what i want to share with you, i keep getting sidetracked by the music. i get lost in it... i can't help but close my eyes and let the music move me. and then being productive, well that gets hard :)

Source: amazon.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

one thing you might not know about me is my love of music. (yep, almost as much as yarn). i was trained as a flautist back in high school (honestly.. i hated all of the hours of practice and private lessons) haha. , and then did voice training.... i was involved in classical groups to play at weddings and wineries, and i sang my little heart out in a quartet.
i feel that i have an ear for music. and to me, (and probably you too) if i'm going to listen and enjoy the music.. i have to feel the talent behind it.  well i'm feeling it tonight.

i always always get lost in nina's songs.

honestly. it's her music i make my risotto to.. it's her music i prefer to knit to... and blog to... and dance to... well, you get the idea.

Source: theurbn.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

so then one day i decide to learn a little more about her besides the lyrics to her music... and boy am i ever blown away. i know she's talented, but it still blows me away to see her successes, degrees, her story. it's incredible! born in the early '30's the sixth of eight children in a poor family......she began playing the piano at 3 years old. she aspired to be a classical pianist, but was denied entry into prestigious schools of music, because of her race. she ended up playing and singing in small locales, and really things grew from there.

not only was she an incredible musician and performer, but became a civil rights activist. she married twice, and then had a lover. this would include the likes of a fairground barker, to a new york police detective to the prime minister of Barbados.  the story just goes on. and then to see her repertoire... smack me twice and call me nancy, i mean really! it's incredible!
but ok. just go check it out here. and then come back.
see? holy schnieky. i know.

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

so you see why i love her so much. there's a lot more to her than just notes.
and i can't help but feel inspired when i listen to her...

so here's a little taste.. because after all of this, i clearly can't keep it all to myself, now can i?

how is your week going so far? does music inspire you? who are you listening to these days? are you also a nina simone fan? i'd love to chat! and the coffee is always on.


markets 911

there's something that has been on my mind a lot lately... and that's markets. specifically christmas markets, because well.. who am i kidding... it's a lot of work preparing for one. and if you're focused a little more on knitting, like i am.. well it takes just that much longer.

there really are just so many things to consider. banners, signs, and display are biggies, not to mention all of the stock needed.  and i have to say, i'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed. this is all of course assuming that i have actually found a market, which i'm finding is to be another trouble in itself!!!

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

but back to the planning of it all... here's my call out to you.. how do you organize yourselves? how do you decide what  to sell, and how much of the items? how do you plan it?
how about signs? do you make your own? what do you find to be the most effective?
where can you find your stands for display? do you thrift shop? what are the best finds to have for display?
i'm still planning on a christmas market, but i'm honestly just trying not to feel too overwhelmed by it.

if it doesn't work for this year, then i'll have stock started for next year. planning for the classes has taken up a lot of  my knitting time :) though i can't complain, because it's all knitting related.
i feel like i've got a bit of a plan here, but i'm always always up for more advice and tips.

..and if you're in the same boat as me, the best tip i've found so far is...

so that is what's been on my mind... and i'm honestly up for tips and advice on the whole market thing.

how has your weekend been? ours flew past. honestly, i blinked and it's over. but i've been productive and i'll have something more to show you this week!

are you a market vendor? what are your secret tips and must haves in your back pocket? please share! i'm sure we'd all love to know. coffee is on, and i'd love to hear from you!


a very good cause.

it really is! and you don't have to be a mama or a papa to participate.


if you are ever wondering how you can help, this is a great way, and also gets you back in the groove of the knitting season and warms those fingers up. not to mention the heads of the new little babes.
so what is this all about?


this is a wonderful initiative to collaborate with both knitters and crocheters to make purple caps in an effort to help educate caregivers about the period of purple crying.
this is a period that every baby goes through, and it's normal! just some babies cry more than others. and this is a way for parents to understand what their baby is going through.

marilyn barr, the author behind the article of what is the period of purple crying, found here explains that the period of purple crying begins at about 2 weeks of age and continues until about 3-4 months. to help us better understand the common characteristics of this phase or period, we use the acronym PURPLE.


i know that an awful lot of research has gone into this. and being a mama myself, i find this to be such an important thing to teach to new parents. and being a knitter, well i couldn't think of a better thing to do than to sit myself down and knit up some cute and warm purple hats.
i've found a few links explaining in greater detail about the period of purple crying and the research behind it. please go and check them all out. just click on the names, and it will take you to the links.

i know there are more, but these are a great start. also, click for babies has created little buttons to sport on your blog to show you are knitting away for these babes. grab one!

ok so now to the patterns. there are great pattern resources, as we all know, just a few things to keep in mind before choosing.  newborn, baby, and preemie hats are what we're looking for, in any shade of purple! you can stripe, lace, just stockinette, crochet... you decide! and make sure that you don't send hats with loooong tails, as they can be a strangulation hazard. also, i would choose yarn that is easy to care for...
ready to look at some hats?


i'd check on ravelry for sure! they have some beautiful selections! just search for baby hats, under whatever category you want to craft.. knitting or crochet, and off you go!
there's also knitting pattern central as well, off the top of my head. and you may have some gorgeous knitting books at home. so go leaf through them and find some lovelies!


on a quest for purple yarn? the cloth castle in victoria, bc is offering 15% off ALL purple yarn from now until the end of november. how great is that?
alright, so you've made some hats, now what? if you're in canada, the hospital accepting and giving these hats out to the new babes is the vancouver general hospital. so it's asked that you mail your purple hats (as many as you like) to be recieved no later than october 26th, 2011.

Claire Yambao, Provincial Program Coordinator
Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome BC
BC Children’s Hospital
4480 Oak Street, Room K1-201
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4

there are additional drop off locations in BC should you not be able to mail in your hats. click here for the list.

as for locations in the US. the above links about the period of purple crying will have info on where you can mail your hats.


i can't believe it's already friday! this week has flown by for sure! it's good to keep busy. here's wishing you a full, cozy, and productive weekend!

do you have a desire to do some quick satisfying knits? this would be a great project! grab a friend, and knit or crochet up some hats for the babes... it's a good thing to do. really. let's make some together this weekend! it's a chilly morning here, the coffee's on, and i'd love to chat! come say hi.


the one...

it's really a very special thing when you find the pattern for you. you know what i mean, right?

the perfect yarn. the perfect colour. the perfect pattern... the perfect drape... and then you can't stop wearing it... yep. it's super special.

this is rae by the lovely jane richmond.  i have only been talking about this pattern like crazy! i loooove it! i really do. jane is such a fantastic designer who really knows how to feature such gorgeous yarn at it's best. i can't even tell you how happy it makes me that i get to knit with her every week at knit night :)

the yarn? madelinetosh pashmina. colour, saffron.. and i used a 4.0mm needle....and i love it.
i'm so happy that it's finally fall weather!! i can wear this all of the time!!! yes. and i will. :)

this yarn is really the nicest to knit with!! it has incredible drape too. with a blend of silk, cashmere and merino, how could it not?! i did block it, very lightly... no pins even... but it was just enough. i just love how it feels around my neck. honestly. if you're going to splurge on some yarn, put it around your neck!

this pattern is easy to knit. and guess what?! it's being added to my class list! and not only that, the cloth castle is bringing in malabrigio yarn and the madelinetosh pashmina for this project! how amazing is this!!?!
and if you take the class, your materials are 20% off. these will make beautiful gifts for friends and family for christmas, or even something just perfect for you. because you deserve it :) i am currently knitting up the store sample in malabrigo. it's gorgeous!!

i really wish i could portray the colour of my rae to you... it's just so rich, and warm, and just perfect. ask my knit night girls!

and for those of you who aren't living in the victoria bc area... did you know that my pal shannon of luvinthemommyhood and i created a jane richmond designs ravelry group! you need to join it! we're talking of a rae KAL. you know you want in. :) come on by and say hi!

i'm entering this into the celebrate color for september. so go check out that site as well, as there are so many inspirational projects, ranging from knitting and crochet to sewing, to quilting, and embroidery.

Celebrate Color

honestly you should check it out!

i have to give special props to shannon of luvinthemommyhood for all of the photo tips and advice i've gotten. i am still a beginner photographer, but i'm on the road to some great pics! thank you shannon :)

have you entered something into the celebrate color? have you considered taking a class at all? now is the best time to do it! have you made a rae yet? you totally should! how are you welcoming fall? the coffee is on, and i'm so ready for a chat! come on by and say hi, i'd really love to hear from you!
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