
proof is in the ... knitting...

i've been knitting lots! honest!

and while i should be focusing a little more on market prep, i've been sidetracked by a certain cardi. ;)

this is the quickest knit ever! the only reason it's taking me so long (and really, a week ago i hadn't even cast on) is because several other projects have been completed in the meantime....

but i've finally found the buttons for it. and i'm happy! i can't wait to don this cardi. hurrah!

once i've completed everything i'll have a proper post with all of the details. promise. :)

and what are you knitting? come chat! i'm making tea... xoox


  1. I'm trying to focus on finishing all my random WIPs this month. I only have a third of a sleeve left to do on my Wisteria sweater! woohoo! I plan to finish it tonight, or tomorrow, depending on other work I have to accomplish today, and I cannot wait to finally block it and wear it!

    1. hurrah! it's so exciting to see those wip's turn into fo's! good for you!!! can't wait to see it! xo

  2. Wow! You've been busy! I can't wait to see modeled pics of them all!

    1. thanks so much! and only one of those items is for the market! lol! haha i will hopefully get some lovely pics up soon of everything! xo

  3. Can't wait to see your Twiggy! And from that little peek, I can tell I already love the buttons!!

    1. umm me too!! i think the dark buttons against the white yarn will be stunning! it's almost done! squeee!

  4. Is that a mug hug I spy there? The dark purple and grey? I LOVE that color combo!

  5. I cast on my first knitting project in ages... (I have been a crocheting machine lately) and I think I am using the same yarn as you are using for your Twiggy! I must say getting back into knitting with a bulky yarn is ideal for me :) ~Stephanie

    1. nothing like an instant gratification knit! what are you knitting? so exciting! xo

  6. Don't even tell me you've gotten that far on the cardi in less than a week ... that is too impressive. And the yarn looks beautiful. I just finished the last bind off stitch on a sweater for the baby! Woot woot!

    1. hurrah for baby knitting!!! as for my cardi haha well when you're knitting with 10mm needles, it practically knits itself. ;) what baby sweater did you make? xo

  7. I made a pattern that my knitting teacher created. She has said before she might post it to ravelry for purchase but hasn't yet. I'm posting about it today so you can see!

    And yes, 10mm needles are fast but you are lightning speed.

    1. haha thank you!:) i'm excited to see this wee sweater! off i go to your blog! xo

  8. I'm peaking at your post while at work (shhhh). Currently, I'm working on a Selbu Modern, a hat for the Downton Abbey KAL (sadly, I've only cast on and worked about 10 rows), and I cast on for Clarity. All through Christmas I made quick, chunky yarn gifts. Now I'm on to small yarn bits. I am looking forward to seeing your new Jane Richmond Cardigan :)

    1. i just posted a quick pic for today's post! hurrah! i love it. and don't worry about only working 10 rows, that's still farther along than i have worked! haha. i have to pick a project today! i so want to be a part of this kal! xo


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