
routine :)

well today i registered my little man for kindergarten.... i can't believe how fast he's growing up... !!! where has the time gone?

i'm really trying to not freak out about it.... i don't even want to think about september... i'm sure i'll cry... .....but now it feels like we're falling into some sort of a routine... finally!

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

today? it's knitting like mad. because in less than 2 weeks now, i will be at the february fox fair... aaaaand let me tell you, it's going to be a fantastic event! i'm really excited for it!

what are you up to today?
come chat! xo


  1. On our oldest's first day of school, the PTA held an annual "Tears & Tissues" breakfast for the kindergarten moms. It was very sweet. I missed it when our youngest started at a different school. :-)

    1. oh that sounds like a nice thing for the mamas... haha i wonder if they'll offer that here :)

  2. I drove past the school my twins will go to the other morning, watched all the little kids in their uniforms file through the gates... and completely welled up at the thought of them doing the same thing September next year! I am going to be a wreck!

    1. you and me both!!! :( we`ll need some sort of day of consoling that day i think. xoxo tea and yarns.. xoxo


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