
bursting with pride...

i can't tell you how much my heart filled when my little man exclaimed that he wanted to learn to knit. !!! i mean he only just turned 5. that's pretty young... especially for a boy i think.

and i really really didn't want to discourage him ... but also, put no pressure on him to enjoy something i'm completely obsessive about. (haha no pressure kiddo). haha.

so we started with finger knitting. perfect...
and guess what?! he loooves it! he sat his little butt down for 45 min straight the first time.

i'm so very proud of him... and beyond thrilled that he genuinely wanted to learn something that i am so passionate about!
this is his very first f.o. and i love it! he wanted to make a necklace for his auntie.... to be totally honest.. (and not biased.. ha) i think it's awesome... and i would love it if he made one for me too!! ;)

he has asked to learn on real knitting needles... so i did get him some kids ones, but we've only tackled a row or so... baby steps... we'll probably stick mostly to finger knitting... and of course, he's my biggest helper in the kitchen... my little man is growing up! xo


  1. according to a famous knitter, she says that kids as young as 4 can knit on needles. If they can print their name, speak full sentences and read a simple sentence, they're ready! Have at it! Wish my boy wanted to knit :)

    1. wow! i didn't realize you could learn at 4! but then owen sure surprised me with what he was capable of here :)

  2. Hi Rebecca! I wanted to say hi and let you know that you give me hope that I will once again have more than 5 or 10 minutes a day to knit! I have a beautiful 5 month old girl that is amazing but I definitely have my hands full for now. I do miss having time to just curl up with some nice squishy yarn but I know I will never have these moments with my little one again. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I am visiting the blog and you are a big inspiration to me! Thank you! I hope I will get to hear baby ask to learn to knit someday too!

    1. ohmygoodness! you are the nicest ever! this just made my day :) i miss the stage when owen was 5 months old... he caught on pretty quick that knitting was normal, and that i did it lots. hahah. and you learn different tricks... knitting while playing on the floor.. road trips are good for it... nap time knitting :) you'll totally get back at it... and it's so nice to spend as much time as you can with your little one for sure!
      thanks so much for your kind words... xoxox so glad you've found a happy space here!

  3. Oh, he is too adorable for words! I love that! That's it, I am sitting my little man down tonight!!!!

    1. hahaha it's pretty cute, hey? i love looking at owen's face while he's trying to master a new technique.. i'm so proud of him :)

  4. Wow that is awesome! His f.o. turned out so good! ~Stephanie

    1. i know hey? i totally wish he will one day knit me one, because i'd rock it... :) xo

  5. Go Owen!
    Noelle sadly is not interested in knitting...she thinks it's a mommy thing to do. Hopefully her views will change.

    1. aww well hopefully she'll change her mind one day... and then you can have mommy and daughter knit dates! hurrah! xo.

  6. How adorable is he so deep in concentration!?
    I'm wondering if my little guy will be asking soon too, he wants every single project I make LOL. Though he is just coming up on his 4th bday next month, so it may be awhile yet.

    1. haha oh dear, you should see how many stuffies i've knitted for owen... haha every time i knit something new for the booth, he thinks it's for him :) ahhh such devotion to our work is just the sweetest, but also makes for so much knitting! hahaha. xo

  7. Long time lurker, first time posting! I taught both my boys to knit when they were six. They both saw me knitting so much they wanted to give it a try. I gave them bulky yarn on wooden #10, 16" circulars. They were just the right size to fit in their hands, they didn't drop the needles and the wood gave them a bit of grip on the yarn.

    Now they both want to come to my knit night to show off their skills. There's something pretty cool about boys wanting to knit like their mama's.

    1. hi terri! thank you so much for your comment! bulky wool and big needles would also be super helpful for sure! how wonderful that they want to come to your knit nights now :) how old are they now? and yes, i agree... something very cool about our boys knitting with us mamas.:) it just warms my heart. xo

  8. way to go with the finger knitting!! you should check out this... http://www.flaxandtwine.com/p/5-fabulous-finger-knitting-projects.html
    I just love the hoola hoop rug!

    1. ohmygosh. that link is fantastic!!! thank you so much for sharing annie! they're all amazing!! i could so chill on that rug too though ;) xo

  9. love it! way to go! my girl asked me to show her when she was about 4 and it was challenging for her. I like the idea of finger knitting, though. Will have to show her this!

    1. flora, did you see the link that annie posted just up above? it's fantastic! owen really took to finger knitting, and it was pretty easy to help him through any bumps.. :) xo

  10. Aww he is so cute! My 3 yr old twins (boy and girl) both keep grabbing my hooks and wool and announce they're 'going to do crochet' and sit on the sofa carefully wrapping wool around the hooks. Melts my heart. Though I find it less cute when they get hold of a piece of work and start unravelling it ;-)

    1. haha oh yes . i remember owen dropping some 50 stitches of a sweater i was working on. but still. whenever i'd give him a couple of fat knitting needles and an old ball of wool, he'd stab away at it and claim he was either knitting me a sweater or a blanket :) and then would proceed to stab as many needles into the ball as he could. it was pretty artsy in the end. lol! xo

  11. Gran thinks he's pretty amazing as well, and is very proud of him...and of course his Mommy for inspiring him!!! Wow....he sure is growing up fast!! Please tell him that I'm looking forward to seeing him this summer and having a chance to see what he's done!! Soooo special Bec. Of course Opa hopes Owen will still have time to work on building bird houses with him....lol. lots of love....

    1. mom we're so excited to see you too! i can't believe how fast owen is growing... and we're hoping to spend lots of time with you guys this summer!! owen will be beyond thrilled to build with opa again! xo

  12. That's just way too adorable!! I wish my Munchkin would have an interest in knitting, oh well! There's still time! ;) Can't wait to see what he creates when he gets more practice in, it's amazing how completely fearless kids are when it comes to designing!

    1. isn't that the truth?! honestly, a lot of times if i'm not sure on colour choices, i ask owen. and he's so bang on! hahaha. there's still heaps of time for our kiddos to knit like crazy :)
      speaking of knitting.. (lol). knit date soon? xo

  13. Omg! That's SO awesome! My 4 year old boy watched his cousin use the round plastic looms and immediately took to it! He's making a big... tube! :D We usually sit and "knit" together during our quiet time! He loves watching me knit :) but then I showed him the post of your boy and he wanted to start knitting on needles. Needless to say... Your boy JUST inspired my boy! Squee!

    1. hurrah! that makes me soooo happy !!! so exciting! xoxo


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