
spook fest!

working with yarn is definitely more my thing than working with food... ;) however, i just couldn't disappoint my uber excited 4 year old with his hallowe'en party dessert request...  best i can do is try...

and i'm happy to say, they were a hit! haha! a much prettier version of this graces the cover of today's parent magazine. the october issue ;)

as for his costume? totally not handmade... especially when he's decided to be a storm-trooper. ;)
we've got a very wet forecast here... in fact, we're under a rain-fall warning... up to 70mm of rain today! i'm certain it won't put a huge damper on my 4 year old's spirits. after all, we will all do almost anything for candy ;)

now let's see if i can stay awake long enough to watch a scary movie tonight, after today's preparations for trick or treating ;)

what are you up to today? do you have kiddos who are also super excited? any fun costumes? xo


please understand.....

these opportunities come so very rarely for me.....

gramma and papa have to fly back tonight. so that means, we have one more full day with them... and i haven't knit most of the weekend (sob!).... so today, guess what i'm doing?!
we actually didn't get around to carving the pumpkin yesterday... so i declare today to be arts & crafts day.
aka... pumpkin carving and knitting... and a LOT of coffee... and knitting.... and me time....

i feel like i've been going strong since before thanksgiving.... and i think it's time i just took a day to chill.... no?
i've got a market coming up in just a few weeks (eks) and really all i've been working on is selfish knitting. lol. but i'm getting so close to finishing up the sweater.... i just wanna wear it already!!

so tell me, while we are snuggled down in our rainy weather... thinking of friends and family who are hopefully all snuggled down and safe over on the east coast... what is it you are working on today? are you taking a mid-week break like me? i know i'm a lucky girl that i can just do this today... but remember, it hardly ever happens... and i think i need it :)

coffee's on. and i've found my favourite slippers.... let's knit! xo



woah! i don't think my feet have stopped running since friday afternoon! what a weekend!!! i have lots of pictures to share with you.. (and lots to take still...)
the weekend was fantastic! gramma and papa are still visiting with us. and goodness, was owen ever surprised. it was the sweetest thing!!
so while i'm trying to organize the chaos of the weekend, and still entertain :) i wanted to share one fo with you...
do you remember one sheepish girl's post here? well owen saw it, and promptly handed me some orange yarn. ha.
and about an hour later, here's what we had :)

we're hoping to carve a real pumpkin today!

the earthquake that happened out on this coast was a biggie, and as far as i know, no one was hurt. i didn't feel anything, and we avoided any tsunami... i know hawaii was on big alert, but the warning was called off. so grateful for a safe outcome....
i also really wanted to say that to all of my family, readers and friends who are being hit by hurricane sandy, that i'm thinking of you and hoping you're all safe and dry. oxoxo

what are you up to today? any last minute hallowe'en crafting? xo


trick or treat... and surprise!

it's still dark out.. and i'm preparing for what's about to be one of our busiest weekends yet! i've woken up with more of a sore throat and congestion (clearly i'm still not fully over this cold), but i've got my coffee, and determination to make this a very memorable weekend :)

Source: google.com via Maverick on Pinterest

my little man has asked for a hallowe'en party. and he's just so dang cute, i said yes :) so we're having it this weekend. right after soccer. he wanted to invite only boys. "of course sweetie, it's your party.. just tell me who you want to invite!" so the evites went out, including the grandparents (just for fun as they might like to see owen's invitation)  and i realize just how loud it is going to be in my house. lol. especially since the forecast is rain, rain, and more rain. ha!

but how cute! the kids will all come up in their costumes (i can't even begin to tell you how excited owen is for this..to finally don his stormtrooper outfit), and we'll have make your own pizzas, and hallowe'en bingo. i'm even attempting some crazy bat cupcake that owen has had his heart set on for weeks now. ... and of course, we've got the goodie bags to get ready too :)

Source: cardcow.com via Barb on Pinterest

but here's the big surprise... my mil called yesterday saying they'd love to come and surprise owen for his hallowe'en party... (since every time he's talked on the phone to them he's all like ..."it's too bad you can't come to my party") soooo guess who's coming just before owen's soccer game on saturday? i think he'll be pretty stoked :) and really, what a nice surprise!  and kind of a nice surprise for us parents, as we can plan a last minute date! hurrah! and since it's my birthday on sunday, well that just worked out nicely ;)

Source: flickr.com via Caroline on Pinterest

so i've got heaps to do today, before les comes home from sea. but i'm sure i'll get it done... thankfully the camera is also coming home today, so i can actually document this weekend... and finally show you some much promised fo's!

what are you up to this weekend? any hallowe'en parties? last minute costume-making? crafting? baking? i'd love to know what you're up to! come chat, i love your company. xo


do you know what today is???

today marks exactly 2 months until christmas! eeek! and coincidentally aaaakkkk!

but first, thanks for your kind words on feeling better the last few days... my time off to rest seems to have done me well, and i feel on the mend. :)
i was even productive! i decided to completely rearrange the furniture in the office/play room/craft room... and i love it. but of course, i don't have a camera soooooooo.. yah. it will be one of the first things i show you though. because i am one of those people who needs order before i can be truly productive.. and now that i have order in the craft room... bring on christmas knitting!

ahem. are you ready? 2 months will fly by. i know it. we'll have hallowe'en, remembrance day, (thanksgiving in the US) and then christmas! bam. let's not forget any of the parties we might want to either host, or attend... yikes. oh and did i mention that my hubby is going to sea for the majority of december?! say what? he will be home for christmas, but that leaves me for most of the decorating and planning.... yessssssss. ha.

of course, i'm also doing some markets in that time. so this rest thing i did this past week, has most definitely been a good thing. ;)

so here's what i thought. everyone likes a good bout of encouragement, and friendly little nudge... and if you're like me and like to have the holidays be as handmade as you can... well it takes more work. plain and simple. so i thought i'd try to find some projects to help you with your handmade holidays... given the right timeline.
of course you don't have to do the projects, i just thought it would be fun to actually find the projects that could totally work in the time frame, before finding them just a week before family arrives for the holidays. haha. right?
first up, obviously, the things that take more time.. and that you need to have done early. like the advent calendar. i personally love the idea of the advent calendar that doesn't include a cheap piece of chocolate. but instead something you can re-use every year, and becomes a part of your family...  obviously i've been on pinterest for inspiration... and here are a few that i've found :)

ornament advent calendar...

i thought this one was adorable! if you're a sewer (which i'm not) but how cute of an idea to hang a special ornament on the tree every day? and it's easy to store the bags...  i thought this was pretty unique...

embroidered felt advent calendar...

Source: purlbee.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

the purl bee has a cute tutorial on something that i feel i could possibly master. i love the bright, cheerful colours of this one.. and you can fill it with anything you'd like! gifts, goodies, or activities!

this steam-punk one is totally rad though... 

and the activity one has to be my fave. you can alter what activities you do depending on your schedule, but they can range from baking christmas cookies, to donating items, to volunteering your time, going ice skating, colouring a christmas picture...... there are heaps of ideas. and it really brings the family together. that's the kind of advent calendar i'm hoping to make...

activity calendar...

this one from the complete guide to imperfect homemaking  looks uber do-able! and will also leave heaps of time for the other things on the holiday "to-do" list that require more time.... um like the hand-knit stocking my son is asking for this year... yikes!

 for even more ideas check out chic & cheap nursery nicole has found these five cute ideas, and has explained on how to do them all on her blog! how fab!!

i love these ideas, and am determined to make an activity calendar this year... last year i tried to bunch all of the activities into less than two weeks. and it was pretty crazy... (i have such a loving husband though, who went along with it) ... that being said, we'll probably also get owen his lego advent calendar. it was a huge hit last year. yah, they cost a little.. but he got to have a new little lego toy every day... and extra bonus. no chocolate i plan on having enough of that closer to christmas anyways ;)

but before you freak out on me for bringing christmas up so early... go check out one sheepish girl. she's just released the most adorable crochet pumpkin pattern to store your treats in. i've just taken a peek, and i believe i've got some orange yarn here... 

how about you? did you grow up with an advent calendar? is it a family tradition with you? if you make one this year, what kind of calendar do you think you'll make? will you go all out? sew? knit? scrap-book style? come chat! i'd love to hear of your ideas! xo


resting up

i seem to have caught the bug that's going around... hopefully for me it's just the sniffles... at any rate, i'm mothering myself today. i have strict orders to drink lots of fluids, rest, and little else...
my little man is having a boys hallowe'en party this weekend, and i have to prepare for it.... but today is a rest day.

i felt myself coming down with something yesterday, and i pushed owen and i out to the library so we could stock up on movies and books... then off to the grocery store, to get juice, gingerale, kleenex and crackers.... so we're set.

i know it's been a quiet couple of weeks, that i don't have the camera so i can't really show you what's been completed or what's in the works... but i promise you i have so many items ready for photos, and lots to chat about!

i see this as nature's way to tell me to rest up before the busy holiday season... and to get ready ;) so that's what i'm doing...

how about you? what are you up to today? any comforting knitting or crocheting going on? i've got tea, and my knitting.. and we've just popped in a library movie... xo


thoughts of EZ...

today starts the beginning of the last week without my camera... honestly, i didn't think i would miss it so much, but since it went to sea with les, i've now been wanting to show you so many f.o's! ha. and they are waiting oh so patiently for their pictures to be taken.... .. i think i'm the one getting the most impatient ;) ha. but that's ok, because all it means for you is that you have a lot to look forward to!

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

the knitting bug has bitten everyone hard this season it seems. anytime i head into a yarn shop it's just bustling with activity. i love it. and the weather has just suddenly plummeted for us. we had such lovely late summer weather, all the way to thanksgiving actually! and now it's just cold, windy, wet and windy. i have yet to turn on the heat.... i'm just stubborn like that... instead, we're layering up and cuddling under lots of blankets, and drinking warm spiced tea. love it. this weather is also quite the enabler for casting on new projects ;)

but one thing i've been making myself do is a bit of selfish knitting. i love knitting for the booth, and this year i have more markets than last year. so it keeps me very busy and i love it! but i've been feeling a little left out... so i decided to dig in my heels and do a bit of selfish knitting. and boy does it feel good! i can't wait to show you!

 i've also been wanting to knit a bit for owen. yes he's got a lot of toys, but it's time to be practical, and think of sweaters. the last time i knit him a sweater was a year ago. clearly he's grown out of it... so now i'm on the hunt for the next sweater... and to be honest with you... i'm really leaning towards some good ez knitting....

bsj & tomten jacket

i absolutely love elizabeth zimmermann's patterns.... sadly i haven't knit one of her patterns in far too long... i think it's time i remedied that... don't you? and in lieu of me not having a camera to show you new items that i've completed, or am working on... i wanted to touch back on some of the elizabeth zimmermann patterns i have knit...

baby surprise jacket

above are the baby surprise jackets and the tomten. i've made so many of the bsj's now. they're a great go-to pattern, and keep baby so warm! i especially love the colour combo of those two ;) the tomten jacket is one of my faves... though i've only knit this one. i love the colour combo, and putting in the zipper was scary for me, but not a big deal after it was done. owen wore this until he couldn't fit in it anymore. it's so crazy warm. i think i want to knit him another one :)

seamless hybrid sweater
i've done the seamless hybrid sweater a few times. the first time unfortunately i made a math error, and it just wouldn't fit les. well live and learn, hey? but as you can see, the second fit him like a glove. and it was so liberating!!!  i love it. this pattern is amazing. but it's completely up to you to do your math. the one i made for owen was adorable.. but didn't fit him very long. gotta remember that kids grow! lol

fast cap & very warm hat

i've done a few of these hats. the very warm hat i've done 4 times all for christmas gifts. and the fast cap has fit owen ever since i knit it up! i absolutely love this pattern! and it stays on his head no matter what... and it's sooo warm. i really do want to knit him another one...

awww look how little he is there... i miss that bitty owen ;)

i've been wanting to knit owen another sweater, and i've been debating the seamless hybrid... but there are lots of other patterns i'd love to try as well! one thing is for certain, he won't go cold :) i certainly need to be branching out more on ez patterns though. i realize now that i haven't done all that many! there are so many amazing patterns that she's written, and i'd love to tackle them all!

how about you? have you knit any of elizabeth zimmermann's patterns? do you have any faves that you've knit several of? pull up a chair, have a cup of tea and let's chat! xo


in a flash

...is it really friday already?? was it really a week ago now that i ventured off the big rock to head to knit city? man this past week has gone by in a blurr... i hope i was productive. lol.
here's a little random eye candy for you :)

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

it's still dark and dreary here, and i'm still loving it :) but this pic makes things way less dreary, no? i drool over madtosh. and i wish those were my skeins... however i'm still on the selfish knitting wagon today, so i shouldn't complain....(actually yesterday i worked more on the store sample knit... so it's justified that today is just for me, no?)
and of course, i'll be starting my knitting lists for the holidays (and booth)... and not too long from now, i'll be needing your advice on sweaters... tell me you're excited ;)

this weekend, familyfeedbag and i are taking our kiddos to see raffi. ummm i don't know if the concert is more for us or them, i'm sure i'll be singing my heart out. what are you up to this weekend???

here's wishing you a wonderful, cozy weekend, full of rest, crafting, tea, stories, warm bread, all that good stuff... what are you up to? xoxoxo 


a little calm before the storm....

i'm trying not to jinx it here, but i think i'm at my breathing moment before the chaos of holidays :) i love the excited preparedness of holiday crafting, baking, trip planning, all of it... and for me, the anticipation of it all is just part of the excitement.

as i mentioned earlier this week, my hubby has left for sea, so it's a little quiet here at home. and finally the skies have opened up and we're seeing lots of the bc rain our winters are known for. (call me strange, but i love dreary wet, cold weather. hahaha maybe it's the knitter in me).

so i'm taking these short weeks to rest, and prepare myself for the holidays. because who am i kidding. it's gonna be a busy season, and i'm gonna be upping the caffeine, and cutting the sleep.... because i like the anticipation... it's what makes our handmade holiday so fun! and i've got a little extra someone to knit for... i'm gonna be an auntie again in the new year! also, my little man has asked for a stocking, and i'd love to do a handmade advent calendar... though that may be stretching it for me... of course i haven't forgotten about the end of this month either... so there's always something. but for now, i'm gonna make sure i take some time to breathe...

thankfully i had my knit on in preparing for knit city, and i'm now well stocked for holiday markets upcoming. there are still a few items i want to add to the list, but i don't at all feel the panic of preparing for the booth. (so long as i don't leave it to the last minute). haha.

and so here's what i'm doing today:

list making (i probably love the process of list making almost more than what it means.. that i have something to do to cross it off).

knitting (clearly)

cuddling my little man... he's growing up so fast... (this pic is from quite some time ago, but i love it... and like remembering when he was smaller)

listening to the rain....

enjoying my coffee and tea....

how about you? are you feeling the calm before the storm yet? are you also taking a moment to breathe? let's chat, any exciting things on your lists? what's on your needles now? xo


for a good cause...

i like donating stuff to things. :) and the latest event now is an auction within the BC government where the proceeds benefit the provincial employees community services fund.  :)

photo by: krysta dey (adeyinthelife.com)

their mission is to "coordinate a workplace fundraising campaign that enables BC government employees to support local charitable organizations that strengthen our communities". and when i was approached to donate some lovely items, i didn't hesitate :)

photo by: krysta dey (adeyinthelife.com)

the auction runs online and the full details of the auction can be found here.

nook is actually still fairly young, and i could use the exposure. even though it costs me time and product, i see donating items to be a wonderful way of getting my name out there, and feeling good about it.

photo by: krysta dey (adeyinthelife.com)

i have donated other items in the past, mainly for door prizes. it's fun! and i always love hearing about who wins :) because winning is fun... lol...

these photos are credit to the lovely krysta dey. her website is www.adeyinthelife.com. i promise you'll be hearing more of her from me ;) but in the meantime, go check out her site!!

what are you up to these days? any extra things on your needles? yesterday i started 2 projects. 'cause that's how i roll. lol! come chat, i'm about to make a huge pot of david's tea! want some? xo


a beautiful blurr

it's the only way i can describe it right now (in so many words) but really...   knit city was so.much.fun. !!!!

 i was able to meet so many amazing vendors, and fellow bloggers whom i can finally say i know them more than just through the interweb ;) and honestly, my face hurt from smiling so much.

can you say yarn high? hahaha. honestly, the weekend went by in a blur though. it was fantastic! amanda and fiona did a spectacular job, and the vibe was amazing.

there was a fair bit of us ladies from across the pond, so it felt like a mini victoria gathering in a way. ha. it was nice to see everyone though. and thanks to my long time friend carla, because of her help with the booth, i was able to do so much mingling! i loved chatting with caitlin ffrench, pip & pin, gourmet crafter (and a snagged a copy of her book "pacific knits" that she and the very talented emily wessel created together....., em of everything old,... i definitely tried to swing by jane richmond's booth many a time to visit with her and shannon,  and i popped into the sweet georgia booth more than once or twice, but felicia was always so so busy!! :) i even got to see gourmet faerie and her lovely wife, as well as andrea rangel! i have not stopped fantasizing about these knitted pants now.  and i got to see many other bloggers and ravelers.  seriously people. i did my rounds. and i think it totally counts as exercise ;)

also i wanted to give a big congrats to rachael miller (ticket 0152533) who won my door prize contribution of a hand knit cowl! congrats girl!

i wouldn't have been able to do this weekend though without the support of my family and friends... my hubby and kiddo are such troopers and very helpful with the set up and take down... and it was so nice to see you again carla!  xo

all in all i was super excited to make many new connections, and now i'm crazy giddy about what winter will bring. i have a feeling my winter booths will keep me up to my eyeballs in yarn. haha. which is awesome, because if i sell lots, it means i can buy more yarn. yessssssssssssss.....

i do wish i had remembered to take the camera out more... and take pics of the amazing and beautiful people that i met... i seem to be forgetful with the camera ;) i did come home with a few yarny treats, but alas, my hubby has already left for sea, and he has the camera this time ;) so i'll have to share it with you later xoxo

it's windy and rainy and cold out. what are you knitting?? xo


baby it's cold outside....

so you'd better start putting on those layers! and who doesn't love a chevron cowl?!

 yep that time of the year is now here! and wool is in the air. er.. fall is in the air, haha yah. that.  so i've whipped up a new product for the booth!

i tell ya, there's nothing like last minute add-ons :) and i love them.

these babies are super cushy and warm. oh so warm. and they're compact. they won't get in the way of your wardrobe for the day. you can wear them just with your wooly sweater, or bundle it up in your winter jacket.

they'll be making their debut at my booth at knit city this weekend! come on by and say hi. maybe try on a cowl :) i'm booth number #32. you can check out the floor plan here.

 i've got a heap of things left to do before knit city, we will hop on the ferry as soon as my hubby is home from work tomorrow.. and after we pack the car. ha. and of course we're both working late tonight.

here's to much needed caffeine and squishy cowls for the colder weather. hurrah!
also, for those of you wondering about the sweater. it's a test knit i did for lilalu. i plan on having a post just for that sweater though. so stay tuned for that...

thanks so much for your patience today! i'd love to hear your thoughts on the new cowls... and for those of you interested, there just might be a pattern in the works for it ;) happy knitting... and hooking.... it's the happiest time, 'cause baby it's cold outside! xoxo


the count down is on!

so i'm trying to drag myself out of this turkey coma. (haha not really... but it sounds awesome) and get some serious yarny progress done.
it's crunch time, and the count down is on!!
knit city is only days away! and it looks like a yarn hurricaine has made it's way through my house. lol. i'm getting so very excited for this event!

this is vancouver's first fiber festival, and it's gonna be a gooder. starting off with a kick-off party, so you'll have a chance to meet the vendors, the teachers, and knit together. there will be a few talks, and a cash bar, and lots of laughs! tickets are only $25 and they include a weekend pass to the knit city marketplace!

also, i've seen some of the swag that the first 50 people will get coming into knit city. seriously... i wish i could get me a swag bag! haha. amanda and fiona have worked super hard to make this an amazing event, and really, it just will be!

i'm so excited to be a vendor at this event, and my table will be full of wooly goodness :) but i've still got a few days to add my finishing touches to my booth...  please oh please come and visit me, i'd really love to see you and say hi!
my booth is #32. and if you're looking for a floor plan check it out here

one of my besties, jane richmond will be there (of course) and luvinthemommyhood will be there to help man her booth. so make sure you pop by to say hi to them too!

so please come on by to say hi! this will be an event you won't want to miss :) all of the info about knit city, including the vendor line up, door prizes info, sponsors etc.

so now i'll have to get back to my knitting and needles, and hooks :) and i've got a little reveal for you tomorrow! stay tuned!

what are you up to today? any big fiber festivals you're looking forward to this fall? do tell, i love hearing all about them! xo


gobble gobble

today marks the beginning of canadian thanksgiving. it's really a very yummy weekend. just chalked full of several turkeys,  mounds of potatoes...both mashed and roasted.... huge amounts of squash that have been blended with butter and maple syrup, and just plain ridiculious amounts of stuffing. you can never have enough stuffing. i like to make mine with sausage too. these meals really aren't for the faint of heart. haha.

i really do love this time of year. the food is a total comfort bonus, and helps to warm you up after those cold, brisk autumn walks... or playing tag football with your friends, or knitting up a storm....

and it's also a very important time to remember to be truely thankful. now that my little one is at the stage of asking many many many questions, this is a perfect opportunity to show him how thankful i am.

Source: google.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and really, i am so very thankful. we live in such a beautiful and peaceful part of the world, we have electricity, running water, healthy family, wonderful friends,  and the ability to indulge in our hobbies...
i am so very thankful for you, dear readers! for being the wonderful friends through this blog that i never imagined i would find. full of encouragement, help, support, and great laughs. i hope one day we could all meet together... say over turkey and stuffing, and crazy crazy amounts of yarn :)

i'll be taking monday off as it's a holiday here in canada... and i have a lot of knitting to do this weekend. we're actually going camping! our one last hurrah of the season.... there won't be turkey at the campsite, but no worries... we've been invited to a friend's place on sunday to have our fill :) i'd better pack my stretchie-pants. xoxo

what do you have planned for this weekend? happy thanksgiving!! xoxox


distracted by magical farts.

so i'm supposed to be knitting diligently away... but something has caught my attention, and i've been sidetracked. i totally placed an order for unicorn farts.

you've heard of it, right? my pal melissa blogged about it yesterday, and i couldn't stop thinking about it. i've seen it pop up here and there, but as of yesterday i just had to get me some. haha. so i did.  i might have ordered a few other items as well... online shopping is far too easy i tell you!

hahaha!  ok now back to the grind...

what are you up to today?? it's a big knitting day here, as we're going away for canadian thanksgiving this weekend. i'll tell ya about it tomorrow. we found some great finds at the library yesterday, so off to read, cuddle, and knit. and try to keep this cold at bay.... xoxoxo


coming together...

i'm prepping away here for knit city... and let me tell you, there is yarn e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e..... (i kinda like it) haha.

but you do have to be prepared. so i've set up my mock table..... and it gives me a good idea of how much i should have...

i've also got a little teaser for you.... i might have come up with a new design. no i totally have....

any guesses?

how's your tuesday coming along? what are you up to today? as always, i love your company! xo

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