
resting up

i seem to have caught the bug that's going around... hopefully for me it's just the sniffles... at any rate, i'm mothering myself today. i have strict orders to drink lots of fluids, rest, and little else...
my little man is having a boys hallowe'en party this weekend, and i have to prepare for it.... but today is a rest day.

i felt myself coming down with something yesterday, and i pushed owen and i out to the library so we could stock up on movies and books... then off to the grocery store, to get juice, gingerale, kleenex and crackers.... so we're set.

i know it's been a quiet couple of weeks, that i don't have the camera so i can't really show you what's been completed or what's in the works... but i promise you i have so many items ready for photos, and lots to chat about!

i see this as nature's way to tell me to rest up before the busy holiday season... and to get ready ;) so that's what i'm doing...

how about you? what are you up to today? any comforting knitting or crocheting going on? i've got tea, and my knitting.. and we've just popped in a library movie... xo


  1. Oh dear, hope you feel better soon.
    Looking forward to seeing your latest projects!

  2. Awww...rest up and call if you wanna chat luv.

  3. That's wise, resting up, I mean. I hope you all stay well and have a sweet time together while you rest.
    p.s. I'm interested to see your latest projects.

  4. thanks so much everyone! i'm sure by tomorrow i'll be feeling even better <3 xo


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