
lofty lofty ambitions...

it's skew time! how did everyone do? i say you all deserve a big pat on the back for tackling this pattern. it's a bit of a strange pattern, construction wise... not bad, just strange...  and so pat pat pat... on the back to you.

and now down to the knitty-gritty.. (get it? lol) clearly, i need more sleep. hhahaa. ok. confession time. i don't have a big reveal for you... yet. :( i really really wanted to! and i'm pretty close! but man those needles are tiny, and that yarn is so small.... and no matter how fast i knit, it just wasn't fast enough last night.
that being said....

 here are my thoughts on the pattern. the outcome? very cool.. if you have the right yarn. though this is my first real sock pattern to tackle (being on small needles and all), i feel that there are many other patterns that would require a more mindless knit... not that i don't mind this, but you know. :) i did make the foot just a little bit too long. can you tell from the pic? it's looking a little baggy in the heel. oh well, lessons are always there to be learned. and very soon, i'll have a pair to show you. very very soon.
enough with the excuses. this has been a very busy month for me! and early next month, i'll be showing you lots and lots of fo's. promises.
would you like a sneak peek? of course you would :)

i know you totally know what this is... and i'm so excited it's done! too bad it's not for me :) though look what i'll be knitting mine in!!!

and then there are these....

and another of (almost) the same with this yarn..

but i'll be chatting about those two tomorrow for the warm up to winter kal that i'm hosting with luvinthemommyhood.

and i know i've already shown you kathleen. and you can read more about it here.

life happens, i know. but i'm hard on myself. i wish i had fully completed these skews within the deadline i set. but little surprises come my way, and i have to adapt. we've just found out that the hubs is off on an exercise for 2 weeks.... and he'll have to sleep in a tent. in winter. ewwwwww... of course he needs some woolies to keep him warm... and so i've had to accommodate for that. i knew you would totally understand. the reason i couldn't quite finish one knitting project is because of more knitting. haaaa... gotta love it.
but of course.. i have much planned for next month too...

so how about it. i wanna see your skews! even if they aren't completed (which is clearly allowed), send a link in the comments below so we can all see your amazing work! and i bet that by the end of the week... at the latest... you'll see mine.

how has the beginning of 2012 been for you? have you been a productive, busy bee? what are your upcoming crafting goals? i'd love to hear from you, and i've just made a fresh pot of coffee. yummmm xo


grey mondays

it's fairly grey today...

and it's making me more cold. :) the weekend was great! we filled it with good friends, knit night, and even a hockey game:) i have to say i'm feeling a little tuckered out. hahah. but it's all good.

so today is for cuddles, warm wool, and a little baking. ...maybe even a nice long walk!
this girl could use a little comfort today....oh and don't worry, i haven't forgotten about skew. tomorrow is the deadline! so i'm saving my post for then :) xo

what are you up to today? how was your weekend? i'd love to hear from you! xo


finally friday!

i don't know about you, but this has been a very strange week for me. i wasn't unhappy or frustrated or feeling anything negative, it just felt .... strange. lol. anyhoo.. yippee for the weekend! the hubs will be leaving soon for a couple of weeks in february so  i'm going to enjoy this weekend and do my best to get my thoughts and yarn organized ;)
wanna know what i have planned? first things first:

the hubs is our pancake king around here, and boy oh boy does he make a killer batch! they really are so uber fluffy and perfect. every. time. and it's becoming a weekend tradition now that he makes us pancakes! he always uses the recipe from "the joy of cooking". along with a few treats up his sleeve...mmMMmmmm. that's a very good way to start off the weekend, i think!

thrifting might be in order. it's been a while since i've done this, and spending time in a used bookstore is one of my fave past-times... you never know what you'll find!

i don't know what it is about me and books, but they are just such a comfort to me. it kind of scares me that before too long, books will be a thing of the past... but i really love the feel of the book in my hand.... (or propped up, so that i can knit) .. but you get the idea...

i'm also really looking forward to spending some quality time with the people i love. i posted about finding balance earlier this week, and it's been on my mind.. the importance of unplugging, and allowing myself be inspired and recharged by the people closest to me, and by spending more time outdoors...

maybe it's just been a strange winter, or something... and i ususally really love the cold, blustery days (perfect for knitting and tea), but i gotta tell ya, i'm sure looking forward to the spring! i am certainly ready for warmer weather!

this post has been inspired by luvinthemommyhood's weekend wishes.

how about you? what are your plans for the weekend? are you just about ready to say goodbye to winter? here's wishing you a wonderful weekend, full of rest, rejuvenation, friends, family, cuddles, and well you get the idea ;) xo



i think that sometimes , well no a lot of times it's hard to embrace your mistakes in knitting. you've put so . much. effort. into your overall project, and then to find out all of that work has to be ripped out? it's sad.

but i think it's important too... because we always learn from our mistakes, right? ...right??
i still really like this pattern, but my mistake came in such a rooky way. i didn't measure correctly. the size is right, but each bar of stitches are just a little bit too short.
short enough that i won't wear this. :(

but i still want to put more effort into this piece. i learned so much from it. new stitches, and techniques... (and apparently the need to be measuring correctly)...

so... once i grab another skein (in as close to this dye lot as possible) of  el.d.mouzakis butterfly super 10,  and take the biggest, deepest breath ever... i'll be ripping ripping ripping....
and then i'll be re-starting make up your mind by knittedbliss JC. because this pattern is totally worth it... and it deserves it...
and when it's done, it will fit like it should.

Make Up Your Mind by knittedblissJC
i know it will be worth it.. but i'm not ripping it out just yet. i'm talking about it. first step is admitting your mistakes.. ;) and once i have a few other projects finished, you can be sure i'll be toting this around with me.

how about you? do you have projects sitting on the top shelf, at the very back that you're ignoring because it just didn't turn out the way you thought it would? this isn't the only one for me... will you re-address it, and make it just the way you like? or is it going to stay in "time-out"? come chat! it's always nice to know that you're not the only one with big boo-boos. ;) xo


warm up to winter knit along - what i'm making!

hello! i sooo missed you last week! it's warm up to winter kal chat time! woo hoo!

Source: tumblr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i can't tell you how inspired i've been seeing all of your beautiful FO's, and reading all of your comments on the ravelry thread. you guys rock! it has taken me quite a while to come up with a pattern for this kal. i didn't want to knit just anything, of course... and true story, i had realized that i clearly hadn't thought ahead after i had whipped up "kathleen" by jane richmond less than two weeks before the start of the kal. hahaha. sooooo that left mitts, because "kathleen" was getting my full attention whenever i needed to don a toque. you can see pics and my notes here.
i do have a pair of knitted mitts.. but they're uber old.. and not all that warm. so it had been easily decided that's what i was knitting for the kal.

but boy oh boy, did i ever hum and haw over the pattern! honestly, there are so many good ones out there! i also needed to think of what mitts i would actually wear. what would work best for what i needed when i'm on the go. clearly, as you all know... i need to be able to keep knitting wherever i am (lol)... and then i remembered favouriting and oohhing and ahhing over "red is best". also by jane richmond. clearly i am an uber fan.
red is best by jane richmond

and i just happen to have some diamond yarn galway in my stash. in red. (of course). the fact that these will be knit in 100% wool already guarantees that it will be a warm addition to my hands... and it's been cold this winter! i neeeed these mittens!

the pattern calls for 4.0mm dpns. (i totally have them), but i also happen to have a set of knit picks dpns. my only set. and they happen to be 3.75mm sooo close. and because i have pretty tiny hands (my rings are only a size 4.5!) and i tend to be a looser knitter, i'm so substituting for the knit picks dpns.  i love them that much. ;)

i also love how jane named this pattern. do you remember the book red is best by kathy stinson? it was one of my faves as a little girl, and is definitely part of our family library.

photo from amazon.ca

i am so excited to get these mitts finished so that i can be wearing them already!

are you inspired to get knitting a pair of your own? want to join in on our kal? the finish date for this kal is feb. 8th, so you've still got plenty of time!  you can pick your pattern. either a hat or mitts (or both!) and be sure to sign up for the kal by clicking the link below.. and remember you must be signed up to enter any giveaways. an important note for sure ;)

you can keep up to snuff with chats in our luvinthemommyhood ravelry group, and be sure to check out all of the other posts here. also don't forget to grab a button to sport on your blog! you can get one from the sidebar to your right :) doesn't shannon create the best kal buttons?!
and one last thing. when you're done your beautiful project, be sure to either post pics of it in our ravelry group thread, or in our flicker group.  we'd love to see what you're knitting up! already i'm seeing so many warm, and cozy knits! i love it!

make sure you stop by luvinthemommyhood to see how shannon is doing on her project. she's so speedy! xo

so what have you been creating? are you doing mittens, or a toque? or both? how are you keeping warm? i'd love to hear from you! the weather is horrid, and it's a great day for a chat and a mug of tea. xo


finding balance...

we're nearing the end of january (already!) and by now a lot of us... but not all, are back into a routine from the hubub of christmas, new years, and general merry-making...
how are you feeling? are you calm and organized and feel in charge of your resolutions? or are you overwhelmed, and bogged down from so many new responsibilities....? maybe a little bit of both?
and it seems we need balance for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g! and it's probably true... but if that is the case, why aren't i really good at it by now? because that would solve a lot of problems.

i myself am prone to anxiety, and would more feel overwhelmed with what's on my plate... but you know, there are more days than not when i'm feeling fairly in control.
but of course there are days when i'm barely keeping my head above water... isn't that what parenting, and life is all about though?

i've decided that there is no real routine here... nothing specifically set in stone.. until the little man heads off to school.. and that won't be for another year and a half yet... i still have lots that i have to get done in a day for sure... and i have deadlines to meet, but for now i'm totally going to enjoy the schedule (or lack thereof) we have.
and do you know what's helping me enjoy it all? believe it or not, it's me being more active. (i bet you thought i was going to get all sentimental here. ha) but i'm being for real here. i've set goals for myself, that i'll probably share with you as i achieve them... but all in all, just paying attention to what my body needs and trying just a little bit is making a difference.
and it's helping me to focus, and to deal with issues with no stress... i'm kind of loving that. wouldn't you?
Source: twitpic.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

today is a kind of damp day here.. and a good day for bread baking, and sauce making... my little man has a serious love affair with garlic toast, so i'm thinking spaghetti tonight.... yum. now i'm also off to cuddle the little dude, and get some knitting in. i've got deadlines to meet, so i'd better get knittin'!

Source: 79ideas.org via Rebecca on Pinterest

thanks for letting me get this out today. sometimes just typing it out gives me the encouragement i need to keep on. and i like starting my days out with encouragement. :) how are you doing today? how do you find your balance. what works best for you? i love hearing from you! xo


good morning!

it's monday.. i'm not fully skewed yet. but i'm working on it. lol.

the more i work on this pattern the more i realize how very different it is from "normal" sock patterns. not that i'm a huge expert here... (ahem.. this is totally my first sock on small needles and small yarn.. ) but from what i can gather, it's just a strange way of constructing a sock. that being said.. i loove the outcome!
choice of yarn is definitely key. self striping is important... or a variegated i suppose.. but i think self striping would look nicest, don't you think so?

my tips so far on this pattern are... make sure to keep your notes for your first sock! you totally won't remember exactly what you did at certain points of the pattern (unless you followed it exactly as written)... so i keep my sheet  close by. i separated the sections of the sock and ticked off how many repeats i did as opposed to what the pattern says. because hey, we all have different sized feet. and for knitters who don't usually do "two of" patterns.. like socks, or mitts... you have to remember that once you're done the first one... you've still got one more to knit!
seems a very simple easy to remember idea, but trust me... sometimes that very simple easy rule can just be easily forgotten. yes. really.

also, it's a very good idea to mark the center of your round. i just used a safety pin... oh and the whole dpn thing? totally doable on this sock.

i'm enjoying this kal though. and i'm feeling encouraged to knit more socks... so that's pretty awesome. i don't hate sock knitting... i'd say the first sock knitting experience so far is great!

who knows, maybe the next sock pattern i tackle will be this:

...i said maybe... :)

how about you? are you enjoying this kal so far? if this is your first sock pattern, are you encouraged to keep on knitting socks? do you have an absolute favourite pattern? do you find yourself attracted to more difficult patterns, (like lace and knee high.. lol)? i'm so in the mood to chat, and i love your company! xo


who wants a cookie?

...and it's friday already! honestly, how did that happen?! crazy. i mean, i know our week was busy, but wow friday is here already?! i'm not complaining though. nope. i love me my weekends!
as you may or may not know, our weather has been cold, and wintery, and just not like victoria weather... so we are finding ways to bundle up and stay warm along with the rest of the country ;) one of the ways i like to keep warm, is to hang out in a warm kitchen. who's with me? oh yeah! with the oven on, and soup simmering on the stove... and knitting close by (i totally knit in the kitchen... and i suddenly need an apron that says that) lol. ...honestly, wouldn't that be awesome? yep. totally...
ahem.. where was i ? oh yes.... i had soup simmering on the stove... turkey soup actually (we saved the carcass for when we weren't sick of turkey anymore). i dug it out of the freezer a couple of days ago, and now we have hearty-warm-good-for-the-soul soup... i also made some dinner rolls to go with it. (i'll share it with you another post... as i awesomely forgot to take pics of the process).. hey. i was hungry..
but then these happened...

these made us happy... and forgetful of the cold. i bet you would like a little cheer! so here's the recipe: xo

these are an adaptation of a recipe that i have from the "more with less" cookbook by doris janzen longacre. this is also one of my go-to cookbooks. it's really one of my faves! so again...this isn't my recipe...... but i've tweaked it... so here's my version of it.

chocolate chip oatmeal cookies
375 degrees. approx 10 min.

cream together:
1 c. butter
1/4 c. peanut butter (i'm a little generous with this)
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. br. sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla

1 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 c. rolled oats
1-2 c. chocolate chips (i add whatever i have)
1 tbsp. honey
1 c. nuts (optional).. i didn't put any in this recipe this time...

mix well. drop by teaspoonful on baking sheet lined with parchment paper (you're call on the parchment paper, but it sure helps with clean up) bake at 375 for about 10 min. i sometimes found that 8 or 9 min were enough. just make sure that the cookies are turning a golden brown colour.

these are soo yummy!!! and really, they'll make you happy. promises. also, your kitchen will be warmer, so that's a bonus too...
now if only i had a wood stove in my kitchen.. that would be perfect!

what are you up to this weekend? i have plans to finish two projects and start another. it will happen, because my stubborn self tells me so. and i'm so missing my knit night girls, so that will happen too! i'd love to hear about your plans for the weekend! what's your fave cookie? come chat, i'll save a cookie..or two for you. xo


i'm here!!!

i'm still breathing! still alive, and i'm so so sorry to have dropped off like that... eeks! i feel like i've missed out on so much! i know it's only been two days, but i go to check my email, and my fave blogs, and i feel so behind!
but it's ok. we're back from our little vacation, and we're getting back into a routine.
let me tell you, it's just so wonderful to be back to meal planning, to have food on our house, and to be home. it's not like we were gone long or anything, it was less than a week! but i'm feeling that after all of the business of christmas, new years, birthdays, and then travel, i'm ready to slow down.... you know?

so i totally wanted to give you a lovely post yesterday, and then we woke up to a winter wonderland!
we don't get that much here... sooo tobogganing it was!
and now, i'm back. and i'm focused! promise! you forgive me, right?

our mini-holiday was lovely, as i said.  and was i ever glad i packed my woolies!

i wore "kathleen" a lot! with -30 and -40 temperatures, this toque was just perfect! sooo glad i knit it up :)
and speaking of knitting, i did get a fair bit done! though the projects aren't fully finished yet, i did get a lot of work done on them. one being the classic raglan pullover, by jane richmond.

this is such a speedy knit! i am aaaalmost done it, and i cast on  for this baby on friday! yeah, that's a quick and awesome sweater! and keep in mind, i was visiting with family during this time! there were lots of non-knitting moments, for sure. now that i'm home and much more focused, i bet this sweater will finish up before you know it. i just bet it will.

this will be one of the classes i'll be teaching at the cloth castle. this pattern is very suitable even for the newer knitter who has a grasp of basic stitches and some pattern reading...  i love jane's patterns. they are very clear and precise. no guessing... and very easy to follow. love love love.

so if you know a bit about knitting, have done a project or two, and are ready to forge ahead into larger projects, this might just be the class for you! i'd love to knit with you! our classes are always fun :)  just contact the cloth castle for more info, and register! with this winter weather here, it's a good time to be a knitter. a very good time indeed.

how have you been? what projects have been keeping you busy? any exciting things to share? how are you keeping warm in this wintery weather? i've missed you all! come chat, i've got my knitting right here and  i'll put on the coffee.. xo


keeping up... sort of...

we are still away from home... until tomorrow night. but i want to know, how are your skews coming along? i am on my second skew now... and still loving it! which is awesome, because i thought i might be one of those people who would have the "second sock syndrome" waa waaaa... but i don't. so that is good. :)

what do you think about the pattern? is it very different from any other type of sock that you've knitted before? though i don't have a ton of experience in knitting socks, this i can tell is not the average sock pattern. i do find it interesting though, and that keeps me wanting to keep on knitting.

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i am loving the tiny needles and yarn, and i'm really looking forward to when i can be donning my pair of skews! woo hoo! and who knows? this time next year i might have a drawer full of warm wooly socks. :)

Source: stamp48.com via Shila on Pinterest

and let me tell you, it seems that warm and cozy is the name of the game these days! it's cooooold here in alberta!   -35 today, and -40 tomorrow. yikes. and we are even coming home to snow! fairly exciting! (and cold). hahaha so i hope we're all going to be keeping our feet toasty warm with our new skews soon!!!
in other knitting news....

i have been knitting like a crazy lady. (but that's not really news is it...)... i cast on for a sweater on friday, and i'm almost done the body as of now. i totally think that's news-worthy! this is such an awesome pattern, and i can't wait to show you the finished product!

and how about you? did you have a good weekend? what are you up to this week? do you have lots of knitting plans? sewing? baking? i'd love to hear about it.... how are you keeping warm? xo


weekend already?!

how is it friday already?! this week has flown by. we are actually away from home right now, visiting the inlaws.... and our little one is recieving many many many gifts and treats and cuddles
;) i'm really really hoping for some good knitting time this weekend. i need it.

 i've got a big goal in mind, and i hope i stick to it. here's hoping for a wee bit of rest too.... my sil is with me, and has experience in yoga instruction.. i could sure use some of that... so i think i'll beg her for a "home class", no?

apart from that, plans for this weekend also include a trip to the west edmonton mall... some fun bread baking with my sil.. i think we might even make up a recipe!! i'll be sure to let you know how that goes... and some swimming with the little man...
yep. looks like we've got a good weekend in store!

what do you have planned for this weekend? anything new and exciting? or just the same, comforting weekend plans :) we're only an hour ahead for my body's time clock but man i'm beat. here's to a good rest this weekend! xo (knitting included)
p.s. i just realized it's friday the 13th... are you superstitious?


breather... and a vid.

taking a very small break today.. i hope you don't mind! we're actually in flight to see the inlaws. don't worry though... just taking today as a day off ...as it's a travel day. soo hard to post on travel days, don't you think?

sooo while i fly through the air.... i thought i'd leave you with a little knitting entertainment.
hope you like this... because i bet we can all relate... even if just a tinsy bit.. no? i'm sure you've seen this video before, it's nothing new.. but it's a gooder.
i'll be online a little later today. i'm dying to know what you've decided (if you have yet) to cast on for the KAL!

do you have any fave knitting videos? anything you can share? i'd love to know!


the big reveal!

can i hear a huge woot woot?!!? it's that time again!! luvinthemommyhood and i are hosting another kal! we had so much fun with the carefree cowl knit along, and we had a really hard time waiting for this one to start!
and so, without further ado....
let me introduce the:

i know you're excited now! what better timing, you're thinking, this is just what i needed! is what's going through your head right now, yeah.. we know...because for a lot of us, winter is only just starting to show it's ugly head.. we're gonna need these warm woolies... in this kal we're actually focusing on toques (hats) and mittens. you don't have to do both if you don't feel you have time, (or want to... some of us may not be toque people, it's ok) but there are just so many lovely options out there that shannon and i don't want to limit you to just one project. and if you're inspired, speedy, and just plain excited to do more than one project, then do it!!! we're excited to see how you'll warm up that topper of yours as well as your chilly fingers...

let me start off by showing you my top 9 mitts (both full-on and fingerless... some of us need to keep knitting at all times despite the cold) no. we're not crazy. not at all ;)

these are all just gorgeous. i love the colour work... something i have not done too much of, and cables. i think it's fun to play with texture, don't you?

and here are my top 9 toques... (hats for you non-canadians.. hee hee this girl's gotta stick to her roots!)

it's hard to narrow them down, that's for sure! i love that a toque can also be fashionable.. every one of these show that :)
it seems i'm either on colourwork, or texture.. yep that's my kick these days :)

these are only some of my favourites.. you choose whatever pattern you'd like so long as it's a hat or mitts :) it certainly doesn't have to be from my faves :) have fun with it! it can be any level as well.

some tips when looking for your pattern... do you already have yarn on hand? ravelry has a great method of searching for patterns through particular yarns, you can search for a pattern even by needle size, if you have a fave you love using. honestly. if you're not on ravelry yet, you really should be. it's free, and there are soooooooo many goodies in there! don't forget to pop in our ravelry thread too! everyone is so friendly and full of tips and advice and encouragement :) promises. if you're a beginner knitter, and have never tackled mitts or a toque before, try to stick to a pattern that's fairly basic... working with dpns and also a cable needle can be a little tricky at times.... if you're hands are not used to it.
biggest tip? make sure you do a gauge swatch. particulairly if you're swapping for a completely different yarn. you want to make sure you meet the required gauge in order to ensure a proper fit. it can be disappointing to find that you've bound off for your hat, and it's either never going to fit over your noggin, or it hangs below your eyes.
head on over to this post over on luvinthemommyhood for extensive tips on gauge... and when choosing your proper yarn, be sure to check out this post.

and if you looking for either shannon or i on ravelry, you can find shannon under "luvinthemommyhood" and me under "gundyknitter" and i promise we're here to help out as much as we can!

are you interested? wanna join? of course you do...
to sign up for this kal, shannon has created a form! easy peasy! click on the link below, and that will bring you straight to the form.

start date: january 11th, 2012 (and continuous until the deadline)
end date: february 8th, 2011
note.. you must be signed up to be entered into any giveaways.

that's not all! we know you love a good knit along!! be sure to check out our ravelry thread for encouragement, tips, and just plain good chatting :)

let's not forget the button! can't forget that!! shannon is so super talented. she's created another fab button for you to sport on your lovely blogs. either grab one below or over on luvinthemommyhood.
we are so excited for this kal! it's gonna be a good one.

i have a feeling this is gonna be a really good year! let's start it off warm and fashionable, shall we?
so grab your sticks and string, go sign up.. and let's get knitting! don't forget to go on over to luvinthemommyhood's post and catch her round-up of her fave toques and mitts!
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