
warning. objects in photos are definitely drool worthy. towel probably required.

Source: campl.us via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'm usually a very focused person, and have always liked being productive. i thrive on it. especially when it comes to my knitting. (i really have been called crazy on that front. bahah), but this is the thing that has been keeping me from being uber productive.

ever since my splurge of madelinetosh at little knits in seattle, i have been having a hard time focusing on many other yarns, save a few.  and these would be, (in no particular order)
sweet georgia yarns,

the plucky knitter,


as well as the madelinetosh. which is the very first pic in this post. it's ok. go get your towel... i'll wait :) honestly. i am spending a dangerous amount of my time oogling over pinterest and ravelry, and etsy at these gorgeous yarns!

seriously! it's not fair (as though i'm really complaining here), how am i supposed to concentrate when all i want to do is knit amazing beautiful lovlies out of all of this yarn!!!

can you???  yeah, i didn't think so :)

 source:1 waldorfmama.typepad.com 2.mryarn.com
3.madelinetosh.com 4.ravelry.com

so now you can see why i've been having a hard time concentrating! wouldn't this be an incredible stash to own? totally wishful thinking. haha but still... ***swoon***
at least i'm off to a start! i do have a skein of madelinetosh pashmina yarn. and the project for it?

it will be perfect

what yarns are you coveting at the moment? if you could get your hands on any yarn out there what would it be? and what would be the the project for it? i'd love to know your yarn loves and patterns! i'm totally in the mood to chat fibers, and i've got lots of coffee!


you can do it!

 when you put your mind to it you can do great things! i mean this in every sense of the word... but as i'm completely obsessed with knitting, and crochet... and really anything yarn related.... i'm gonna take it in this direction ;)......of course i am. might i add, that i also love audrey hepburn.

i can't help it. there is something to being able to create such beautiful, and functional (and sometimes not so functional) warm, practical things out of yarn. and really, we can take it a step further and say there's something amazing about even creating yarn from the sheep's wool. obsessed, i tell you.

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

learning a brand new craft can be overwhelming. heck it can be overwhelming just re-learning the basics that you know are somewhere buried deep in your brain. but it can be sooo gratifying! i really think that the biggest thing to remember is this

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

being a part of a knitting class, or group is such a great way to enjoy the craft. especially when you're surrounded by others, aiming for the same goal. there are many projects out there that any knitter, from beginner to the most advanced can feel so much confidence in making. so don't be afraid to pick up a new tool and feel a little awkward in learning to use it!
it's also good to remember that making mistakes is okay. it's the best and most effective way to learn.

and before you know it, you'll be whipping up christmas presents in no time!

the thing i think i love most about this craft is that i know every stitch. there is something so very special when i make a gift for someone, knowing that each stitch has them in mind. when i touch the blanket that grandma made for me before i was even born makes me think of this a lot.

i unfortunately never met my grandma, she died before she could finish the blanket... so her sisters finished the blanket for her. it is one of my most cherished knitted possessions.

i've said it many times, and i'll say it again. the fall is my most favourite time of year... and really, it's the perfect time to pick up the craft! if you have ever just wondered what it would be like, take the plunge! try it out! you might find that you like it.... a lot!!
if you're looking for classes, the best place to start is your local yarn store (LYS). they'll be able to help you find some great classes! community centers also sometimes offer these types of classes.. and just ask around! you'd be surprised at what you'll find!
of course, if you're in the victoria area... come stop by the cloth castle! i've got a lot of classes all lined up, and i would love love love to see you!

so how about it, have you taken a class before? are you inspired to try something new this season? have you made great friends along the way in this crafting journey? i can't wait to hear about it all! i've got my sights set on a class myself!


back on track.. and a reveal!

well as best as we can be :) i can't believe that it's the week of september 1st already! so now is as good a time as any to get back into a routine, and a schedule of sorts. speaking of routine... here's our meals for the week. it's been a while since i've posted about this! well.. back at 'er!
we're going for very simple this week, as the hubs is working nights... so dinners are just me and owen. i made these rosemary potatoes a few weeks ago and looove it! i don't know why i never really thought to put rosemary in potatoes before... but yummmmm... have to do it again. as for the lazy man's risotto? it's basically no wine... but i suppose it's still a lot of stirring. oh well... i suppose one meal this week could take a little extra work.

i'm just soo glad to have my kitchen back! no more storage in there!!! the floors are done. wanna see??

i am very very happy with it. it's even better than the old floor.... which, in my opinion had too much red. these guys were fantastic! they even repainted my baseboards... lovely. do you like it? a tiny secret... the hubs picked out the flooring! i'm so impressed :)
so now that things are pretty much back in their place, and meal planning has started up again.... i'm feeling pretty good about the beginning of this week...  and the beginning of this season.
the knitting is about to kick in full force! classes are filling up, and i couldn't be happier. bliss. :)
here's a little of what you have to look forward to!

oh so pretty, don't ya think? i love red.

so stay tuned! i've got lots planned, and lots to share! get your needles ready! it's gonna be an epic season ;)

are you ready for september 1st? are you as excited for fall knitting as i am? what are you up to this week? i'd love to hear from you, and i'm in the mood to chat!


so much to look forward to!

we haven't had summer weather all too long out on the west coast of canada, and already we're into full fledged fall planning. it's ok though, fall i think is a knitter's favourite time of year. it certainly is mine!

source: 1. www.becomingart-handmade.com 2. brooklyntweed.net

i can never get enough of fall colours... they are sooo cozy and comforting. cinnamon, pumpkin, spice, moss, wintergreen ... love it! i become beyond inspired! also, when the weather starts getting a little cooler, i just want to wrap myself up in these lovely creations. not to mention sipping my fave latte.

Source: None via Rebecca on Pinterest

oh yum.
and the recipes! fall and winter recipes are just plain awesome. of course summer is too. i love it all, but i've gotta say, i'm a sucker for comfort food.

as if i weren't inspired enough theses days, luvinthemommyhood posted about something super duper awesome a few days ago!
have you heard of celebrate color? it's simply the best idea!! basically it encourages you to create and use full fall colours. love it!!
there are even prizes!! yep. i'm in! :) check out shannon's post about it for more details. and then join in too!! you can even grab a nifty little button and put it up on your sidebar.

Celebrate Color

yep, i'm looking forward to the fall. and my yarn stash will grow in abundance, i'm sure of it :) this weekend is a full one for me :) much knitting to be accomplished! i'll be making an appearance over at the cloth castle to introduce myself, and show off some samples for the upcoming classes. there's knit night tonight, (unless we're hosting a dinner party... which i'm ok with too) and since we've been gone for the past few weeks on holidays, and now i finally have my kitchen back... there is the most enormous grocery shop to do as well.

how is your weekend looking? are you getting inspired by fall to create? what is on your needles? i'd love to chat! and if you're in the area, come by to the cloth castle to say hi!


the week is over?

how is it friday already? my floors will be finished by this evening! hurrah!!! 

yes i'm very excited. i promise to show you when it's all done :) even though it's only been 3 days, i can't wait to have my kitchen back! i'll have to wait until tomorrow to get some grocery shopping in though, as the hubs is working nights tonight, and will have to take the car... at least i can clean and purge.

i love to purge. being in a clutter-free environment is one of my fave things. i don't know why, but i've always been this way. during school years,  i couldn't concentrate on homework unless my room was clean and organized.
i'm strange like that. but once i have a clear, and clean space.. my creative juices really start to flow.

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

am i the only one like this? come on.. tell me i'm not crazy. :) i'm getting so excited for the fall, and for all of the knitting taking place! i have sooo much to show you and to share with you! shall we start with a sneak peek?? ok :) a little while ago, i posted about gauge swatching... and my end result is actually one of the classes i'll be teaching!

this is the begbie cowl by jane richmond. i used big softee. you'll need 2 skeins of this. and my gauge ended up needing the 7.0mm needle. i loooove this pattern! i can't wait to make one for myself! very simple in construction, but the effects are lovely! don't you think so? there are a lot of great colours to choose from! when you sign up for this class at the cloth castle, you'll recieve 20% off your materials! bonus!

this is a quick class! only one session! class dates for this project are offered on sat. oct 29th, and sat. dec 10th.  this is a must have accessory.. and they'd make great gifts come christmas!

told ya, i was excited! if you are in the area, come to the cloth castle tomorrow morning! i'll be in the new knitting "nook" and i'd love to chat with you, as well as show you some of the class samples!

are you looking forward to the weekend? counting down the hours and the minutes? how are you spending this weekend? do you have kiddos going back to school? my little one is not yet ready for that, so we're not feeling those pressures.... yet.... have you started on your holiday crafting? i'm in the mood to chat, come leave me a message!


crazy lovely

the new floor is going in today, (that part's the crazy) and the craft room/office is mainly a storage spot for many things that should be living downstairs... so as i sit amongst all of the "stuff" in large piles around me... i thought i'd show you a pattern i've just fallen in love with. (and this part is the lovely) :)

really just. we met last night. so the butterflies are there, and the uncontrollable smiles whenever i look at it. bahah, yes. i need to knit this lovely.

it just looks so perfect for fall! don't you agree? the pattern is called stockholm scarf. you can find it here on ravelry. do you remember the make up your mind tank? well it's by the same person! knittedblissJC is really so talented! i love her work!
the pattern calls for a 6.0mm needle, and some dk yarn. i can handle that! i'm not sure what yarn to use though... thoughts? i'd like to get something nice for it, that's for sure :) wouldn't it be lovely to use tannis fibre arts yarn?

this pattern has actually been around a while... i don't know why i haven't seen it sooner, but it's ok.. i see it now. and i love it. and i want it ;)

and now i bet you do too.. maybe we should start a fall kal on this one? hrmmm that might be a good idea!
but today i have to find my sewing machine, to get my labels sewn on the samples that are to be dropped off today... let's hope i can find it!

how is your day going? looking forward to fall and coveting some lovely squishy fall patterns? what are some of your favourites that you're coming across? i'd love to hear about it!


we made it!!!

but with only a few hours to spare! how's that for timing? what i mean is that once we got back from our road trip, the very next morning (which is today) this is what happened :

yep. the floor is ripped out. we had a leak in our dishwasher and didn't know about it until after it came up through the flooring... if you look on the bottom left pic, you can see where the floor is still wet...
sooo i get a new floor! and also a new dishwasher... totally excited about that :)

but it means that life is very chaotic at the moment. we've barely unpacked.. well no, who am i kidding, we're not unpacked yet... and the downstairs is pretty unlivable... can't really prepare a meal in that kitchen...
i asked the hubs nicely to reconnect the internet so that i could write to you guys! i've missed you so..

the new floor will be in thursday, and the cleanup crew will come in on friday... reinstalling the baseboards etc... so it's a little crazy here :)

i totally know you understand, but i still wanted to come in and say hi!! i've gotten a lot of knitting done while we were away, and i can hardly wait to show you!

in the meantime though, i am putting the finishing touches up on the samples for the fall and winter classes!! there will be another big post on that soon.

speaking of big posts, i felt soo special to be a part of versus. did you get a chance to peek at it? very soon, the tutorial will also be up on this blog too.  lots of exciting stuff to share with you in the upcoming days!

but how are you doing? what have you been up to this past week? any exciting projects on the go? this would also include home reno's :)  i'd love to hear about it!! leave a comment, and let's chat!


peek a boo!

hi everyone! so sorry to have missed you yesterday, blogging from the road is trickier than i thought it would be! but i'll make it up to you today. promises.  it's my first time as a guest blogger, and i'm pretty excited to be making my guest blogging debut over on versus! yep.. pretty excited. :) for those of you unfamiliar with versus, (and you really won't be for long).... it is a virtual boxing match between sewing and knitting. i'll let you guess which side of the ring i'm on ;) but sewing really is growing in my books!!

i was really excited when shannon of luvinthemommyhood decided to create this new space to duke sewing and knitting out. i am a lucky girl that shannon is one of my good friends, who shares my crazy love of knitting, and coffee :) and even crochet! not all knitters are also crocheters... (as you know), and it's pretty nifty to be able to share a love for many different crafts with friends.. don't you think? she's even getting me more excited about sewing! and encouraged me through my fears of sewing my bag!

but boy do i feel pretty special that shannon asked me to be a guest blogger on versus! and this is where your pressie comes in!!! i've got a great tute to share with ya :)
and it's neither knitting or sewing ;) it's a fabulous crocheted coaster! oh yeah.

meet jardain.

such a cute, and fun coaster. i had a lot of fun designing this project, and i hope you have a ton of fun making them too! it adds such a great pop of colour to your table, and your bevies will love them too.

this is a super easy coaster to make, and will give you some instant gratification... for the full tutorial, head on over to versus. and once you've made them, i'd love to see a pic of them! send me a link to your projects in the comments section, and we can all have a peek!

are you both a sewer and knitter, as i'm turning out to be? how about crochet? have you seen the versus mag? i'd love to hear about some of your completed, or works in progress... or dreams to make things. :) leave a note, and let's chat!


deliriously happy

we survived the fist day! haha, of course we did :)

though right off the bat we started dealing with awesomeness... like our fan in the car died... (the night before)... but miraculously started up again today.. weird... but i'll take it. and then.. uber sadness.. our camera died 3 pictures into the trip.

i can't help but laugh. of course it would pick now to die... sigh. so we picked up a new camera... and all is well. annnnd i got me my knit picks! eeks! and my very first skein of madelinetosh pashmina yarn!

aaaahhh sweet bliss! i'm soo happy!!!!! the colour i chose is saffron... a little darker than the one pictured, but i loooooovvveee it! also, now i'm really hoping my classes book up this fall now. hahaha. but they're worth it. :)
i bought my new needles and this to die for yarn at little knits in seattle. such a cute store! i will definitely go back the next time i'm in the area. i just love meeting new knitters, and ravelry friends! it does a knitter's soul good :)

the hubs got in a baseball game, so he's a happy guy too. he admitted to me earlier that he was determined to get me to the little knits shop so that i could get my knit picks, because he was going to the jays game... haha sure that's fair! personally i think i got the better end of this deal. but don't tell him that ;) all in all, not bad for a monday!  so far this trip has started out great!!

now i've got to get some knitting in before i crash for the night.

how was your monday? full of any surprises? did they turn out for the better by the end of the day? any tips on what my skein of madelinetosh pashmina should become? i'm still checking this space as often as i can, so leave me a note! i'd love to chat with ya!


...and we're off!

as you're reading this, we are on the road! so excited! we got up at 4am, to bundle in the car and catch the first ferry. c.r.a.z.y.

here's hoping nothing seriously important has been forgotten.... but really, we'll deal with it if something has been forgotten.
first stop... seattle! i'm uber excited about this because i've done my homework and found a shop who sells the knit picks interchangeable needles! yippee! so i'm hoping i can save some moola by buying it in the US.
who knows, i could be knitting with my new babies in just a few days!!!

i am absolutely convinced that they will enable me to knit better, and faster.

how could they not? :) i am destined to be a super-hero knitter ;)
i am bringing sooo much knitting with me. the plan? to finish almost all of the samples for the upcoming classes. !!! it will be done. i can do it, .....right? totally.

my weekend was great! the baby blanket crochet class finished up, and there were some beautiful results! i'll post more about that this week... also, we took knit night to a lounge... and it was soooo fun!
i don't think any too many mistakes were made :)
i just love the opportunity to sit and chat... and knit. bliss!

we had lots of great chats, and a little bit of wine...

how was your weekend? did you get some creative time in? were you able to share your crafty time with friends? i'd love to hear how you're doing! even though i'm on the road, i still check this space often! come, say hi!! let's chat!


road trip!

yippeeee! it's friday! but it's not just any friday, we're starting our family vacation! we've decided to take a road trip for the occasion. it's gonna be great, and we'll make lots of memories....good ones....  and i want you to come too!

Source: google.fr via Rebecca on Pinterest

bahahah don't worry. when it's my turn to drive, the knitting will take a rest ;) but never fear, it's always close by. it's really important to me that i continue the blogging while we're away.  and besides, i would just miss you all too much. also, i've got a ton of knitting that needs to be done in preparation for the  fall and winter class schedule... so i'll have lots to talk about and share.

yes folks!! it's up! the fall/winter class schedule!

i am so excited for what this fall will bring! did you take a look at the link for the class schedule? go do it!! (then come back). did you see? we are featuring jane richmond's patterns! woo hoo!!! also, we'll be learning an elizabeth zimmerman pattern as well!  oh goodness, this fall is going to be full of yarny goodness. i just know it!

jane is such a talented designer, and i can't wait to be teaching her patterns!

1. Begbie Cowl 2. Autumn Hat 3. Marion 4. Jane Hat

her patterns are clear, and easy to follow. and i just love her style! any of these will make great gifts (if you feel you can part with them) :)

1.Oatmeal Pullover 2. Aesderina Hat

all of these patterns will be available for classes and for purchase at the cloth castle! to see lots more of jane's patterns you can find her at her etsy shop, ravelry, and her blog. i tell ya, this is going to be a very exciting fall and winter! i just want one of everything to add to my wardrobe!

do you live in victoria, bc? want to take a class?

to register for a class click here and get all of your info. classes start pronto, so you'll want to register early! the staff at the cloth castle are super friendly and always happy to help with any questions you might have.
i'm especially excited for the knitting season this year, because the cloth castle is currently undergoing some big changes! the knitting area will be in it's own little "nook".. it will be so nice to browse and immerse yourself in yarn! i can hardly wait!

now let's see if i can keep on top of everything while on our trip! in the meantime, i've got a ton of organizing to do... and i think the key is focus. i'm bringing my laptop, and of course plenty of needles and yarn. speaking of needles... eek! i might be ordering the knit picks soon! they have a swift for sale until monday! i need a swift.

i've got a busy weekend ahead... we're finishing up the crochet baby blanket class, and let's not forget knit night!! i love me my knit nights. we also have to pick our new flooring.. (wouldn't it be nice if it could be installed while we're away?) ...

how is your weekend looking? are you planning on taking any classes this fall? are you as excited about the knitting class schedule as i am? i'd love to hear about what you're creating, and what your weekend plans are. have you traveled with young children much? what are your tips for a big road trip?


organized... or excited!

it's just before the beginning of fall... and we're fast approaching my favourite time of the year for knitting. (and for most knitters, really).

i know, i know! it's still summer... and i bet you're saying "hang on! what's the rush?" but before you get yourselves all in a panic... it's really not so bad! and there's a lot of planning to be done! this summer has really flown by, hasn't it? i mean it's already the 11th of august! and before we know it, we'll be completely immersed in autumn knitting....

source www.naturalsuburbia.blogspot.com
and i want to be ready!
and so i have completely immersed myself.

there are many things to be planning for! a lot of samples for the classes, orders to fill, a christmas market to plan for, not to mention christmas gifts!
i am embracing this time almost as much as a breath of fresh air! i love the opportunity to be surrounded by lovely fibers, and new projects. and the opportunity to wear them! to say i am excited about knitting, and wool... is really an understatement.

...and those who know me, know that statement to be very true :)

 and so... the planning stages have begun! and samples are being made.
so here's a tiny sneak peak at one of the classes i'll be teaching...

how cute, hey? i'm so very excited to be teaching some of jane richmond's patterns!
if you're living in the victoria area on the west coast of canada.... come, sign up for a class! you know you want to be ready for the cooler months too!

have you started thinking about your fall knitting and crochet schedule? are you getting excited about handmade gifts for the holiday season? have you considered taking a class before? i'd love to chat, and the coffee is on!
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