
so ready.

hurrah! it's friday! bring on the weekend :)

my plans this weekend include:

as much yarny time...
outside time...
garden time...
running time...
coffee time...
as i can get my hands on.

what are your plans for the weekend? come chat. i think we could all use a little relaxation! and for my US friends.. happy long weekend! xo


  1. My plans? Ditto yours, minus the running. I don't run.

    1. hope you have a very relaxing weekend! xo

  2. we're getting in garden time, too...I pulled a bunch of weeds (mostly silver maple seedlings that came from the neighbor's tree) today, near the baby tomatoe plants and lettuce

    and I'm on a loose leaf tea binge lately...rose petal black is my favorite, but had lavender chamomile tonight

    so pretty...I ♥ your wildflower bouquet...I've been picking peonies in full bloom and buds lately, trying to shake the ants off, and still getting them in the house

    1. i wish that were my wildflower boquet ;) good old pinterest has the best photos. but it does inspire me to go and pick one. xoo


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