
note to self....

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

do you ever find that you wake up just waiting for inspiration to hit you? i'm quite guilty of that actually... and i find myself getting impatient for feeling inspired. it's a funny thing.

and then this morning i realized that if i don't just stop to enjoy the now, and take advantage of the present, i'm going to completely miss this "inspiration" i'm looking for.

because it's usually staring at you full on...

so today, i'm taking time to breathe. be in the now... and enjoying the first glimpses and smells of spring.

i'd love to hear of what you're up to today! anything special on your needles? any new colours finding their way into your stash? come chat! the sun is shining, and the coffee is hot. xo


  1. I love that granny square bunting! So lovely! I have no knitting/crochet projects on the go for the first time in a long time.... except a blanket I have no desire to finish. Lots of non-yarn projects waiting in the wings though! If only I didn't have to work today..... ~Stephanie

    1. oh i can't wait to hear about your fun projects! can you tell i've been into buntings lately? lol! i hope you have a good day at work though! xo

  2. Went to the good old VV boutique on weekend and found beautiful lilac coloured yarn!! Some cowl scarves for my grand daughters I think! Looking for set of Denise interchangeable circulars...used.

    1. how exciting! and what a lovely spring colour! hope you can find the interchangeables!!! xo


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