
persistence pays off... right?

i know that many of us already know this.. but  the best things sometimes take the hardest work. working  really hard for something produces incredible results...

Source: qu114.info via Kristen on Pinterest

most of the time....  and i am reminded of it today, when i stumbled upon a friend's blog... flutterflutter.
i've been feeling a little bit frustrated.. because i'm having a hard time achieving the right picture. i very honestly would much rather cast on for another project then set down my needles to snap some groovy pictures. that being said.. i really want gorgeous pictures of my work. i do work hard on the knitting, and crochet.. baking bread.. all of that good stuff... so i should work just as hard to show it to you in the way i want it to be seen.

i have a lot of respect for photographers! it's hard! finding the right lighting, the right angles... the perfect setting to capture texture, or expression...   i find it very difficult, anyways... but i'll keep working at it.... because i don't want to just show you any photo of my work, i want you to see what i see.. and why i love the process soo much..... and  i promise to have something to show you soon. :)

but in the meantime.. i'd love to show you a video that i saw on rosa's blog today.  rosa, the force behind flutterflutter has some very inspiring posts, and you should check her out. today's is no exception. and i just have to share this video.... and with my background in music, i just love it that much more!
what helps you to keep on going. to get what you know you can achieve if you just keep working hard...? i'd really love to hear about it! xo


  1. Wow what a great video! Intricate stuff! :)

    1. yes absolutely! i was really just in awe of it when i watched it! :)

  2. I totally understand your frustrations with photography!! My house doesn't have the best lighting at.all. There's only one spot in the entire place that I can get somewhat decent photos, but the timeframe to get that photo is so small and not always the best of times.

    I should also read my camera's manual. I've had my camera for a year and still don't know much about it. :/

    I feel your pain!!

    1. reading the manual always helps. ha i don't like to do that either :) xo

  3. Right now I'm still on the high of my new camera purchase (though I still have to go pick her up). I'm sure in a few weeks it'll be hard to motivate myself to take a hundred pictures only to get one good one. But I know that in the long run if I take the time to learn, enjoy the set backs along with the leaps ahead that eventually I'll succeed and then it'll be fun.

    Sending you persistence wishes and good lighting :)

    1. thanks buffy! i'm sure i'll get it.. eventually. ha haha... as long as i keep at 'er. xo

    2. ps... so exciting about your camera! i'm sure you'll have lots of fun with it! xo

  4. I've been taking pictures...much easier than I anticipated and lots more fun! Only problem is that I can't load the software to view the pics because my CD-Rom drive isn't working and the software I do have recognizes the camera but isn't uploading the photos...I have one thing more to try then I'll put it off until after bedtime.

    1. i'm so excited for you! there are always extras with cameras though. i find. it's all exciting and such to actually hold the camera and take pics, but then there are the silly programs for it to upload properly to the computer. sigh. too much technology. hahaha. :)

  5. This is so incredible. I was kind of hypnotized by it. Very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

    1. isn't it though? and i would have not seen it had it not been for rosa. honestly though. soo inspiring! xo


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