
click click click

so the results came in as strep. poor little dude. this is why it's been a bit quiet on the blog as of late. but thankfully he's seeming back to his normal self (thank you antibiotics!)
of course, with today being a rainy day.... it's a major knitting day! yippee!!! there's just something about the sound of rain that makes me just want to curl up and knit... !!!
... and not just work knitting! look what i have finally finished?!?!

i promise there will be many more pics... this is the best i could do with the early morning grey skies ;)
i'm also back on the socks with sarah kal.. if it even counts, as i had to take some sock knitting time off.... and with this shawl being done, i can also focus and hopefully catch up to friends who are doing the imagine kal!

so for now though, it's much coffee, and the sound of my needles clicking away, along with the soothing sound of the rain.

what are you up to today? are you taking a moment to breathe, and let life slow down around you even for just a moment? come chat! i've missed you! xo


  1. It looks very pretty! I hope the boy gets to feeling better soon. Strep is no fun. :P

    1. thanks so much! now that he's on antibiotics it's been better ... gotta love that stuff :) xo

  2. Poor little guy! The weather has been terrible out here as well...but just like you, I enjoy it because it allows for some knitting time!

    1. gotta have the knitting time! now our weather is much more spring-like.. but i'm sure i'll still find knitting time :) xo

  3. Sorry to hear about your little guy but I bet he'll bounce back in no time. Lovely knit ... can't wait to see more!


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