
yarn goodness...

it's the last day of march! huzzah!
i feel like this has been a harsh winter for so many! i know that here in victoria, bc we've had some springy weather lately (sorry!) but i feel for the rest of the country! i just hope things thaw out for you soon. xoxoxo

and so to look forward to spring, i think we should look at some pretty yarn, no?? that always makes me feel better :)

as i had mentioned before, seattle was such a fun trip for me! and of course, i indulged a bit :)

one of the things i had promised myself this year was to knit more socks. and though i'm not really on the biggest roll with them, i am trying to always have one on my needles.... so when i had the opportunity to buy some socks that rock yarn, i was stoked! i snagged these two lovely skeins.

and i'm hoping to be working with them this summer.... i'd also like to be knitting more shawls. i just like them, so i figure i need more of them. that's probably why my stash is mostly single skeins of fingering weight :) lol!
that being said... i do think a girl needs a good camping wrap! so look what i got just for that purpose!!!

when em aka. emmaknits decided to close her yarn dying doors, i was uber sad. though i did snag some lovelies to have in my stash! these colours just make me smile! and with any of her designs coming out, i've got some lovely yarn to work with!! xo

do you have some special skeins of yarn staring at you what are you hoping to have on your needles this spring? let's chat. tea's on... and i plan on getting some tulips this week ;) xo


  1. I'm liking the Socks That Rock skeins you bought. I haven't tried any of that myself yet, so let us know how you like it. I received my first skein of caterpillargreen yarn on Friday and I've been dreaming of what to knit with it.

    1. i will definitely let you know how these sock yarns knit up! though i can't really promise when they'll be on the needles ;) i saw a pic of your caterpillargreen yarn! squeeee! soooo gorgeous! have you decided what to knit with it yet? xo

  2. I started Shannon's Onward shawl on Saturday. I plan to use it when I gather eggs in the mornings. (I'm getting chickens this week!!) I dug through my stash and found five skeins of something that is covered up with a clearance sticker from my LYS, but it has a very southwestern vibe with the pattern :) I'm still working on my "darcy" hat, but have frogged my first two attempts as the yarn didn't jive. I think I have it down now. Still working away on socks for my mom. My poor mom, they only hold my attention for so long :( Have a great Monday!!!

    1. oh yay!!! chickens! and that shawl will be perfect for gathering eggs. xo i love it! can't wait to see your progress on your "darcy"! oxoxo

  3. That O-Wool looks devine! And good luck with the sock knitting - let me know if the bug bites, then send it my way next, I feel like I'm always trying to catch on too!

  4. I got some Socks the Rock medium weight a couple years ago that I can't figure out what to knit with. That, some lovely mint yarn from Sundara Yarns, and some wacky skeins from Countess Ablaze will be a treat to knit up this spring. :)

    I envy all of your lovely yarn! I have to seriously reduce the stash before I can buy any more (so thanks for sharing with us! :D).

    1. ohh was also eying the medium weight too! i wonder what you'll knit with yours! you sound like you have some awesome knits in your springy future! xo


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