
persistence pays

do you remember this sweater?

can you believe it's been almost a year in the making! and this is unheard of for me. i definitely like to finish my projects, and it really bothers me to have them sit on a back burner for so long. but such is life, and this little treat had to be patient for me. 

of course, i had that moment when i had broken the yarn somehow, or my magic knot probably slipped.... i totally had an episode there tears were most definitely shed. (another rarity for me... i never cry over my knitting). but i did... and i fixed it... and then set it in a bag to ignore for a few months more... 

well i've picked up robin again... and i'm loving it as i did before! i'm so happy to see it nearing completion!

the body is almost finished, and then it's just the sleeves to tackle! 
i'm sure i will love this sweater when it's all finished. especially knowing the time it has taken me! even with time outs, and waiting on the back burner.. these are tiny stitches!! you're looking at 3mm needles right there on the ribbing! 

of course, it goes to show that when you really put your mind to something, and are persistent in completing your task... beautiful things come. 

do you have a project that's just sitting by the wayside begging you to complete it? come on, grab a cup of tea, your needles, and let's get these projects finished! xo


  1. Finishing a knit that has been in hibernation forEVER is the best feeling :) I love the colours you chose! Look forward to FO pics

    1. Thanks annie!!! i honestly can't wait to see this completed! xo

  2. Hmmm.... Do we need to talk about my languishing Nanuk? I put it in timeout because I wasn't getting the hang of the lifted increases, but I'm feeling a bit more confident about tackling it once I'm done my Warm Wishes. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a slow sweater knitter, and that's okay, because I need some fun, quick projects to work along side with my sweaters or I'll die of boredom.

    1. i don't think speed matters at all.. so long as we consistently work on them, no? i'm excited to see your finished sweater! weee! xo

  3. It's going to be gorgeous!!
    I can't drop sts like that and then pick them up. It never looks the same once it's picked up, just all loosey goosey.

    1. it took me a LONG time to fix it.. but i'm happy to say that i struggle to find the mistake now! yippee! xoxo


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