
new pattern!!

if you follow me on etsy or on facebook, you would have seen that i was sneaky last night, and published a new pattern! 

may i introduce the long tail pixie... this one is a favourite of mine. i think it's just so darn adorable! it's a very easy knit, and super quick too!
and since this winter seems to be hanging on for many.... i think this makes a perfect addition to baby's wardrobe, no?

you can find this pattern on

i hope you like it! 

happy knitting! xo


persistence pays

do you remember this sweater?

can you believe it's been almost a year in the making! and this is unheard of for me. i definitely like to finish my projects, and it really bothers me to have them sit on a back burner for so long. but such is life, and this little treat had to be patient for me. 

of course, i had that moment when i had broken the yarn somehow, or my magic knot probably slipped.... i totally had an episode there tears were most definitely shed. (another rarity for me... i never cry over my knitting). but i did... and i fixed it... and then set it in a bag to ignore for a few months more... 

well i've picked up robin again... and i'm loving it as i did before! i'm so happy to see it nearing completion!

the body is almost finished, and then it's just the sleeves to tackle! 
i'm sure i will love this sweater when it's all finished. especially knowing the time it has taken me! even with time outs, and waiting on the back burner.. these are tiny stitches!! you're looking at 3mm needles right there on the ribbing! 

of course, it goes to show that when you really put your mind to something, and are persistent in completing your task... beautiful things come. 

do you have a project that's just sitting by the wayside begging you to complete it? come on, grab a cup of tea, your needles, and let's get these projects finished! xo


knitted gifts. xo

i so love the fact that i've been making time for "other knits". and who would have thought that i'd be getting more selfish and gift knitting done with just a bit of time blocking, and focus! wahoo!

and if you follow me on instagram, you would have noticed me knitting away on this little gem!

this one is for a dear friend who had her second boy just a couple of months ago... i knew i wanted to knit something special. and i knew that whatever i chose, she'd appreciate as she's a knitter too!

 granted as i don't have 2 little ones under 4 years old, i happen to have a bit more time to knit...
and i'm so pleased with this go-to baby gift!
if you've recognized the pattern already good for you! but for the sake of letting everyone in on this awesome pattern... this is elizabeth zimmermann's baby surprise jacket. aka bsj. wait. didn't i just rave about EZ's patterns recently? yeah,.... i really do love her!

i used a 3.5mm needle and knit picks swish dk yarn. i couldn't really decide if i wanted to do a button collar, or graft the sides together to make a pullover...(which is an option in the pattern)..... and i ended up choosing neither! but instead, i just left it at the point of where i would have grafted if i wanted the pullover, and opted for an open jacket type thing. this way i figured he could wear it longer! and i didn't have to worry about the buttons coming off...

i am always impressed with the construction of this jacket. and the striping sequence is different for me every single time i knit it up!

so if you're ever in a bind for a great go-to baby gift, this is one serious contender! it's unique, and beautiful, and just plain clever!

oh but i am such a fan!

what's your go-to baby gift pattern? xo


garter love.

well this past weekend really flew by! though it was fast and seemed too short, it was really rejuvenating for me. i had the opportunity to go to a tea and chocolate tasting at silk road tea yesterday. and oh.my.goodness. i didn't know anything about pairing chocolate and teas together! so SO good.

i managed to finish off a few knits over the weekend too! pics to come soon, i promise. so in the meantime, i've finally cast on for my mom's blanket. she's only been waiting on this for something like 2 years! (eeks!) it's not a difficult knit at all, i just had other pressing obligations. but i'm so glad it's now started!

mom really wanted a "no frills" basic and cosy blanket, and elizabeth zimmerman's garter stitch blanket fits the bill perfectly. have i mentioned to you a time or two before how much i adore EZ's patterns? i honestly don't knit enough of them. the construction of this blanket is so simple, but gives the garter stitch amazing definition.

we decided on not holding the yarns together. it would be too heavy for her (and very costly for me, as it would have taken twice the yarn!)
i've chosen to use cascade eco yarn. and a 6mm needle. and i have to say, i'm really happy with it so far!

clearly i still have a very long way to go, but i have time...  right?
what are you working on this week? xo


finding time.

hey! it seems i'm being a bit more sporadic with the entries so far this year. i'm ok with that though. finding that balance with family, and work, and hobby is a toughie. and i know that you are all wonderful and understanding of how often we bloggers can put the posts up. xo

the really wonderful thing so far this year, is that even though i seem to be getting busier and busier with life and work knitting..... i am finding more time for gift knitting, and selfish knitting! this is so fantastic! i am being really diligent with planning my weekly schedule, and actually working when i say i need to work, and what do you know, i'm finding time in the evenings!

this makes for a much more relaxed me! and this is how it should be. it's funny how that works out. i'm busier, and taking on more work but at the same time, finding more time for me. i love it! it's a wonderful way to start off the new year.

tell me, have you found time for yourself this year? how are you managing? xo


weekend knitting....

one of the things that i promised myself in the new year was to make more time for "unpaid knitting". i find that it balances everything out. and i'm really enjoying the stash more! and this past weekend i was a productive bug.

i have to say i love LOVE my boot cuffs knit up in madtosh. dk. colourway shown is steamer trunk. oh man those cables just looks so squishy! and the depth of the yarn really comes out! ahh love.... i still won't be keeping them, though i'm tempted to knit up a pair for me too! these lovelies are for a dear friend who's done me more favours than i can list.

i also managed to cast on some garter stitch love. i honestly love just plain garter stitch... it's so soothing. you can never go wrong with garter, i think... (of course the wine helps too)...

this is another secret knit, as it's a gift. but once it's been received, i'll be sure to post a pic of it!

and of course i feel ready to tackle a new week!  it's amazing to me what a little knitting can do for the soul. what are you working on this week? do tell! xo


solar flare

hurrah! i've got a selfish f.o in the first few weeks of the new year!!! that's a first for me :)

as most of you already know, the majority of the knitting i do is not for myself, so i get pretty excited when i can don my own knitwear!

i started these back in october during knit city, and really they are the perfect travel companion. socks are so great for that. of course with the holiday and work knitting amping up like crazy, they kind of took a back burner.

but now they're done! and they're fantastic!
the pattern is the "gusset heel basic socks" from "socks from the toe up" by wendy johnson. i really do love this pattern, and will most certainly be knitting it again... along with many of the other patterns i've spotted in the book!
the yarn is string theory colorworks in the colorway solar flare. it's the first time using this yarn for me, and certainly won't be the last! at 430 yards, these made for some pretty long socks!

i used a 2.25mm needle. my addi sock rockets. and i love them too. these socks were a pretty fast knit when i got going on them. the stripes are just so addictive!

though i know i'll be having a fantastically busy year with work knitting and such, i've made a promise to myself to do more selfish knitting... and i think i'm off to a good start :)

though i have some major gift knitting happening this year, i'm still thinking about what to cast on next for myself!

what selfish knit do you have on your needles? xo


new year, new starts!

well happy new year!!! i can't believe how long it's been since my last post! longest stint of a blogging break yet! and now i'm back :)

how was your christmas and new years? i'd love to hear all about it! we went to alberta to spend time with the in-laws. and there was so. much. snow!!! honestly, i haven't seen this much snow since i was a little girl! we had a blast. i even drove a snowmobile for the first time! weeeee!

and now we're back to a new year. fresh starts, and hopefully less chaos. i was smart and took the tree down right after christmas. i always do. it's kind of a boxing day tradition for me... and even though it's annoying to do when you're beat from christmas day, we were sure glad it was done...  because now i can concentrate on the new year...

i'm not really one to make any official resolutions.... just basically be a better person, and to challenge myself... and really that can all mean a lot. :) of course my knitting ambitions will be great.... how can they not be? but i'm also realizing how important it was for me to take some time away from the web world and spend time with my family. i hope to do more of that :) 

and as i continue to be busy with work knitting.... i promise to be more diligent with showing you some of my non-work related f.o's. yes? yes. 

how about you? how was your christmas and new years? did you celebrate it in any way? how are you feeling at the fresh start here of 2014? excited? come chat... i've missed you!! xoxo

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