
here comes peter cottontail

it's easter weekend this weekend. (totally snuck up on me, but it's ok... because i'm sure that chocolate will make me forget that i was *almost* unprepared).

Source: purlbee.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and we've also decided to begin our camping season this weekend! it's been a busy time in this little home... trying to drag out all of the summer activities, and camping supplies. thankfully with it being a long weekend, we have an extra day to get things organized and stocking up the trailer for the season. goodness but we are excited though... because the weather seems to be tricking us to thinking that it's almost summer! .. here on the west coast....
so we are taking full advantage of this opportunity (and i bet you would too with this weather..)

also, it seems the easter bunny has not forgotten my love of yarn. (haha well yah, i'm reaching here... i totally ordered it) but it was a wonderful surprise nonetheless, as i didn't know what i was getting...  this is my first wollmeise grab-bag purchase... of course, i'm not disapointed. not at all.

now i'm brand new to the world of wollmeise. i actually own a few skeins now.. but i have yet to knit with it.... i really do have such a huge queue, and i need so many more hours in my week to do some selfish knitting... but as a good friend told me, yarn never goes bad :)  i'm not sure what these will become yet.. but oh aren't they pretty?

i've got lots of knitting planned for the weekend, and i'm excited to say it will all be selfish knitting! if you didn't know before, i rarely get a chance to do very much selfish knitting... so i'm kind of excited ;) i'm preparing for vogue knitting live! are you going?

at any rate, i'm wishing you all a very wonderful easter. full of family, smiles, fellowship, and chocolate ;) i'd love to know what your easter plans are! and of course if you have a fave chocolate. ;) i hinted to the easter bunny that he should probably hit up purdy's. xoxo


hop hop

do you have any fave last minute easter knits up your sleeve? i do. remember this guy?

 this is really a fun little knit. and such a joy to find on easter morning! (or any morning, for that matter).

pattern: bunny nuggets by rebecca danger
needle: 3.0mm
yarn: odds and ends.

i've knit several of rebecca danger's patterns. and they are so fun to knit! every. one. of. them. her patterns are clear, and precise.. very easy to follow. perfect especially you're new into the world of toy knitting. and even if you're not so new. honestly, i loved knitting these guys up. they are a great way to use up your stash! not a fan of the tiny needles? then use bigger. honestly. the pattern accounts for all of that. just use a bigger yarn then. problem solved ;)

i highly  suggest you go knit one of these guys... or heaps.. you know what they say about bunnies.... (lol)

in other news... this weekend marks the first weekend of camping for the year for us! oh yeah! it was only decided a couple of days ago... officially, yesterday. so i've got a bit of list making to accomplish. there's a lot especially for the first of the season... and considering it's easter and i have a very excited 5 year old...

oh. and let's not forget that we're only just over a week away from vogue knitting live! i'm hoping for some serious knitting time this weekend, let's just say that.

honestly though, i'm getting so ridiculiously excited about vkl, i just might pee my pants. i won't but it will be close. my plan is to have strathcona finished. as well as that other colourful little item i was working on... and have something cast on as well... i'm really leaning toward pendulum.... but i might have to bring a couple of projects ;) but i also have another colourway in the running for this shawl... my first choice is this... it makes me think fondly of the mountains and the ocean.... the yarn is raventwist. (originally under the name rocky mountain dyeworks). and the colours are djinn and black isles.

but i've also got this combo of madtosh merino light in jade and thunderstorm. 

very west-coasty as well.. sigh. maybe i need to knit two of them? lol..

anyways... i have to get back to the present though... i have some serious organizing to do. it's a good thing i like making lists so much!!

do you have any last minute easter knits on the go? any of you attending vogue knitting live? do chat! it's my fave topic! xo



today is one of those days....

incredibly sunny! and i'm totally digging this yarn. i'm thinking i should have ordered more than only 1 ball... (considering the entire line will be discontinued)...

at any rate... i think today is also one of those days where i'll go and work from the park. wanna come?

i'm sure it will be fun. and sunny ;) as for what i'm knitting... are there any guesses out there? ;)
tell me, what are you up to today? any prep for easter weekend coming up? honestly how did that sneak up so quickly. i'm going to have to remember to buy chocolate and carrots. (because my kiddo who fiercly believes in the tooth mouse, also thinks it's a most wise thing to leave a carrot out for the easter bunny)... after all, he's sure to be hungry...

i'd love to hear about your day! do come chat.. and bring your knitting! xo


weekend colour

it's friday! (i know you know that, i just like to say it). haha and this weekend as well as next especially i have lofty knitterly plans... i say especially because next weekend is already easter !! and my hubby has a 4 day  weekend... sooo maybe i can sneak away for a bit of knitting time.. we'll see though..

but this weekend we have a season-end soccer tourney for my little... he's very excited.. and we are too!! we've also got plans for a backyard bbq - in someone else's backyard.... don't worry, they invited us.. lol..
i'm also hoping to actually make an appearance at knit night this week! ... depending on how late the soccer tourney goes..

Source: via Milica on Pinterest

we've got a full weekend planned! it's going to be a chilly weekend..... which demands a knitter's attention...
just sayin'....

what are you up to this weekend? any pre-easter plans? i'd love to know what you're up to, and what you have planned! come chat! it's a beautiful day for it! have a lovely weekend!  xo


progress report!

so as you know i have been working steadily on strathcona. that gorgeous lace scarf jane richmond published in ISLAND. it's lovely. and i really really do like working with linen.

 i love the feeling of the roughness, and raw strength of linen. and knowing just how different it will perform once i've blocked this beautiful scarf.

i have to be honest with you though. i clearly was having a "d'oh" moment in this project. my garter at the beginning of the project is about 3" too long. i did this twice. yep. i completely ripped it out, and started over thinking.. i'll totally measure it correctly next time. nope. i did the exact same thing again. oh well. i'm keeping it that way. and as a result, i'll use up every last inch of this beautiful yarn. xo i'm definitely a big fan of quince & co. and you will most certainly see me knit with their yarns again.

i recently just past the half way mark! i'm loving this pattern. it's interesting enough to keep your attention, and seeing the lace grow is exciting!

i'm really looking forward to wearing this scarf soon! just in time for the warmer weather (we hope we'll eventually get... right?)

this is now the third pattern in this book that i've knit. only 2 more to go! which should be first do you think, renfrew or grace? ;) have you knit patterns from ISLAND? i'd love to know! come chat, and let's get excited about spring and summer knitting! xo


hearts for spring...

how will i welcome the first day of spring? well with another f.o! hurrah!

 this was a custom order. and nice little quick knit. i really enjoyed this knit. and it reminded me that colour work really isn't all that bad :) for real though, it's not ... :)

here are the deets...
pattern: heart hat for baby by: eba design.
needle: 3.5mm
yarn: knit picks swish dk. (seriously soft yarn!) in squirrel, and sirdar snuggly dk for the hearts.
mods: i only cast on 70 sts. as this is for a newborn baby... and it's already a toque that i think would be a bit big.. (but all the better to grow into).. but at 80 sts and even with smaller yarn and a smaller needle than what the pattern called for, i think that would create a toque for a 1yr old... (maybe that's just me)
i followed all decreases as written, but stopped at 18 sts... then drew my yarn through those remaining sts.

i love the 4x1 ribbing. surprisingly, i've never done that before for the brim of a hat. but i really love how it looks!!!

 the result? one very cute baby toque.
because even though it is spring... it's still windy and wet out here... and babe's gotta keep warm!

this might become a go-to baby toque gift! and you don't have to stick with just hearts... do you have any quick go-to gift knits on your list? how are you spending your first day of spring? xo


oh the things he comes up with!

i have no idea where my son gets some of his crazy ideas, but they're hilarious and i love them. this particular one he's held on to steadfastly for years now. he firmly believes that the tooth fairy comes only to little girls, and for little boys.... well it's the tooth mouse! hahahah. really???
well ok.

though technically we don't see any loose teeth yet, i figured it was a good idea to be prepared. afterall... it's a big milestone, i think...

when i was a little girl i had a little tooth fairy doll  that would hold my "treasure" for the tooth fairy... and the next morning i'd find a shiny silver dollar in it's place...  it was a special doll... and i wanted to have something along those lines for owen.

want the deets?
pattern: marisol the knitted mouse by: rachel borello carroll
needle: 3.0mm
yarn: knit picks swish dk. in squirrel. (the perfect grey, i think) the others are just odds and ends...
mods: i added a tiny pouch to his tummy...just by picking up stitches at the bottom of the tummy, and knitting up in stockinette for a few rows... and then just sewing the sides down.... directions to knit the vest are on this ravelry page.

i used my new harmony 4" dpns for this project. i had originally purchased those needles for socks.. but you know.. they're just too short for that.. besides, i think i'll be a magic looper anyways... but these needles were perfect for a wee toy! and i really recommend the shorter needles for toys.. they don't get in the way and allow you to very easily work with tiny circumferences.

and the pouch is the perfect little size to hold a tiny treasure or two :) also, it totally adds to his character, don't you think?

mission accomplished though. this will be the perfect "tooth mouse" and i'm most certain he's up for the job. now almost every day, my little man is asking if he's got any wiggly teeth ;) though he's uber ready for this stage in becoming a big boy, i know it will change how he looks so much!

i have to admit, i like the "old world" look to these photos.. you gotta do what you gotta do when the lighting isn't so great... but also... it adds charm . and this little squeaker is full of it.
haha i almost want to sit down for a cuppa tea with this little guy.... (almost).

are you a fan of knitted toys? do your kiddos have anything special to hold their baby teeth while they wait for the tooth fairy, or tooth mouse? xo


so ready.

this tree is 2 centuries old!

hiya monday!! how's your day looking so far? i had a fantastic weekend.. and honestly, i actually feel rejuvinated, refreshed, and more awake than before the time change! lol. it's about time, right? we had some fantastic weather and our little family took full advantage of it.... we went for a hike.

let me tell you, my little man is quite the climber! so much fun. we'll definitely be making more of a habit of family hikes for sure!
it was such a fun little hike. and didn't take long. but it was so nice to be out in the fresh air. and let me tell you, it was windy out there! lol.

as i said before though, i'm sure we'll be frequenting this place often.we are so blessed to live in such a beautiful province. my heart is definitely here in the mountains, the fresh west coast air... and the ocean....  beautiful views, and perfect company make for a wonderful, refreshing weekend.
...it was much needed. :)

and tomorrow i've got an f.o to share with you!!! here's a little sneak peek. ... but really, it's a secret until tomorrow ;)

tell me, how was your weekend? what did you get up to doing? did the weather cooperate for outdoor fun, or were you nestled inside? come chat, i'm about to brew a fresh pot of coffee. xo


because you want it.

how is it suddenly friday already? anyone??

i'm a little sidetracked this morning.. because any of you knitters who have knit with plucky knitter yarn would probably be interested to know that spring signups have started...

i've never ever been in a yarn club at all... and i do know that plucky knitter yarns are a little more difficult to attain... so yah, i'm totally interested...
i'm also loving how she's working this club. you choose the base, and the quantity of the yarn.. and it will magically appear in your mailbox every other month until you cancel  your subscription. easy peasy!

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

but the hard part is choosing the base and the quantity.... i've only knit with what i won... in the tangled mess... and to be honest, i'm not sure what it was! haha except i'm sure it's a fingering weight yarn...

and then i am trying to figure out how many i'd want... 'cause you know... it's important..

anyways. i've planted the seed.... and now you have a weekend ahead of you being tempted with the plucky knitter signups. hahah. happy weekend! xo


soo... i'm on pinterest this morning...

and you know this is off to a very productive morning. lol! but you know, sometimes we just can't help ourselves.
anyways... it's probably very evident what my main interests are.. .because now i have serious desires for yarn, to cast on new projects, to sew a big quilt for my bed out of vintage sheets... oh and i'm very, very hungry.

you're welcome. want to follow me on pinterest? you can find me here.

ok. break's over. i'd better get back to work.. ;)
happy thursday dear friends! oh and if you happen to make these cookies... can i have one? xoxo


crushing on quince & co..

it seems i'm in a bit of a conundrum... haha after yesterday's post of dreaming of upcoming knits... i really really want to order some yarn. goodness knows i don't really need more yarn. but i certainly would love some.... quince and co specifically. ;)

one of my alltime fave sweaters is in desperate need of replacement... it's the oatmeal pullover, by jane richmond. i love that sweater... so much so that i sleep in it now... and it came with me camping last year... anyhoo, it needs to be re-knit. and i've got my heart set on the quince and co puffin.
the only quince and co i've knit with is what's currently on my needles..... the linen... i love it! linen is such a different fiber though, and i feel like i can't say i really know quince and co until i've knit with their other yarns...

soo the hard part is deciding the colour, but i'm seriously digging the honey. it's totally my style.

i figure i should also try the lark. i just recently wound a sweater's worth for a friend of mine and i would honestly love to work with it too! hang on. i think it was finch. oops. but still..... ;) and i've already got a pattern in mind for it!!
you've seen the new hat by shannon cook, right??

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

it's so pretty!! amazing texture. i kind of want it.  and let's not forget my recent obsession over their linen tops!  sooo. maybe i should place an order?

haha my crushes on pattern and yarn grow steadily... what are you crushing on!? have you knit with quince and co lots? what's your fave? xo


on my needles, soon to be knit, and top of my queue..

though lots of what i'm working on i can't quite tell you about yet... (though i'm hoping soon!) there are some projects i want to tell you about.

i've finally cast on for strathcona! i had a few false starts with this one... and i've had to drastically go down in needle size.. but it's just because i'm such a loose knitter. something i've been noticing in the last while...
but let me tell you.. i love this pattern! and of course, it's a jane richmond pattern. :) it's interesting enough not to bore you while you knit away.. and it's so fun to see it grow! also, i just love knitting with linen.
the pattern calls for a 4mm needle. and at first i just went down to a 3.5mm but i've decided i like the look better on a 3.25mm... crazy i know! but i think that the linen makes me knit even looser... i'm using the quince and co. sparrow.. in butternut.

anyways, i'm loving how it's working up so far.. and it will be such a treat to wear in the warmer weather.. :)

i've also been dreaming of knitting up pendulum  for a while now (pattern by amy miller)... and i'm certain i've found the colour combo i want to use. i'm very attached to living here on the west coast. i've actually been here for 13 years... and so i do feel that this is home.
these colours are very "west coast" to me. mountains, and ocean... cloudy skies... rich, deep colour.. i love it..

and i am so wanting to wind these up soon to cast on.
i do think that the pattern will suit this yarn very well... and i'm so looking forward to wearing this often...

there's antother pattern that's been on my mind lots... and that's lintilla... by martina behm. and i have recently acquired some wollmeise.... so excited to knit with it... but of course, i can't decide on a colour.... here's what i've got...

what do you think? do you have a fave colour?

of course i have many more in my "very soon" queue... i've been thinking of swatching for a laceweight sweater. (!!!) i just wish there were more hours in the day :)
at any rate.. with the rain just coming down in buckets.. it's a great day for leggo, tea, and knitting....

tell me, what do you have on the needles? what do you have next up on the list of things to knit? i'd love to know what's at the top of your queue!xo


wishing for spring.....

so i think i 'm done my tinkering now. :)
i know that sometimes i like to rub it in that the weather is warmer and more spring-like over on the western side of canada than pretty much anywhere else in canada and much of the us... and well probably more places. yeah. it's a tiny bit mean of me, i see that.. and i'm sorry.. i'm just a happy girl to be able to live out here. i'm pretty blessed, i think.  but i do remember the winters dragging forever when i lived in ontario...
and you know i wish i could change the forecast for you, but since i can't i thought i 'd do something else...

i've decided to host another facebook sale! there's no reason that you can't be stylish while transitioning from winter to spring... and i've got some doozies for you!! it's a strictly cowls and bootcuffs sale. however, just so you know, i have a few women's toques (some might fit men too) that i am happy too offer to those who are interested.... and if you are, just send me a private message... and i'll send along pics..
but let's get on with the sale, ok?

these cabled boot cuffs flew off the shelves out here! they are super warm, knit with an alpaca blend, and the yarn was actually brought back to me from peru! they're not too bulky, and will keep your legs uber warm, while wearing your stylish boots. they work great for your wellies too! xo it's also my first design for purchase, and i'm super proud of them  :)

the chevron cowl is also one of my designs. i love the bulky pop of colours in this garment. so bold, and spring like!! these cowls are a wool blend, and are washable. the thing i love about cowls, is you can't easily loose them... and they can't get caught up in your jacket. so even while wearing lighter jackets, this baby will keep you uber warm as well!

the arbutus cowl is really one of my absolute favourites. it's designed by the lovely jane richmond, and the marriage of this pattern with madelinetosh yarns (yea, you heard right!) a 100% merino wool hand-dyed yarn is just beautiful!
you can really wear this cowl right into spring. it's not very heavy at all, and the colours are simply stunning, trust me on that one! i enjoyed every single stitch of this pattern! i know you will love wearing these as well!

now i know that most of you readers of this here blog are actually knitters and crocheters as well... but if you know of friends and family who are freezing their as&* off... and they might be interested... send them on over to nook's facebook page, ok?
i really do appreciate it!!

oh wait there's one very cool thing about this sale... as you canadian readers know, shipping across canada rates are brutal... seriously people... they're high... well no one wants to put a damper on some early spring shopping... so shipping's on me! yup! shipping is free for this entire sale!!! (i'll ship it the most affordable way i can, which surprisingly in some circumstances is express-post!)
but i am not about to leave anyone out....i'm not like that....

 shipping is free worldwide! 

you'll probably want to tell your friends. xo 
so thanks dear readers, in advance for spreading the sale news! i so appreciate it!! and for you knitters? whatcha knitting on? have you tried any of these patterns yet? xo



i'm working away here... on something for all of you who are currently still bundled up trying to keep warm with all of the snow piling around you. something kind of special... something that should make you happy... and i hope to tell you about it soon!
but in the meantime.... let's just wish we were all right here. ok?

ok. that sounds like a plan ;)

tell me, what are you up to today? i'd love to know! i think that after luvinthemommyhood's post yesterday, i'm needing to bake cookies. xo


in bloom

easter comes early this year! this is something i'm only realizing, when i'm still trying to play catch-up from winter. but i'm totally thinking of spring colours, flowers, baking lemon squares.. (meh i always think about baking lemon squares), tea... gardening.. you get the picture...
and i thought it's been a while since i've done a ravelry "from the archives" with you!
so without further ado...

remember this?

i had a lot of fun making this blanket. :) and the colours just pop, don't you think? this is the pattern : summer garden granny square by lucy of attic 24. i love how you can really come up with so many variations for this blanket, to give it a completely different look. enter v.2. :)

i admit i was a little obsessive over the creams, oranges and blues... i whipped up that one in just under 48hrs! (i told you obsessive). lol!  it's a great pattern to help you use up those scraps of yarn as well! kind of a great spring cleaning activity for your stash, don't you think? and you'll end up with a lovely bright and cheerful blanket :) xo

 i highly recommend this pattern :) truth be told, i've actually got 2 other blanktes that just haven't been photographed yet! yeah, it's a fun pattern, and you can cater to any size you want! and really... we could always use a dose of cheer, bright colours, and flowers.. don't you think?

to see more pictures and my notes check out my ravelry pages here and here on these projects. :)

have you whipped up any of these garden blankets? it's a great way to use up the stash! what are you working on this week? xo


couldn't be better.

good morning world!!

how was your weekend? mine was good, but not as restful as i would have liked. lol! that being said... it was all totally worth it...

i still stand in awe at the beauty that surrounds me and where i live. i'm one very lucky gal! of course there was knitting too... but it was seriously nice to take a breather, and get away from "it all"... i really needed this... thanks so much to jane richomond for showing me such beauty! this certainly won't be the last time!

as for the knitting front? ha. don't you worry. i've got some lovelies to share with you!! and i actually cast on something for me!!

but tell me, what are you up to this week? and how was your weekend? did you get a chance to take any "breathers"? i'd love to chat! xo


yellow beginnings....

funny thing.. i was actually half way through my cup of coffee before i realised it's march!!! march people! hahah.

and you can bet i'll be adding tulips to my dining table the next chance i get!

another fantastic thing i realised is that umm it's friday! and my hubby is coming home from sea today.
and the fact that it's the weekend.. yeah, that too..

so in honor of  a new month, of warmer weather to come (regardless of what it's trying to tell me outside right now), and just plain because i haven't been able to show you anything knit wise... here's what i'm going to be winding up this weekend!! can you guess what i'll be working on ? (this one i can tell you about.. lol because it's for me)... a yellow theme going on? maybe. lol!

now let's see if this will give me extra incentive to get a certain secret project finished, so that it will free up the needles for this beauty!

happy first day of march! what will you be working on this weekend? :) xo
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