
in bloom

easter comes early this year! this is something i'm only realizing, when i'm still trying to play catch-up from winter. but i'm totally thinking of spring colours, flowers, baking lemon squares.. (meh i always think about baking lemon squares), tea... gardening.. you get the picture...
and i thought it's been a while since i've done a ravelry "from the archives" with you!
so without further ado...

remember this?

i had a lot of fun making this blanket. :) and the colours just pop, don't you think? this is the pattern : summer garden granny square by lucy of attic 24. i love how you can really come up with so many variations for this blanket, to give it a completely different look. enter v.2. :)

i admit i was a little obsessive over the creams, oranges and blues... i whipped up that one in just under 48hrs! (i told you obsessive). lol!  it's a great pattern to help you use up those scraps of yarn as well! kind of a great spring cleaning activity for your stash, don't you think? and you'll end up with a lovely bright and cheerful blanket :) xo

 i highly recommend this pattern :) truth be told, i've actually got 2 other blanktes that just haven't been photographed yet! yeah, it's a fun pattern, and you can cater to any size you want! and really... we could always use a dose of cheer, bright colours, and flowers.. don't you think?

to see more pictures and my notes check out my ravelry pages here and here on these projects. :)

have you whipped up any of these garden blankets? it's a great way to use up the stash! what are you working on this week? xo


  1. I love Attic 24. Her love of color and crochet is mega inspiring, as are your lovely blankets!
    My Noelle is sniffly yet again...when is she NOT sick. Argh.
    Thanks for the pop of color, was much needed.

    1. oh dear.. those colds need to scram! i'm so loving the flower granny squares! i hope healthy days are just around the corner for you! xoxo

  2. oh I love all these colours! I don't crochet much, but have had this project on the go for a while. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/byAnnieClaire/wagon-wheel-throw. A lot less colourful though. My mother is heavy into granny square blankets and fingers crossed one will end up coming our way one day, hehe.

    1. oh that's so pretty!!! muted colours are so lovely too! xoxo


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