
looking for a class?

i'm sure we all can't believe it... but it's true. this is the last long weekend of the summer! (here in canada, anyways) crazy. where has the time gone? but you know, i've had a fantastic summer. and i'm really looking forward to what the fall holds.
and i bet it will include a lot of knitting :)

the cloth castle is nicely stocked up with yummy yarns, and a huge array of classes ready for the cooler weather.

i'll be starting off the long weekend with a class. i'm excited about this class. this is the beginner knitting level 2 where we'll be knitting a chunky sweater.. (or jacket) however you choose to wear it. :)

how squishy is that? and really if that doesn't get you excited for the cozy comfy knitting season i don't know what will. ha.

the class is completely full, but don't worry another one is being offered in just a couple of months. still plenty of time to get those needles warmed up for holiday knitting.

are you starting to think about knitting? now is really the perfect time to start slotting in classes before your schedule gets too full, and all of the classes fill up.
you can find out everything you need at the cloth castle. and did you know they have a facebook page too? it's a great way to stay connected, and to put those requests in for specific classes, or product :) it's also just a very fun community, and a place for you to share :)

you can find everything you need at

you can also find the knitting class info here on the blog.
as for the rest of the weekend, we'll be heading to the local fair for one of the days, and a bbq dinner with great friends as well :) cheers to a fabulous summer, and an exciting fall! don't be too sad about the end of summer, i have an exciting treat for you on tuesday!

are you anticipating the fall with open arms? and knitting needles at the ready? what are your fun plans for the weekend? come chat. i like your company :) xo


the coolest crocheted idea.

i always get a little excited when i find something new that would help to minimize my stash, but also make gift giving that much more special.
i know it's still technically august... but a lot of you are thinking ahead to holiday gifts... and organizing yourselves in terms of what to make, and who it should be for.
but really, not everyone will be able to have one of your fantastic hand-made items... will they?
it's time consuming!! but i did find something that you could create.. (if you're a crocheter... and even if you're not.. it's really the easiest thing to learn.. trust me this is a beginner pattern) that would just give that extra pow to the gift.

so if you have to have a store bought gift, you can still add the handmade touch to it...
ready?.. of course you are...

seriously. isn't this just the perfect idea?? i love it. this is a design by meredith of the blog one sheepsih girl. i've been following her blog for a little while. and i love it.  when i saw this little baby on pinterest, i actually recognized her nails. haha no i'm not a freak, but a lot of her photos have her pretty coloured nails in them, and the style just looked recognizable. ya know?

how freaking cool is this?! i love it. anyways, she had posted this on another site as a guest poster, and it really took me a long time to find the actual pattern, because the original site was changed, and then i had to go through the archives to find it. but i'm happy to say i finally did! haha!

so if you want to start stocking up on these nifty envelopes to add to your gift. (be it store bought, or handmade)...
head on over to this site where you can find the full pattern.

wahoo! happy hooking dear friends!

what are you up to today? what's on your hooks and or needles? i'm working on several things.. (of course). and one of which being the new monster for owen. this yarn is soooo squishy! but now i think i need to be hooking some pretty little envelopes! xo


knit along happy dance!

wednesday again! i'm totally ok with it. because it's knit along time, and i'm actually ready for it! haha.
i've got a little secret.....

you remember i like to tease, right? i've been clicking away as usual... and i'm really starting to see the fruits of my labor. yes. that's 2 sweaters there folks! and would you believe the second one... the grey one, i actually had completely ripped back to the ribbing at the beginning of the week.

as for georgia. i can't wait to wear this! i'm really looking forward to trying this on after it's been blocked. but that will come soon enough. ;)

but now i have to keep knitting. there is always something! of course i thought to myself this morning, as i was working on a sleeve... staring at the malabrigo yarn and the 10 rows already completed for owen's new iris, that i should knit up some more dishcloths. because i have time, right?


how are your sweaters coming along? yes. sweaters. some of you are casting on for a third! i know it. loving this knit along. and all of you. this group has grown so much, and the friends i've met throughout this kal alone has been fantastic! xo


patience pays off...

i have a very very patient boy. especially considering he's only 4! as you all know it's been crazy for me the last month or so of constant knitting. preparing for the summer market, and now that fall is literally just around the corner... it's about to get even more crazy....

every time he sees something new for the booth, he asks if it's for him... sweet boy... so i decided it's time he gets a little something. he has a ton of stuffies... remember? haha but that doesn't stop him from wanting another one.
iris by rebecca danger has been a new monster added to the booth. and owen looooves this monster...

so yesterday we went to the yarn store. and i splurged. we got one skein. owen picked the colour.... and i think this will be a fantastic iris!

yes. this is malabrigo yarn. for. a. toy. i know. but he's worth it. i promise to show you soon.

what do you have up for today? any early christmas knitters out there? xo


fishy bliss

this past weekend, we had so much family time, it was awesome! so many weekends we find end up getting filled with errands, and house cleaning, etc etc. but not this weekend!

nope we ignored all chores, and packed up a picnic lunch and headed here. how utterly peaceful!


this was owen's first time fishing too. he had a blast! next time though, i'll probably bring a few more activities for him. it's hard being patient and quiet when you're 4... ha.

i have to say though, i'm so proud of him! he tried casting off all by himself too!
this was such a restful moment. (even if just for a moment)  haha. but it was lovely. it was so quiet, and still.

and it really brought back memories of when i was younger, fishing off of the dock at the cottage...

as an added bonus though, mama got to knit!

yah. it was a fantastic weekend! and now back to reality. it's the last week before school starts for a lot of mamas and kiddos out here. not me though, owen's with me at home for one more year. and i am sure going to cherish this time. they grow up so fast!

but boy do i feel rested and ready to tackle the week! it's amazing what a little time with the family can do... away from all of the little errands, cleaning, and boring stuff... nah. this is what weekends are really for, right?

how was your weekend? what did you get up to? any crafting? what's on your to-do list this week? any last trips, adventures, activities before school starts and routine takes over? come chat. i've got more coffee xo


weekend woop!

hurrah for the weekend! how happy are you?? i feel like this week has been a busy one, with not enough sleep. so here's hoping for at least one sleep-in :)

we're busily preparing for holidays that will happen smack in the middle of september.  i know crazy time to go on holidays when i'm a knitter. it's the start of the busy season!! but do not fret, i don't plan on disappearing from here. hopefully i can get my act together and organize some lovely posts. don't worry. i will.... and besides, you know since we got the tent trailer, i glamp now. so there will most likely be some sort of online connection here and there ;)
i'm still keeping very busy knitting (no surprise to you there, i'm sure) since fibrations. and now with fall coming upon us soon... (it's true.. deal with it.. and us knitters are jumping with joy too) it's about to get crazy! so i do have a question for you...

are ya?

i have a confession to make. this pic is a little teaser ;) sometime in the near future, it's gonna make an appearance again. and pow! you'll be surprised, and excited.. (i hope).

so tell me, what are you up to this weekend? are you doing your knitters dance? gettin' your fall fiber on? haha. come chat. xo



wednesday already??? it's been a while since i've posted anything about the summer sweater knit along, i realize... so i suppose today would be a good day to get back on  track :) ... with sleeves!

truth be told, with preparing for the market, my sweater knitting has been a tad sleepy. but i'm happy to be able to show you some progress.... not much farther now! i'm really looking forward to wearing this sweater... and maybe even knitting another one. yah, i love it that much already. xo
but i can't help it. it's a jane richomnd pattern. i love all of her patterns.

the weather has gotten cooler here already... and the knitting bug is nipping at the air. i can feel it! some of you have completed several sweaters already! congrats.. you'll surely be cozy, warm, and adorable this fall and winter... so now if you'll excuse me, i'd like to try to catch up to you now :)

how are you doing on the summer sweater knit along? getting excited to don your first, second, or third garment??? do tell! xo


mad about madtosh.

just because the market has passed doesn't mean i'm here twiddling my thumbs :) oh no. my fingers and needles are doing all of the work ;) i've since dropped off 2 more shannon cowls, and here's a little sneak peek at another custom i'm working on.


i have knit with madelinetosh only once before. and i looooved every stitch. this is certainly no different.
this is madelinetosh merino light though... so i'm holding the yarn double. the yardage is great! and i just love the way it's knitting up. it's gorgeously soft, and the texture is heavenly.

seriously. it makes a big difference when you knit with the uber nice yarn...
the colour is french grey. i really really love it! it makes me think of old stone. so fitting!

this is the downton cowl by one of my besties shannon cook. (lots of you know her as luvinthemommyhood). it's a great pattern! very simple in construction, with beautiful results.

i'll finish it up today, and give it a nice blocking...i know this will be so well recieved. i would love to do a ton of these custom orders, even if just to have the madelinetosh through my fingers. xo

what are you up to today? anything lovely on the needles? are you moving into warmer accessories? xo


fibrations 2012

man oh man did i ever have a fantastic time!!
already, i can't wait for next year! i always love the market atmosphere, and this was my first outdoor market.

the weather was perfect. it was a little chilly in the morning, and a tad windy, but the rain held off, and really that's the best news at an outdoor fibre festival! and then later in the day the sun came out and just ended the day beautifully.
i haven't done a ton of markets, but i'm always excited by how my display evolves. and this time, i added a bunting that was more at eye level. definitely a good choice. i love how it brings the booth all together. a huge thanks goes out to my hubby who looked after the stand for me. i had enough on my plate filling the table ;)
this table was a bit smaller than the ones i've done in the past too, but i bought it. and boy am i happy i did! i know i'll always have a table now. and really. i like this size :)

i really thoroughly enjoyed myself at this event. and i finally had a chance to meet people (actually face to face) that i've been friends with online for quite some time! (ahemmisocraftyahem) ;).. honestly, it was so great to meet, and see so many of you! i even had a quick chance to look around, and i finally snagged a skein of everything old  lively in the crab apple jelly colourway. it's so squishy, and lovely. don't you just love the colour?!

i do wish i took more photos though. sigh, next year though :) all in all, i kept fairly busy, and am busy even now as i have a few custom orders to fill! how exciting :)

i feel like i'm definitely off to a great start into the fall and winter busy crazy knitting season. this week my goal is to apply to more markets. yah, i love them that much! it's tiring, and crazy busy, and at the end of the day, you're totally beat. but i love it. it's just fun. and i wore a silly stupid grin on my face all.day.long.

admit it, you would have too... if you were surrounded by all of that yarny goodness! xo

are you getting all geared up for the fall and winter knitting season? what are you most looking forward to knit with the cooler weather just around the corner? xo



these past two weeks have been crazy full for us. and we're so excited to go and pick up daddy!

i'm very happy to say that i'm pretty much all ready for fibrations! just a few of the final touches to be done, but boy am i excited! and i know you've seen this pic before.. but i just love it so much...

lots of work has been put into this event. and i'm so very excited to be a part of it! today is a busy day, full of domestic preparations, lots of final touches for the market on sunday, and general tidyness...
i'm really hoping to snap a few more pics for you so you can see a few new items that have been added to the booth! keep an eye out on nook's facebook page today, because that's where all of the teasers will go! ;)

what are you up to? are you in the area here? come to fibrations on sunday! i'll be there with bells on!xo


i want to knit with you!

guess what? my fall and winter class schedule has been posted at the cloth castle! there will be a lot of fabulous classes, and i can already tell it will be a busy knitting season!

"Shannon" by: Jane Richmond

if learning to knit has been on your "to do" list, now is the perfect time to pick up those needles! classes offered will range from an introduction to knitting, to sock fundamentals, to toques (yep, i'm a canadian gal), cowls, and even your own raglan sweater!

"Ladies Classic Raglan Pullover" by: Jane Richmond

you know i'm a fan of jane richmond. and a lot of the classes offered will be from her patterns. jane has such a talent for writing patterns that are so appealing to every knitter. they are easy to understand, and the outcome of your knitting is always enjoyable!

"Jane" by: Jane Richmond

there will be lots of classes, with much to choose from. including an elizabeth zimmerman pattern! you won't be disappointed :)

now is the perfect time to start your handmade gifts for chrsitmas! i can guarantee you'll find some great patterns and classes suited to the immediate gratification knitter in you.

so to find out more about these fabulous classes, head on over to the cloth castle to register! you'll want to do that soon, before the classes fill up! you can also download the class schedule here.

i'm looking forward to knitting with you!

what are you up to today? it's another day of running around, prepping for fibrations, and heading to swimming lessons. xo


knitting and cars... and ice cream

the weekend is gone? already? wow. that went by fast. today is totally a chug back the coffee kind of day. i feel rested enough, but i'll still need the coffee. ;)

less than a week now until fibrations! and you bet i'll be ready. i've been knitting so much these days that i've had to bandage my fingers! no kidding. haha. they're not bleeding. no that would be gross. but the callouses are so tender from the constant jab of the knitting needle, that i want to protect them from opening up. kind of gross, i know, but it's totally the sign of an obsessive knitter, no? ha.
so please bear with me this week, as it's a crazy week with final preparations for this awesome event! it's also the last half of my hubby's time at sea, and our days have been more than full to say the least :) we're sure looking forward to friday when we can pick him up :)

so today i'll be gulping back the coffee, and knitting away while my little picks out colours for his new knitted monster :) with all of they toys i've been working on, how can i not knit him one.... we'll be reading stories, cuddling, going to the park, and all of that fun stuff. oh and so ya know, we just went to a car show this past weekend. my little man loved it! he felt like such a big boy checking out all of the cars...

i will be as consistent as i can be with the blogging this week (but i may need to take a day or two off), and i promise to show a few sneak peeks of everything i've been working on. you guys have been super patient with me!

what is your week looking like? come chat. i've got loads of coffee. xo


an almost forgotten beauty!

ever pull out an f.o from the archives and realize it's actually one of your faves? that would be the hourglass sweater for me. by joelle hoverson. i had forgotten that i've actually knit 2 of them! but one i ended up completely stretching out, so no pics :) i wore it throughout my pregnancy, i loved it sooo much.

i think this is a fave, because it's form fitting like the classic raglan pullover, but i also just love the neckline. the hems are sewn under, which was a new technique for me at the time, but i just love the simple detail to this garment.

this particular sweater was knit with indiecita alpaca 4-ply worsted. in a rust red-orange. (i can't remember the exact name) and with a 3.75mm needle.
love it!

i've always gotten compliments on this sweater, and only now it has occurred to me that maybe i should knit another one! ha.

first of all, don't worry. i haven't cast on for it... yet. i'll get a few things crossed off my list first :) but this is a contender for another project soon!!
you can find my rav. details here

now just to find the perfect yarn.

do you have a fave from the archives that now you might want to make another of? if you were to knit this sweater again... what would be your yarn of choice? xo



you've heard me talk about fibrations. right? ok well for those of you who haven't, or just missed it... i'll talk about it again. :)

remember all of the crazy knitting i've been doing? i mean, crazy! well i've been really ramping up my inventory for markets! this one being the first!

photo by jane richmond. see her post here.

fibrations is only in it's second year now, and i know it's going to be just incredible! as i had said before, i really was bummed that i missed out on the first fibrations. it was literally thrown together at the last minute, and done so successfully well! and now this year, with time to plan and to promote.... gah, it's gonna be so great!!!

photo by jane richmond. see her post here.

to quote, fibrations is a "community-based celebration of fibre artists sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm." there will be demonstrations and eye candy for every type of fibre artist!

to say i'm excited is really an understatement. all of the vendors are participating in donating something for the raffle. wanna see what i've donated? yeah, you do!

these little guys are so popular, i knew they'd be a great item. but honestly, there are so many amazing items being donated!  i wonder if i could participate in the raffle? ;)

not only am i just beyond thrilled to be a vendor here, but i get to spend the day with some of my besties! jane richmond will have a booth, shannon of luvinthemommyhood will have a booth alongside arika (another of my knit night pals), i'm super excited to finally meet em of everything old. i totally want to get my hands on some of her yarn!

yah. it's gonna be awesome.
will you come? it would be amazing to see you!! you can find all of the info on:

i really hope to see you there! xo
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