
it's happening.

 we are going camping this weekend. no backing out. because we've already paid for the spot. :) last weekend it was just far too wet. now we're stubbornly going. even if it does rain a little.

thank goodness the forecast doesn't look nearly as bad as it was last weekend.

of course this means that today is a bit of a crazy day. packing, grocery shopping and a trip to the library planned... and as we store our tent trailer about half an hour away, we have to go and get that too :) but it's all fun... right?

naturally, i won't be forgetting my knitting. because umm all these pretty pics.. are of yarn i just got in the mail!!
squeee! and yes. 2 skeins have been wound into cakes already. i just might cast on for a(nother) project! haha.

i don't know why but i always have so many wips on the go. it works for me.

this weekend is a holiday weekend for us canadians as we are celebrating canada's birthday! :) so we'll be wearing red! i hope to pop in here on monday, but it may be a bit later in the day... as we'll be packing up the campsite in the morning. and of course, all of the canada day celebrations lie on monday as well.
and for those of you wondering what the yarn is ... it's all knit picks. the grey is stroll fingering in dove heather, and the rest are stroll tonal, in gypsy, blue yonder, springtime, and goldrush. droooool. check out the info here .

what are your plans for the weekend? what crafting will you be doing? you can be certain my knitting needles will be on fire! xo


and i say... it's all right :)

can i just say this was such a fun little cardi to knit? for realz. so sweet.

this is my first tfa knit, and i'm sure it won't be my last. and for those of you who aren't aware.. tanis is a canadian gal who has a gift for fibers. seriously. her yarns look sooo yummy, and i just recently had the opportunity to pet shannon's tfa yarns for the summer sweater kal.  oh.my.goodness... and not only does tanis have a great selection of hand dyed yarns to choose from.. she writes patterns as well! (not to mention her hubby used to be a chef.. so her recipes that she shares are to die for... )sigh. i want her life ;) haha and if you're looking for another awesome  yarn source... please check out her site!
i totally spend much too much time on it.. just drooling ;) gah. so lovely.

i was worried that i wouldn't have enough yarn to complete the project, but i had tonnes left over! i had originally planned to do this in a short sleeved version. no need. i probably could have added a little bit more length if i wanted to, but really... it's just fine the way it is.
soo. the details..
the pattern is called sunnyside by tanis of the lovely tanis fiber arts 
i knit the 12-18 month size
used a 3.5 mm needle, and the knit picks stroll tonal in blue violet. only one skein! and leftovers too!
and those buttons! do they ever make the cardi pop!

i opted for the garter hem, because well, i just love the garter stitch. can't help it. but also, with the variegated yarn, and with the lace (instead of cable option) i didn't want to make the cardi seem too busy. you know?

i love how it looks.

and oh my my, does it ever look sweet on the recipient. you can trust me on that one ;)
i definitely recommend this pattern. it's such a sweet knit!  and it just brightens any day. (i think, anyways).

have you knit any tanis fiber arts patterns? have you been lucky enough to knit with her yarns? come chat! the sun is out, and the coffee is especially good. xo


i kid you not

i just took one f.o off of the blocking "mat", (and by mat i mean towel on the floor) wove in buttons.. and within the hour, have another item blocking.

 ..can you guess what this is?
i know. i'm such a tease :)

honestly though, my needles have been on fire. good thing though, because i really needed my smaller needles. today is the big cast on day for the summer sweater knit along! wahooo!!! i'm off to a playdate straight away.. and you can bet my sweet georgia yarn in oxblood will be joining me!

 so so excited. would you believe i haven't knit with sweet georiga yet? for realz. i talk about it all the time... but this will be my first project! and yes. it's for me ;) what will it be? well jane richomond's gerogia cardi, of course. this sweater has been in my que for ever. and i've been dreaming of casting on for months. i'm not joking people. :)

yah. super excited! and of course, there's another button for the knit along! wahoo! thanks shan.


want one to sport on your pretty page? head on over to luvinthemommyhood's post today! and don't forget to sign up. xoxoxo

ok. the sun is shining and playtime calls, .....and so does my knitting needles! have you joined in the kal? what will you be knitting? do tell! xo


happy purse knitting

i've never been a very confident sewer, but i have to say... i'm getting there! and after every sewing meetup, i feel more competent about my machine's capabilities. ;)

clearly i'm much more comfortable with knitting. and i am sure i always will be. but i had fun at our girl's modern sewing meet-up this past weekend! and it seems if i'm gonna sew, i'm gonna sew something for my knitting ;) of course i am.

a couple of months ago, one of my besties, jane posted about a project that she worked on at modern sewing. and i've honestly been obsessing about it ever since. she has now made several of these project bags... and it's a tease that i didn't have one. lol...also, i don't get a chance to go to these meet-ups as much as i'd like to... (we have them once a month)... but i seem to have missed out on many of them in a row now... so suffice to say i was very happy to be able to join the girls this month!

i knew exactly what i wanted to work on. and lucky me had jane as my hands-on teacher for the entire time! she even brought me a template and made the entire experience so fun for me. i made not only one but two project bags for my purse knitting. yes you read that right. two!!!

they're not perfect, but i'm very proud of them. and i love the colour combos! for someone who doesn't sew, i actually have a small anna maria horner stash.. they actually still need a drawstring. i plan on knitting up an i-cord and pulling that through. those are minor details though, and i'll get to them eventually :)

in the meantime, i've got even more of an excuse to cast on for a pair of socks for me!!! ha. as though i needed an excuse ;) if you want to try sewing your own project bag, check out jane's blog post about them here. i just followed her guidelines :) it's really a very easy pattern, and it was the perfect pattern to showcase my yummy fabric!

thanks so much jane, for all of your help on this. i had so much fun! and i'm looking forward to making more. because really,  we all need more than just a couple of project bags ;) oh and they'd probably make great gifts too! (i guess we could share, hey?)

do you reach out of your comfort zone when it comes to crafting? i'd love to hear of your stories! i'm off to brew another pot of coffee... want a mug? xo


don't let go! xo

and hello monday!

it has been one very busy and crazy weekend, and the week has started off no slower! can you believe we are now into the last week of june? insane how fast the times goes.

and as i look at my calendar i see that the summer is starting off with a bang. i'm so excited for this summer! we have lots planned, and i'm sure we'll be busy and active, and happy :) we've got family and friends visiting, owen is starting more swimming lessons next week, we've got lots of camping planned, and i've got knitterly goods in the works :)

sadly though we didn't get to go camping this past weekend. it poured. and i mean poured on friday. buckets. we had to cancel after i packed everything up. so sad. but instead i was able to go to knit night, and for the first time in what feels like about 5 months, i was able to go to our sewing meetup group! i feel very refreshed being able to spend so much time with my friends.

...and i was productive! bonus! ha. i promise to share with you this week what i got up to sewing.
but for now, i've got plenty on the needles... which i'll be able to share with you in the next few days.

a huge thank you to those of you who did some digging for info about my current crush of those striped shoes... too bad they are indeed sold out. but a good thing too, because i most certainly can't afford them :)

how's your week looking? what do you have planned? i'm in the mood to chat, and my coffee is especially good this morning... xo


stripe love.

so happy it's the weekend! and that means we're going camping! lucky i knit those dishcloths. now we're fully ready ;) (ha).
actually i have to get my butt in gear and try not to forget the essentials for the weekend... like my knitting ;)
but here's the thing.... i have a huge crush on these shoes.

for realz. yeah.. and it's keeping me from being focused. ha. i mean i'm feeling full on distracted. i clicked on the link in pinterest hoping it will take me to where i could feel even more obessed over them.. (why i don't know.. because i'm sure i can't afford them)... and well i couldn't find them anywhere. so maybe that's a good thing. but it's also making me want them even more. like they're some mysterious gorgeous thing. ha.
and they are.
in my opinion...

what are your current crushes? do you have any? i'd love to hear what lovely crafts you'll be working on this weekend! come chat.. and drool a little..... xoxox


camping gift

the weather here is not exactly summer weather.. and since we got our tent trailer i'm sad to say we've only taken it out once. once!!! this is not cool. that being said, we've only had it a total of 3 weekends... this will be the 4th, coming up. and we're determined to take it out.
so to remind our dear trailer that we love it, and we want to spend lots of time with it this summer, i've made a little pressie for it.
yes. i did.

i am very excited to really add my crafty touch to the trailer, but i'm stating small... with these adorable dish cloths.
funny enough, i have never knit dishcloths before! would you believe it? i thought it was time to change that.
so i did.

the pattern i chose is: grandmother's favorite.
i used a 4mm needle,
yarn is knitpicks cotlin, except for the red, that's the knipicks dishie.

and these are addictive!
i love the simple construction of this cloth, the pattern is easy peasy to memorize, and it's great go-to knitting. just take it anywhere!

i think our tent trailer will like these little guys. and they'll like their new home... these dishcloths really make me think of summer, must be because i'm sure we had something like this at the cottage when i was younger... at any rate i'm loving them.and apparently these babies could clean anything! bonus! not only are they pretty, but they're hard working too!

i've gotta say, i'm kinda hooked on dishcloths! i'm looking for another pattern to try.. i've got a ton of yarn left over... 
our tent trailer now needs a name... (i'm probably the only one in the house who wants to name it. ha) any suggestions? and the next gift? i'm thinking needlepoint... and i think this would be awesome...i know it's not exactly a tent trailer.. but it works for me ;)

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

what is your easy peasy go-to pattern for when you want to just knit something small... but it keeps your hands busy? are you a fan of dishcloths too? come chat! i love your company. xo



the summer sweater knit along is only one week away! do you know what you're going to knit yet? are you still on the hunt? well  i've got a suggestion for you :) i recently finished a test knit from isabell. also known as lilau on ravelry.

this is her second sweater in her beach series. called driftwood.
and i love it.

i knit this with cascade 220. it's my go-to yarn of choice. i love the selection of colours.... and the heathers? yah. i like them lots.
soo pretty...

i absolutely love this sweater. i knit mine to be a little bit more of a closer fit... loove the contiguous-set-in-sleeves. this is the first time i've tried this method. :)
and as it's knit up in a worsted weight, it knits up so fast! the placket neck gives it a casual look, but it's flattering as well. and ummm i'm starting to have a big crush on buttons.
love. these.

this pattern is very clearly written, and did i mention fast?
i think this sweater is super flattering on any woman. and i totally recommend it.

  i love isabell's style in her design. i've already got another one of her sweaters in my que.. you've heard of paulie? it's a pretty popular one. can't wait to knit that! and really all of her designs are awesome. be sure to check them out here.

interested in knitting driftwood? you can find the pattern here
last year i knit caramel. and i still wear it lots! check out my ravelry page for deets on that one. :)

as for my project for the kal? well i'm gonna be sneaky just a bit longer... xoxo

so excited for this kal! what pattern have you chosen? do you have the yarn ready? wound? swatched? i'd love to hear about it! has driftwood made your que now?xo


sugar, spice & maile

  at the beginning of last week, my sweet husband asked me to knit a baby gift for a work colleague of his who's wife is expecting a baby any day. this man of mine rarely asks me to knit anything... so of course i was very pleased to oblige... and baby gifts are small, right? easy peasy.
i seem to always like to push myself though (lol i blame my stubborn roots) and i chose a fingering weight cardi.

totally the right decision.
this is the maile sweater by nikki van de car.  do you remember me talking about it? it was a week ago, and i hadn't even wound the skein! granted, i realise i'm a tiny bit obsessive about knitting... and i have a bit of speed on my side... but i cast on for this on wednesday of last week... and was blocking it on friday!
yes . thank goodness for little babies ;)

the designer only wrote this pattern in one size, but i've seen many different sizes on ravelry. so looks like it wouldn't be too difficult to alter the size.. i used a 3.75mm needle, partly because my 3.5's were busy and also, having a sweater just a tad bigger is always better. these newborns grow fast!

the knit picks stroll tonal in springtime green was so lovely to work with. very soft, and i was pleasantly surprised at how it knit up in stockinette. i also think that it shows off the lace quite well!

the detail on this cardi is just so sweet, and simple.

i love it.
 and i really hope the recipients do too. 

of course, using some of the yarn i knit it up in to wrap it always helps to add a lovely handmade touch. and it's pratical too! if they need any other yarn to help replace a button if it falls off, they've got it! but speaking of buttons.... aren't these little florals so uber cute?

this sweet little sweater only took maybe half a skein of the knit picks stroll tonal sock yarn. i would absolutely recommend the pattern. however when adding the sleeves to the yoke, as most other knitters commented, it becomes very tight and awkward for a few rows.. i simply pushed through it. and sort of mcgyvered the cables around the tight stitches of the underarm. when seaming the sleeves i was able to easily close that hole in the underarm as well.

i would definitely knit this sweater up again....it really is a fairly quick knit. and a good thing too, the hubs has already taken it to work in hopes that the daddy-to-be will be there to recieve it. baby is already past her due date so it's everyone's guess as to whether daddy-to-be will be at work ;)  now let's hope this little baby makes her appearence sooner rather than later.
we're now officially ready ;) (hee hee)

do you have a fave go-to baby knit when you need a last minute gift? do you stick with cardi's, hats, booties? do share! xo


button button who's got the button?

Source: flickr.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

this weekend went by faster than fast! it was so full! .. so that means fun :) ha.
i managed to get quite a bit of knitting done too :) always the best bonus.
and right now i'm on the hunt. for buttons...

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

and with yesterday being father's day, i didn't get a chance to take any pics of the knitting... that's what today is for :) and that means.. you'll have some eye candy this week!

soo in the meantime...

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i'll be taking today to get those f.o's photographed, including getting out on the hunt for buttons... this is an activity i'm learning to really enjoy. i don't have much of a button stash.. and it's something i've wanted to grow for a while...

Source: exblog.jp via Rebecca on Pinterest

.... finding those little treasures are certainly becoming a bit of a highlight for me! haha.
though right now i'm needing buttons for not one but two projects! (told you i've been busy) ;)

and now with today's post, i've got you holding me accountable. right? can't wait to show you everything i've been working on!
we're also headed to the library today... this june weather is still just as chilly as before. clearly it didn't get my memo.... sigh.

how is your week looking? i'd love to hear what you're working on... are you a fan of button searching? what have been your favourite finds? xo


colour me happy :)

hello weekend!!!! today is gonna be a beautiful day! and though we're not camping this weekend... (next weekend for sure)... we've got a full one packed.
dinners out, guests over, knit night pub night and a heckuva lot of knitting...
for realz

and as it's still "knit in public" and as i mentioned it's gonna be a beaut of a day... i'm proposing a picnic in the park. plenty of sunscreen, some shade... a biiiig blanket... and our knitting... some books, some toys... lots of cuddles, laughter, and well knitting! wanna come? it's gonna be good.

what are you up to today? come chat! i love hearing from you :) xo


second memo

i'm pretty sure the skies never got the june memo... that it's june. not september. (not yet).
so i'm here to place a little reminder that it is infact almost summer... and i'm spreading a little summer, and sunshine your way..

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i have been drooling over emma's shop for quite some time. and she's a local gal to boot! lately? it's the yellows. i'm sure you would agree. i'm also not afraid to admit i've been coveting sock yarns as of late. it's true.

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i can't help it. i love love these colours... i've clearly been born in the wrong decade. ha. these come from fantabulosa vintage on etsy. some very cool finds there.

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

in my opinion, nothing says summer like some funky leather jewelry. i don't know why i put those two together, but i do. and i probably always will. i have adored kiss2keep's etsy shop for freakin' ever. i have yet to own something from the shop yet, but one day i will. this particular bracelet is the starry night. it can be for either men or women, and doubles as a necklace. i loooooove... le sigh. 

so because we're having another cold and windy day... in june...i will dream of the cottage...and of our tent trailer.. (as i believe it's already missing us)... curl up with my little... make popcorn, and knit away. clearly it's a very good thing i knit... i know i will be warm this summer. ;)

anyone else missing the summer weather? how are you trying to convince yourself that it's actually june? let's trick the weatherman... let's get summer here. ok?xo


crazy sometimes = stubborn

i'm pretty sure i'm not thinking straight. and even though i'm aware of that, i've decided to push through to do what is probably a fairly crazy idea. i've been knitting a fair bit of gifts lately. nope, not christmas.. (though i probably should start)... baby gifts.
and earlier this week... my hubby mentioned he's got a friend at work who's wife is expecting.. and they're already a week overdue... sooo technically, i've got time to knit something up right?
..in fingering weight yarn?.... oh. did i mention that i decided on a cardi? what the heck!!!

i've always loved the look of this cardi. the pattern is the maile sweater by nikki van de car. and it's so beautiful!

i'll knit this in knit picks stroll tonal. in springtime green. i hope i can get it to look as nice as my pal misocraftyknits' version.

clearly i'm insane.. but that's fine. i've accepted it.
besides, the size says for 3 months. and many of the projects i've looked at on ravelry seemed to have completed this project in decent time.. maybe i could just drink more caffeine and do it faster?

thing is. i don't even have the skein wound yet. so i'm gonna truck on over to the cloth castle to get that done today... and just go ahead and cast on. thank goodness the knitting is portable.. the kiddo can play and play at the park :)

tell me i can do this. ok? your cheerleading will surely make me knit faster. and i'll appreciate it.

brought to you by an over-caffeinated,  overly-zealous, crazy knitter. what crazy projects are you working on today? i'm pouring another cuppa. want need one?xo


sunnyside... even if it's raining.

i always, always have knitting on the go. especially when i'm now trying to organize for fall and winter holiday markets, there's probably always something i could be knitting.
but right now, one of the things  i'm working on is this lovely little gift:

this is sunnyside by tanis lavallee, she is the mastermind behind tanis fiber arts. i've followed her blog and her work for a while now. her yarns look to die for! buuut can you believe i haven't yet knit with her yarn? ha. i'll have to change that... very. very soon:)

this pattern is great! super easy to get into the groove of... that being said i had to re-start the pattern 3 times at knit night, because i just wasen't focused enough. ha. now that i'm into the groove though.. i seem to be doing just fine.

my plan is to make this short sleeved as i'm not sure i'll have enough yarn for a long sleeved cardi. i've only got the one skein of yarn and i'm knitting up the 12-18 month size.
it's knitpicks stroll tonal sock yarn. and the colourway is blue violet.

and it's soft! this is the second project that i've done now using knitpicks yarn. and i'm not disappointed. i have more here at home, but i just might have to take advantage of the knit picks sale going on right now... (incase you didn't know). :) and for those of you in the US... it's free shipping on orders over $50.

but back to the knitting. i like it.

tell me. what are you currently working on? do you dream and plan your next project while you're working on your current one? have you knit with tanis' yarn before? come chat! it looks like a wet day in these parts.. again.. (umm i thought it was june)... coffee's on, and my needles are clicking away. xo
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