
ich liebe dich

we had a lovely weekend! and i'm feeling refreshed and so ready for this week! (i love it when weekends do that to you...)

Source: imgfave.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

funniest thing, was last night i completely surprised les with a babysitter... he had no idea that i had arranged for one, and that we were going out. the sitter came to the door...
les: "hi.... " (awkward silence)  "....ummm can i help you?"
"i'm here to babysit"...
more awkward silence.... (and probably a bit of a dumbfounded look)
"hoooonnnnneeeyyyyy? did you get a babysitter??"
hahaha he almost sent her away. so funny!
we had a wonderful impromtpu date. went for appies, and then out to a movie. and owen was pleased as punch to show her all of his "new" toys... and to just play and play. he didn't even bat an eye when we told him we were leaving. lol. and i'm soo greatful that we got to actually go out on a date!

and i finally... finally  made it out to knit night! oh goodness i've missed those girls. sadly, not everyone could come out... and i'll be missing this upcoming week... but i will take what i can get. i didn't get much knitting done.. (probably took the wrong type of project).. but it was so wonderful to just chat and catch up :)
i was able to bring in a bag full of f.o's.  (yes, it was that long since i had seen them.. also, i've been crazy busy with my knitting)...
and i thought.. i'll show you one :)
meet presley cash...

a debonnaire monster, who has no problems whatsoever. yeah.. he's pretty content :)
i'll give you only one guess as to who's pattern this is. haha. it's another rebecca danger pattern. i heart her. i really do. every time i knit up one of her monster patterns, i end up being emotionally involved with these little creatures.. well not in a creepy way.. but you know.. they just have personalities that pop. haha.
owen has been so very patient with all of the knitting i've been doing lately, and had asked for another monster for himself. so he chose the pattern, and the yarn.
i love his choices, (obviously)...

the deets:
pattern: presley cash the monster by rebecca danger
needle: 6.5mm (i magic looped everywhere.. no dpns needed on this one)..
yarn: itessa puchka yarn held double. (my lovely husband brought back bags...yes bags.. of this yarn from peru. i've had a hard time trying to find the perfect projects for it.. as it's a mix of alpaca and acrylic... he really thought it was 100% alpaca, that sweet man... but i think that toys might be just the thing. honestly, this guy is sooo soft and cuddly!)

though you can't really tell with these photos... this guy is huge.. well by my standars, anyways. from tip to toe, he's 20 inches. (!!!)

would i recommend this pattern? yes. of course. i always recommend rebecca danger's patterns. it's no secret i have a love affair with her patterns. :) they are clear and very easy to follow. the only thing i think i would do next time is get a much brighter colour. these monsters look best in super bright colours, i think...
but his cuteness makes up for it.. wouldn't you agree?

yah, i have love for this guy... he's just so squishy. you can take my word for it.  i'll be posting more pics up on my  ravelry page once owen is ready to pose with him ;)

and to stick with the love theme... i am so pleasently surprised that i've been awarded not once but twice for the liebster award! from both hannah of the blog ummashin. hannah has two of the cutest little girls, and can whip out an f.o in no.time.flat. for realz. i love all of her knits. and you've got to check her out. she's also a huge sweet lover.. soo enabling.... and melissa from misocraftyknits. melissa also has a major sweet tooth.. and shares some yummy recipes on her blog as well as has the yarn stash i wish i had! lol. she's a mama of one cute and hip little guy... and not only knits (with the most delish yarn) but sews too! ...for us knitters! she makes the cutest project bags. check out her etsy shop!

the liebster award is derrived from the meaning "beloved, dearest or favourite". thanks so much girls. i really appreciate it!

and here are the rules:
1. link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. post the award to your blog.
3. give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
4. leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have received this award.

so one other thing we're supposed to do is share 5 things about ourselves... here ya go!

1. i started running. in january. and though i'm struggling with finding a good routine that i can keep up with for the summer, i'm super excited for races in the fall. i've done only 3 so far. but i love it. and who knows? maybe one day i'll train for a half. (um did i just say that out loud?)

2. i am dreaming of and designing my next tattoo.. i want it to be a half sleeve. say what?! it's totally going to be knitting related. you aren't surprised.

3. i like to cliff-jump. our cottage back home has a 20 ft, a 30ft, and a 40ft. i've done them all. and i'll do them again... eventually.

4. i try really hard to make all of our bread, bagles, pizza dough, and dinner rolls from scratch. we rarely buy bread. it's a nice thing.

5. i used to be in a quartet. i was alto. i also play the flute.. (but it's been a while)... i still miss it. all of the music... xo

and there ya have it.
so now to share the love:

- liisa of socks-a-plenty
- jana of janamade this
- rachel of house full of jays
- jana of a stitch in lime
- rosa of flutterflutter

did you make it to the end of this here novel of a post? if so.. congrats! well done. ha. how was your weekend? did you get your craft on? what are you most looking forward to this week? i'd love to chat with you! xo


  1. Hehehe, rolling around laughing at your funny story (even if I tell my hubby something he forgets!) ... and congrats on 2 award nominations, very well done :o)

  2. congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me! what a sweet thing you are :) somehow i didn't catch this post in google reader.. stupid google.. anyhoo, thanks <3

    love the monster too! especially the teeth. or i'm assuming they're teeth. as someone with wonky teeth i feel like there's a connection there..

    1. bahaha yes. they're totally teeth. :) and also.. i do love your blog. you make me laugh! xo


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