
ummm... busted....

i need to ask a favour.. i need you to bear with me ;) i am so awesome, that i bashed my face into a metal awning pole. ha. my face is fine, but my glasses (that i really need, or else i am  useless) are busted.

for real. and right now, i am dawning the uber taped-up glasses look, just to get through this post. ha! i am pretty sexy if i don't say so myself....
i've been wearing some contacts for the last couple of days... but my contacts have been irritating my eyes lately... and they need a break now. (at least for as long as i am not in public... these taped up beauties are for special people only)
but if i had these??

i would sooo rock these...

and so now the real test is here... can i still knit? ;) you bet your stitches i can. dude, i would never not knit.
i have something to show you soon. just as soon as i can get pictures taken...
but while family is still here visiting, i've been trying to fit in all of the knitting i can!

what? tell me you don't think these are kinda cool....

so tell me, how was your weekend? it couldn't have topped mine.. .. you know with the face hitting the metal pole part... did it? xo


  1. Oh wow...!! This reminds me of the time I was playing tag when I was younger and I was doing one of those running and looking behind you moves... classic, right?... Laughing mouth open my front tooth hit a wall. Looked like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber. My friend and I spent the day looking for that cracked tooth. It was filled and soon you will have new glasses. But if you are anything like me I'll still be a clumsy dork... and that's ok.

    1. haha yes. we will be clumsy dorks together <3 i am still waiting on a new prescription for contact lenses too... but i have since learned that a person with the amount of astigmatism as i have, should probably wear glasses more often. i might even look for a second pair... just to class it up. ;) xo


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