
monster love..

i have a crush on these guys...

clearly the one on the top is a little concerned about the height.. but he'll get over it... honestly though. i want to squish their little heads...
and i'm also loving these guys too. xo

rebecca danger sure has an awesome talent! (and the coolest name) . i have to admit, i totally felt starstruck when i met her at fibers west. she's the best though and i'm officially hooked on her monsters. and you can be sure you'll be seeing more. much much more of them over the coming months ;)
the dudes in the first pic are the monster chunks. and the second pic would be daphne and delila. yah. cute stuff.

you can find more of rebecca's incredible patterns here:

stay tuned! i'll be chatting a little more about these monsters in a few days! wee! so excited. ;)

do you have a current fave thing to knit? are you a fan of knitting toys? do you heart rebecca danger as much as i do? let's chat monsters. rawr. xo


  1. SO cute Rebecca!!! I think the chunks are so darn cute!! I've had the Daphne and Delila pattern in my queue for what feels like forever, but I don't think I will ever get around to knitting it because of my fear of finishings! :p Yours looks like such a cute family of 4!

    1. haha thanks! i wish i wasn't in such a rush with taking the pics though.. sigh. i'll try to get better ones :)

  2. I have a poor legless love-bot stashed away...I know it wouldn't take long to finish it but it keeps getting pushed aside for other things.
    those monster chunks are amazing! they totally look like they're playing together.
    I have the worst cast of queue envy now at the worst possible time! I told myself I would put off knitting anything except the gift shawlette but it's been hard to stick to that. I think you know how I feel.
    Hope you're well! xo

    1. i totally hear you on the que... gah so difficult! but you should totally finish your love bot. i made one for owen for chrsitmas. soo cute! i'm doing pretty well, but uber busy. can't complain though. and you? how is everything going? all set for the big move? xo

  3. Difficult not to love them. They're so cute!


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