

Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting older, maybe it's missing OMA so much, but this Remembrance Day I really wanted to do more. My Oma was one of the first people to teach me to knit, and she was so very supportive of my work. Whenever I knit, I often find myself thinking of her.

It started out as a little project for Owen and I to have a knitted poppy. As soon as I posted a picture though, things got a bit crazy. I was getting flooded with requests for poppies. How amazing! I decided I would take donations for the poppies, and I quickly had to put a cap on the orders. I could only get so much done before the 11th! (I had less than a week since I first posted the picture).

I am excited to say that almost 50 poppies later, $206 CAD was collected in donations. All proceeds have been sent to the Royal Canadian Legion.  This may be the start of something so lovely.
I plan to get a head start on poppy making for next year, so please, for those of you who didn't get one this year, next year I'll be more prepared.

Thank you so much for your donations, and your support. I am pleased to see that Remembrance Day is becoming more recognized, and the turnout is getting larger every year. My family is from Holland. The details Oma gave me during her last visit out here were so real, and raw. I am so thankful that throughout such hardships, my family remained so strong. I hope I can be brave, like Oma.



I'm waving at you!

When I've been especially quiet in this space, I think it's just assumed I'm buried in yarn. And to be truthful, that's what's going on :)

I can not believe that November is already upon us! October saw just shy of 70 FO's just for work knitting! Though it's not my record, it's still definitely a busy month! I also had some customs, and a sample go on the needles as well...

And if that weren't enough to take on, I ended up deciding to do a Market! Owen's school is putting on it's first annual Holiday Market, and I'm doing a booth! Owen will be helping me, of course. He is beyond excited as he'll be finger knitting, and selling his necklaces. :) I'm so proud of him! There will be another post about this market soon enough. xo

Please believe me, I think of spending more time in this space often. But as most of you are also crafters, I'm sure you understand the chaos of this season of ours. Holiday knitting is upon us!

I think also that this year has been harder for me to post more frequently as my husband has been away since the summer. He's been gone on course, and we won't see him home until just before Christmas. It makes for busy, and long days for me.

I also have a few selfish knits on the needles as well! Sadly socktober only gave me 1 sock. Not even a pair! haha But hopefully soon I'll see more socks in my sock drawer.

Tell me, what holiday knits do you have planned? Will you treat yourself and make sure you have a new handknit to wear? I'd love to hear from you! xo
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