
just chatting here...

 this seems to be a rambling type post. nothing really specific here.. just a desire to keep in touch with you clearly awesome readers, and you know.. umm just a chat :)

as i sit here, sipping my wonderfuly warm cup of coffee, i'm feeling so very happy. there's not really any particular reason. i'm just happy with this life. happy and blessed to be home with my little man, to be able to dive so fully into my hobby and make a living from it... to be able to be creative. i really do love where i live. sure it's expensive, but now after living on the west coast of canada for more than a dozen years, i really do feel this is "home" for me.
i can never get enough of the mountains, and the smell of the sea.  i'll always miss the seasons... (no crazy winters here)... but you know.. not shoveling... i'm ok with that this morning ;) instead i'm listening to the rain...

it's been a full week for us! my man has been gone to sea this week, and with classes and of course, spring cleaning (because really i needed to add that to my plate. hee hee) it's kept us pretty busy here.

i promise you i've been doing heaps of knitting. heaps i tell you! but of course, it's all secretive... and i have been wanting to chat knitting with you all so very much. i'm beginning to think i need to cast on a new project just to be able to show you knitting, and chat about it with you, lol!
hopefully before too long though, i can divulge what i've been so busy clicking away at ;)

can you believe that february is over? say what?! i'm always surprised though whenever march pops it's head up. it's like i've never gotten used to february being a short month. lol. but now that it has... i'm finding myself looking towards spring, and making a list of nook's goals for the spring. goodness, i have some! and i plan on reaching them!

so tell me, what are you most looking forward to this spring? what plans do you have? any exciting knits or crochet projects? any colours you just have to see pop around your place? you can be sure i'll be having tulips in my house very very soon.  oh and i actually do have some yarn coming.... for a project that i can actually tell you about!!! want a hint? it's cotlin yarn... what do you think i'll be knitting? come chat. coffee's on. xo


note to self....

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

do you ever find that you wake up just waiting for inspiration to hit you? i'm quite guilty of that actually... and i find myself getting impatient for feeling inspired. it's a funny thing.

and then this morning i realized that if i don't just stop to enjoy the now, and take advantage of the present, i'm going to completely miss this "inspiration" i'm looking for.

because it's usually staring at you full on...

so today, i'm taking time to breathe. be in the now... and enjoying the first glimpses and smells of spring.

i'd love to hear of what you're up to today! anything special on your needles? any new colours finding their way into your stash? come chat! the sun is shining, and the coffee is hot. xo


rolls royce of knitting?

woah. that is some wind out there! it woke us up last night a few times, and the rain was just coming down sideways. really not the best day for my honey to be going out to sea.. i'm certainly proud of him though!
but as it's really that windy, we're staying in today...

want to know what's on my mind? these needles....

aren't they just divine~!! they are the signature knitting needle. and i'm seriously swooning over them. i have seen them being called the rolls royce of knitting needles, and i can see why. they certainly come with a pretty price tag... but oh do i ever want to try them out. tell me, have any of you tried or do you own signature needles? what do you think? are they beyond worth the price tag?

and aren't these the prettiest stitch markers? just something else to stare at on this blustery monday morning. ;) lol.

seriously though, it wasen't all that long ago when i invested in the knit picks set, and don't get me wrong. i love them. lots. i haven't been unhappy with them at all! i'm just wondering now about these beautiful needles. my biggest concern is that i will only want to knit with them. lol! don't worry though knit picks. i still love you. heaps.

tell me, do you have any coveted needles and yarn that you just adore no matter the price tag? i'd love to hear about it, and swoon over it with you! let's chat... it's far to windy and cold, and wet to go outside today. xo


weekend celebration

it's friday! can i get a woop woop hurrah!!!!??
it's an incredibly wet and grey and windy morning here, but no matter.. because since it's technically the beginning of the weekend, we can watch a few movies and knit away, no? :)

and since my post yesterday that included the adorable crochet bunting, i've had buntings on my brain ever since. of course i have... and look what i just spotted this morning?

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

how cute are these?!?! this pattern is called farm stand flags and is by sarah young. see the rav link here. the one pictured is a knit variation of it, but guess what, she's got crochet instructions too!! wahoo! so we're all happy, really.  i just think buntings are such a great way to celebrate anything really.weddings, birthdays, change of seasons, and even just decorating! yeah, i love me some colourful bunting...

this weekend i'm actually planning on going to knit night! i can't tell you how happy and excited that makes me! i love my knit night girls, and it's been far too long since i've been able to attend one... so there will be much chatting, coffee, giggles, and knitting away.

of course, i'm also teaching both tonight and on sunday.. so we'll be having a very very full weekend stuffed with knitting :) sunday's class is all about cowls! if you're in the area and want to knit one, come on by for a class! you get your choice of 3 of jane richmond's cowls offered at the cloth castle. it's gonna be fun!

tell me, what are you up to this weekend? are you doing anything special with this last weekend in february? i'd love to hear about it! happy weekend, friends! wishing you a lovely one full of yarn, good coffee and tea, yummy treats, giggles, and snuggles with your loved ones. xoxo


colours in the grey

is it really thursday already? it might only be me, but the weeks are seriously flying by! february has certainly been a busy month for me! though i'm so looking forward to the spring! so here's a little springtime crush i have for you:

you know, so we can all start planning our brighter and lighter knits and crochet projects!

though truth be told, today it's cold, raining, and windy here...
at any rate, it's a good day to cuddle up with yarn and needle, or hook :) because before we know it, spring will be here in full force and we'll be wondering what to make. never fear.. there are heaps of projects for the warmer weather! but my fave today is this lovely little crochet flag bunting! isn't it the most adorable? yeah. it is.

what are you creating today? i'd love to hear about it! xo


chirp chirp

i feel so fortunate to live on the west coast of canada. i really love it here...  and right now, spring is in the air!
i usually try my hand at balcony gardening, and in the past year it's been decided that my balcony is more suited to herb growing... so as i'm planning what herbs i'll grow this year, and what little flowers would be nice out there... so far i'm thinking basil, rosemary, and cilantro.... maybe mint again? as for flowers? i have no idea...

i'm also planning what spring and summer knits i'll be tackling! ...even if it still is a little bit chilly, i'm so fine with that...

we've all got our fave woolen gardening clothes, right? tell me, have you started dreaming of planting, and working with fresh, dark soil? of sitting outside even in the chilly mornings, with your cup of hot tea, and yarn at your side?

i love the spring time... so many new and exciting things! i'd love your company.. tell me, what herbs, plants and veggies are you planning on having around your space this spring and summer? xo



i was reminded that i seem to have left you all in the dark about the february fox fair! how horrible of me!!! and for that i'm so sorry :) i had also fully intended to blog about it on the weekend, a little surprise post -what have you - but clearly the weekend happened so fast, and i didn't get the post up.

i'll tell you about it now though.
it was so much fun! there were so many fantastic vendors there!!! and to be grouped in with these particular vendors was such an honor!

it was a bustling place, and i was so happy to meet many readers! honestly, i can't say how giddy it makes me feel to finally "meet" several readers face to face!

sadly, i didn't have my camera with me, as the charger had not yet been found at that point (it's found now though) ... however kate of scientific culture wrote up a lovely post about the fair! and i was completely excited to see that my table was one she spoke of in the post! thank you, kate!!

how was your weekend? what did you get up to doing? our little family took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather, and went for a hike. it was so fun, and incredibly needed. it's amazing what a little fresh air does the the body.

but now it's back to the grind... what are you up to today? xo



good morning!!

and happy weekend!!! tell me, what are your weekend plans? will you be bundled up inside while the cold weather whips at your house? or will you be sitting outside at a cafe, happily knitting away while people watching?

i'd love to know your weekend plans, and also.. what's on your needles! i have serious deadlines to meet, so  you'll probably hear my needles clicking away for miles. ha. at any rate. i'm happy it's the weekend :) and i'd love to hear what you're up to!

and now i'm off to wind another skein of yarn... xoxoxo


you know what day it is....

i feel so very fortunate to have the life that i do. i have a healthy family, we have a roof over our heads. and i am loving LOVING this life.

there's always a lot of pressure on this day... and i'm usually not really a big fan of making a hoopla out of it.. last night i was dearly surprised with flowers and chocolate from my boys, and my little man's hand written words of "i love you" is really enough to make me melt.

he's really excited to create something for his daddy, so that will be on the agenda today. but mostly, today we're just going to really appreciate this life. health, family, and the dearest of friends.

i'm not allowed to complain. not today.   instead, i must just have a real appreciation for what we do have.
thank you so much for sharing this space with me. i have to say, that the crafting world.. knitters, crocheters, bakers, etc.etc.. is so inviting, and so great to be a part of! i'm looking forward to so much more. this year, 2013 has some very special things in store.. and i'm really excited about it!

wishing you all a lovely valentine's day! thank you for being a part of my life. xo 


anticipating spring

we're having drizzly days here.. and i really like it. the ground is getting ready for a beautiful spring. and i have to rub it in admit that we have such lovely and um early spring-times around here :)
as the rest of canada seems to be digging out of snow, and are burrowing up in blankets, and wool... i'm looking forward to knitting with linens in the very near future! and there's nothing better than getting all excited for spring, then with lovely bright yarny colours, no?

so here you go.

and for those of you still in the cold... hopefully this will help to see that spring really is not too far away :)
happy knitting! xoxo



i've written about this before, but i do think it bears repeating. it's so hard to find a balance especially in this day and age... and sometimes just repeating that fact makes it seem a bit easier to find, somehow...
while being a stay at home mom, i'm trying to juggle so many things.. and i think a lot of us (as women) feel that we need to wear so. many. hats.
with all of the busy-ness of life since, oh i don't know.. the summer? (i can't believe how fast the months seem to just fly by)... i feel like finding that routine still hasn't happened for us. not really. but maybe that is our routine... just being busy. and that's ok. however finding the time to breathe and just be needs to happen more often, i think.

but i'm very happy to report that my life feels so much more like it's getting back to normal! the market season is dying down for me (with changes to come for the fall markets!) and i've been able to focus on the home. we've been updating our furniture a bit, rearranging the furniture, and trying to find a new "balance" in the home.
i'm not going to lie to you, it's exhausting... my sweet husband did a trip to ikea (which we don't have on the island.. so it includes a ferry ride and an added 3hrs in travel) and promptly started assembling things as soon as he got home... we've been up late at night trying to organize our home.. and there is still much to do.. but it's really coming together! i have a new creative space that i hope to share with you soon! of course in the crazy life we've had i seem to have misplaced the camera charger! and so that is my mission this week... to find it. i'm really hoping it's just still stuck in a small corner of a bag we used for our trip to calgary last month...

i'm one of those people who needs order and calm surroundings in order to feel and be productive. for real. when i was younger, i couldn't even study for a test unless my room was clean ;) maybe it was my way of procrastinating? i dunno... but at any rate, i now feel the need to have my home organized and "mostly" tidy before i can feel really productive in my knitting work. which.. i might add, is growing, and keeping me busier and busier... love it!

so while i've been trying to find the balance, i have to say, i really appreciate you. all of our little chats, notes on facebook, friendly hello's ... they mean the world to me, and keep me focused on the reason i need to get this balance thing organized.. i want to be able to continue spending time in this space with you as often as i can during the week...

so thank you ... for your lovely friendships, and for your patience with me while i get myself gathered here... and hopefully find that charger so i can show you the fruits of our labour. i am incredibly excited about 2013.. i feel so much will change in this upcoming year...

tell me, what are your key plans of attack when finding that balance? how has this year been treating you so far? have the months also been flying by for you? come chat. coffee's on... and i've got lovely yarn at the ready... xo



will you be there?! 

today is the final day to prep before the fair tomorrow... and as usual, i'm nervous.. and up extra early.. ha. the plus side, is that i've already done the dishes, made coffee, made my hubby his lunch and sent him with breakky off to work... aaaand it's barely after 7am.

i'll have lots of goodies for you! and i'm so looking forward to seeing you! there will be some fantastic vendors at this market... trust me, you're not going to want to miss this!

 i'll see you! at the fernwood community centre. tomorrow from 10-4. xo



just thought i'd share with you a little peek at what i'm working with for one of the projects on the needles... but i'm gonna be mean and not tell you what i'm knitting. ha. not because i want to be mean.. i just can't tell you ;)

isn't it pretty?? so so pretty. this is yarn from em of everything old crafts. and it's the first time i've knit with her yarn! i love it. to bits. and bits. the colour is just stunning. so rich, and deep.

anyways. just thought i'd show ya. and let you know that i seriously love knitting with it. and maybe you should check out her shop.

any yarns you're totally digging lately? something new to you and want to share so we can all try? come chat! i have LOTS of coffee . heaps really. the market is in just 2 days! i don't think i'll sleep until then ;) xo



today i am knitting, and crocheting, and surrounding myself in yarn... and hopefully getting some organizing done on the computer...
can someone tell me why there aren't more than 48hrs in a day? because i could use that today :)

but i'm happy. blissfully so! because what knitter wouldn't be happy to be surrounded by beautiful yarn, and a day ahead of them to knit? (granted my day will also include manovering around a floor full of toys, and battle set ups of lego and army men)

i sure am...and while i'm working away on market knitting, and other secret knitting... i'm already dreaming of warmer weather knits... like this one:

and this one:

 these are both patterns from quince & co... and i'm in love with them.

.... what are you up to today? xo


because you deserve it. xo

 yesterday i facebooked the fact that my needles were on fire. i wasn't kidding ;) i'm really getting excited for the february fox fair! and i have a little sneak peek for you!

i'm introducing some luxury knits to the booth. and there is no better time to see them than at the fox fair, just in time to spoil yourself or your loved one.
these are knit in 100% merino wool... trust me they are so soft. the yarn is madeline tosh yarn... and the colours are stunning. i have a hard time trying to capture the true depth of the colours of this yarn... you'll have to believe me when i say you should probably see them for yourself.

there are only 3 of these gorgeous cowls available! of course, i always take custom orders... but with the nature of this pattern, as they are time consuming, this is all that will be available in time for valentine's day!

the added bonus is that this beautiful cowl was designed by our very own island girl, jane richmond! this is the arbutus cowl, from her newly released book ISLAND.
i'm really getting excited for this fair... and i hope you can stop by!
i might even have chocolates and cinnamon hearts at the booth...

what are you up to this weekend? in the mood for a designer craft fair? you won't want to miss this! the vendors are all fantastic! hope to see you there! xo


seeing hearts....

this is the final week before the fox fair! things are definitely in overdrive now, in terms of making sure my booth is just as lovely as ever.

i'm really looking forward to this event, as i know there will be a lot of fantastic vendors there!
last week, i was uber busy with knitting classes being completely booked up... thankfully this week, i have more time to focus solely on the market... and i know it's going to be so much fun!

i think it's a great time to find that really unique gift for your valentine... someting extra special... and something even for you!
i don't know about you, but lately, i've been seeing hearts ;)

Source: craftsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

aren't these the cutest arrows ever? yeah. i think so! wanna make your own? i found the link on craftsy. :) i don't know what it is, but i love the market feel. i don't mind the stressful week beforehand... the lack of sleep, any of it... i get really excited in the market zone though... and i love meeting other vendors, readers, and crafters/shoppers alike!
if you're in the area, i really urge you to come check out this market. just look at the vendors that will be there!!

all of the info is also on the event page on facebook. on behalf of all of the vendors, i know we're really excited for this event, and hope you can make it!

are you a market lover like i am? are you a vendor who gets uber excited in the prep even if it means very late nights, and lots of coffee? come chat :) i'm here.. .knitting and crocheting away.... xo


trades are awesome

there are lots of reasons why i love markets.. lots and lots... but one of the reasons is the chance to meet some very talented artisans... and often, you'll find some who are totally into trades!
i met my friend jana of janamade at a market a while back... and we've since kept in touch. i have blogged about her before... when we swapped for one of my fave rings.

she's ridiculiously talented, and the total bonus is that she's local to me! haha the market we met at was not in victoria, so it was a surprise to find that we both had traveled from the same area. haha.
anyways... a few months back, we decided to make a swap. she snagged some adorable mosnters, in exchange for whatever she wanted to design for me :)

i know i love her style... in fact, i had to walk away with some gorgeous earrings from the owl designer fair... they are just so lovely....( and of course, as much as i like trades, i like to support her too! )

and i wanted to give her the oppertunity to have free rein over the design. and what she came up with is just simply awesome. !!!

don't you love it?
she knows me so well! i can't wait to see it in person!!! only one more week... as we'll be both be at the february fox fair!

be sure to check out her blog post about the necklace... and she's got some seriously fab jewelry up in her etsy shop!!! be sure to stop by her shop!

i'm so glad it's the weekend... here's hoping i catch up on some serious market knitting... and maybe just maybe start a selfish project? hmmmm what are you working on this weekend? xo
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