
proud moments

i apologize for the big silence yesterday, but our weekend was as full as ever! sunday both owen and i had races to run, and then off quick to a bday party, then zooming along after that to a bbq! i kind of needed the quiet yesterday.

we are actually headed away for holidays on wednesday night until the next week (wednesday) it's our first trip of the summer, and we're looking forward to seeing family. this trip we're headed to alberta. we aren't headed into calgary this time. (thankfully we don't have to deal with the flooding, but also i feel so much heartache for the devistation for the city...) instead we're flying into edmonton, but we'll actually be camping most of the trip i think.

as owen gets older, spending time with cousins is so very important.. and we live so far away from them! we're really excited to spend time with the newest addition to the family. owen's little cousin ethan. guys. trust me. he's cuuuuuuute! and has so. much. hair! i love it!

the fact that we'll be out at the campground most of the time doesn't guarentee me any wifi though to pop in for posts... so i'm not sure how often if at all i can be here... i do promise to take heaps of pics... and guys, you know i'll be getting epics amount of knitting done. a serious metric buttload of knitting. and here's an exciting point, a lot of this knitting i'll be able to show you!! wahoo!

my needles will be on fire! yes of course, i'll still be busy with other things, but i love that knitting is so portable and that with a lot of projects, i don't really have to look at what i'm doing.... so yippee!!!

but would you like to see my really proud mama moment from the weekend?

ever since i started running again, owen has been my biggest supporter, and encourager... and i couldn't ask for a better cheerleader. (apart from my hubby) those two are awesome. and when owen asked to run in a race, i was more than excited for him. i think he was kind of terrified at the sound of the horn. hahah but he did so well! yes. i'm a very proud mommy.

so today i'm trying to finish some projects that should be completed before our trip... and getting ready to pack some yummy yarn for other knits! what are you working on today? any exciting plans for summer travel? come chat! i've missed you! xo


longest day :)


the fact that today is summer solstice, ... the longest day of the year... and it's a friday is really really good.
i'm definitely looking forward to the warmer weather. the lazy days... bonfires.. heaps of knitting.... camping... swimming... all of it. it's going to be a really fun summer for us this year...
we're planning on a couple of big trips. the first being to alberta.. (we leave next week!) just for a week, and the second trip is to virginia!!! this is super exciting for us, as neither my husband or i have been there. my sister and her hubby and their 3 kids live there..
also we haven't seen my side of the family in over 2 years. it's definitely about time. we're also kind of taking this opportunity to go this summer, because my hubby is going to be leaving for sea at the end of summer until the end of october, or early november... so we're making some fantastic memories now. :)

though it's another grey and windy day here, we're happy it's friday.. the coffee is on, and my knitting needles are clicking away wildly! tell me, what are you working on today? and what do you have planned for the weekend? i have another race to run in.. and my little man is running in his first one. he's uber excited.

ok summer. we're ready for you!! come chat! i'd love to hear of your weekend plans! any summer solstice parties? xo


knitting like the wind

as mrs. whatsit so wonderfully stated "wild nights are my glory" i'm really digging today's blustery weather. it's grey, and w.i.n.d.y!!! perfect for getting heaps of knitting done.. which is what i plan to do.(you know, knit like the wind!) hahaha... as you know, our days are usually chalked full of things to do, running around, etc etc. today is going to be a day of mostly knitting and relaxing before swimming lessons.
as for what's on my needles? here's a little peek:

and it's reeeeeaaaalllly soft. just sayin'.

what are you working on today? anyone know where the quote came from? come chat. it's a grand day to cozy up and knit xoxoxoxo


follow me! (pretty please)

as you've probably gotten the reminder from google, or have also heard the buzz... following blogs on google reader isn't gonna be happening anymore...
so i'm here to let you know that nook is also on bloglovin!

Follow on Bloglovin 

you can also follow nook on:

i'm still trying to organize the social media part of my knitterly life. there always seems to be something though, hey? but i'm having fun with it, and eventually it will all come together :) 
how do you follow blogs? are you sad that google reader will no longer be? 

my needles are clicking away here today, and the coffee tastes especially good. here's hoping for a productive day! xo


summer planning!!

monday already? this weekend definitely went by quickly. but it was a fantastic weekend! heaps of outdoor time, my hubby came home, and we had a grand father's day! (of course he was spoiled) ;) owen made daddy a book. it's one of the arts and crafts he tends to actually sit down and follow through with. haha. he draws all of the pictures and then tells me exactly what to write. easy peasy, but the outcome is so darling. and definitely a treasure to hang on to :) how did you celebrate your weekend?
though i wish i had gotten more selfish knitting done, i was pretty productive. our first vacation this summer begins next week so i have to make sure i'm all caught up with work stuff.... though i'm happy to say i've made some great progress on a little something i'll be sharing with you hopefully before too long!

as for today, it's time to get back into the swing of things. beginning of a new week, and basically the beginning of summer here... it's always tricky coming up with a new "routine" but i think this summer will definitely be a fun one for us! (we have 2 trips planned!!! but more on that later)....

i have heaps of knitting planned (of course) as i'm hoping to partake in a winter market or two... (sooooo crazy that i'm thinking that far ahead... eeks!)

how about you? how was your weekend? any exciting things planned for this week? are you feeling organized and ready for your summer routine? come chat! coffee's on and  my needles are clicking away! xoxo


a fun weekend ahead!

as always i'm happily surprised that it's friday!! my hubby is coming home from sea today, and we've got a busy weekend ahead of tball games, slo-pitch tournaments, and a knit night at the pub! we know how to pack in a lot of fun on our weekends :) we are celebrating a whole bunch of spring & summer bdays with our knitterly girls...

let's just hope the weather agrees with our plans :) we really missed the man of the house this week. we've been pretty lucky with him not having to go to sea for long bouts of time for quite some time now, because he's teaching ...and so is posted to the school here.. though that will soon change, as he has a trip booked for the end of august until sometime in november (or if we're lucky, end of october). so i suppose this was good practise for us... and a good opportunity for the little man to see what it was like.. or try to remember too....  but it's still a while away.. we aren't focusing too much on that right now...

but this past week was good. definintely full,.. we still have some stuff to do, including finishing up a father's day card! oh yah, that's happening this weekend too! (don't worry, we are prepared. haha)

and to all of the dads, grandpa's, papa's, daddy's, and paw's out there...

-- happy father's day!!! --  

i have lots of knitting to get done.... so here's hoping for a very productive day:)
what are your plans for the weekend? are you planning on spoiling anyone special? xo


what's one more?

i've mentioned in the past that my ravelry queue is a little out of control. i'm not here to tell you that i've got it organized or under control or anything, because i haven't... it's into the 7th page!!.(and there's nothing wrong with that) all that's been happening lately is that it's growing... fast, and with serious determaination to overtake my subconcious. it's working too... because i can't stop thinking about my latest addition to the queue....

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

i have to knit this tank. have to! it's the tank i would be looking for in stores. perfect fit, right amount of coverage, and just so me.
hilary smith callis has done it again. it's just awesome!
i want to knit it. right now. i can't but i really want to.

and guys, the possibilities for colour combos are endless. it would also look just as amazing in one colour too.

Source: ravelry.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

the pattern recommends the yarn be sweet bamboo. i've never knit with that before. i bet it's divine! though any bamboo or cotton yarn would be suitable for this project. meaning i bet knit picks cotLin would be a very affordable option if you want say 3 or 4 of these tanks. .... what? that's totally a possibility!

anyways, i've clearly been sidetracked from being productive this morning... because those pretty blues, and that gorgeous tank would be perfect for me. perfect.

tell me. you really want to knit this too... don't you? what colour combos would you do?? any yarns off the top of your head that you think would be perfect? 
**(disclaimer... i was not approached to post about this pattern. i simply am in love with it. i could i not be?)**


eye candy

sooo i caught myself thinking and planning holiday knits recently.

but before you flick me upside the head remember the magic word is that i caught myself. i know i know! we're barely into summer and here i am thinking about the cold weather.
i can't really help it though. being a knitter is time consuming, and we really have to plan out our projects. i'm hoping to do markets again this year, so that means some serious planning on upping my stock. (as currently, i have very little). but before you get your panties all in a twist, i am thinking lots of lovely summer knits too. lace, and fingering weights, lots of airy knits and socks!
because those are always easy to carry around :)
i really want to hang on to as much as i possibly can this summer. with my little man starting kindergarten in september (don't worry.. i'm saving the breakdown until at least the end of august) i want to enjoy this time. we have lots planned for the summer. we're actually going on 2 pretty big trips that we're uber excited about!
i do have a few lovlies planned here for while i'll be away though.
but let's get back to the current season, m'kay?
want to know what i can't get enough of these days? bright, cheerful colours!

i'm especially excited about some very bright and colourful sock yarns.... like this one:
Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

ummm isn't it amazing??? it's from this etsy shop. and it's definitely on my radar. actually any of the colourways for this yarn i'm totally on board for .... just sayin'.

what about you? what's your current yarn eye candy? are you into some sock knitting these days? are you enjoying your upcoming summer? tell me you have actually thought about winter knits already though... so i'm not the only one :) xo


in action

today marks the beginning of another busy week for us! but it will be busy in a different way. my hubby has left for sea until friday, so there may be a bit of "adding lib" here. hah.

i'm so excited to have been wearing my pendulum heaps. it's fortunately been pretty windy here lately! so it's really quite perfect. and i love it like crazy. honestly, everyone should knit one. i'm pretty glad i decided not to try to make more stripes than the pattern called for. i think it's big enough as is, and i also would have run out of the darker yarn. so it all worked out!

here's a pic of it "in action"

i honestly love the drape. i did block it, and i'm loving that is still has that squishy garter love. total win! and i have to say, i think i'm pretty hooked on shawl knitting! my next shawl will be on the needles soon! (as soon as i figure out which one i'll be knitting next haha). my only big concern is how i'll store them all. i'm already running out of space (heaven forbid!) i'll have to remedy that. pronto.

as for the next one? hmmm i'm thinking something by either veera or martina. there are several shawls designed by both of them that are overpowering my queue and favourites :) i'm such a fan!

how about you? are you a shawl knitter? which patterns are your faves? how is your week looking like? i'd love to chat! xo


serious happy dance.

i know i know i've been so quiet here this week. but there is good reason! i stayed up very late last night so that i could complete the kal by the deadline! (and maybe so i could watch the first 5 episodes of call the midwife... lol)

oh man, i'm loving this shawl! i still have to block it... it's actually headed for the bath right now.. and once it's blocked i'll be sure to get some modelled pics for you... but clearly, i couldn't wait to show it to you!

so here are the deets:
pattern: pendulum shawl by amy miller.
yarn: raventwist torc in colours djinn and black isles.
needle: 3.5mm (signatures!)

i used the garter tab cast on.. which i have to say, i love. also.. i followed the same stretchy edge as most others followed, by k1, drop yo, make new yo, m1, continue to knit.. etc...
also. i bound off using k2tog tbl, pass st back to left needle, and continue. it created a great stretchy edge, and was a fairly quick bind off considering i had 400 stitches!

honestly, this was such a great shawl to knit. i love me some easy peasy uber squishy garter stitch. yummm... there was just enough interest in this pattern to keep things moving along for me too. the pendulum effect is created with short rows, and i love the way it looks!

these two colours look so fab together. and really still make me think of the west coast. i'm so in love with this shawl, and can't wait to wear it!

so i totally did it! just under the wire. thank you projectstashEL for hosting a fab knit along! this certainly is a project "pour moi" that i will cherish, and love...

thank you for being patient with me this week.... i wish i could type and knit at the same time. lol! what are you up to this weekend? you can be sure i'll be sporting my new shawl.. as soon as it's dry! xo


just a heads' up

june 8th happens to fall on this weekend. and do you know why it's so special? it's the first day for world wide knit in public day! yup! and i'm telling you now, because i want you to be prepared. ;) the event lasts from june 8th - 16th.

do you want to know a little bit more about it? this is actually the largest knitter run event in the world! (fun, right?)  it was originally founded by danielle landes in 2005, and is now in the hands of astrid salling, who took over in 2011.
knitting in public is something that i do on a daily basis, but seeing events hosted... heaps of knitters gathered together in a park, kind of makes me giddy! and you can find these events popping up more and more!
check out the world wide knit in public day website for more info.

this is me with local food blogger family feedbag a few years ago on salt spring island.
you can be sure i'll be toting my knitting around with me. i hope to park my butt down in a park somewhere with many other knitters :) it's such a fun event, and you get a chance to meet so many other enthusiasts!
you don't have to be knitting either, crochet, or any fiber related crafts are awesome!!

so now you have lots of time to plan a public knit in... or just find one and join in. it doesn't have to be a hugely planned thing (but if it is, it's a lot of fun!) it can even be your pals and a park and a great picnic!

tell me you're joining in! i'd love to hear where you'll be showing your knitterly (or crochet!) pride! xo



it's going to be a little crazy this week, as my man is working nights, so we're trying to pack all of our fun little errands in the morning. haha. and i totally wasn't prepared for it today, and this is why the post is so late.

my weekend was lovely, but a quick one! tell me, why is it that weekends always go by in a blurr? hahah. though i didn't get quite as much knitting done as i wanted, i was able to spend lots of time outdoors. i had a lot of fun on the run. owen and les were the best supporters! and i've already registered for another race!
it's only 3 weeks away, i'll be doing a 10k and owen will be doing a fun run. it's his first race, and he's so very excited!

i can hardly believe that we're already into june!! i've got lots of knitterly goals... let's hope i reach them! and of course, i'll share them with you too :) first up that pendulum has to be done by the 7th! can i do it?

what was your weekend like? i'd love to know how you're doing! tell me, what's on your needles? and what are your summer plans? xoxoo
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