so we made an order. lol.
and i've decided to stock up on some supplies... the main being dpns. but i so wish that all of that yarn was coming my way. hahaha ... i think it's time i knitted more socks, no? although i enjoy quick knits with bulky yarns and fat needles (um my next project to myself is on 10mm needles).... i really really like the look of tiny stitches too... and really, i just don't knit very many socks. i hope to change that...
but here for some reason, i thought if i knit with nickle plated needles, that's all i probably should knit with. hahah how extremly silly of me. (and so narrow minded, really). and it's not that i've solely stuck with only one type of needle, except in the past couple of years, since i have my knit picks interchangeable set...
anways long story short... i was fairly uncertain on purchasing the harmony (wooden) 4" dpn set for smaller products... because i knit with nickle plated... |
hahah oh dear. what a fiasco. honestly, i sat there at the computer contemplating for far too long... asking around as to who else switches to wood needles for smaller projects... i make myself laugh ;) i placed it in my order though. and i bet i'll love them. now i'm just hoping that the 4" isn't too short?! haha i often find the 6" dpns get in the way though... .... i honestly hope all of that made sense... haha..
so after all of that ramble... (really, you guys are the ones who truely understand, and i appreciate your listening... ... because you should have seen the look on my husband's face when i was trying to explain to him my problem).... i'm going to have lots of dpns! hurrah!
of course, now that i'll be stocked up on needles, and technically i have "enough" yarn.. i'm so hesitant to say enough... because we always could use more...
i think i need some good flicks to watch while knitting..
um hello downton abbey! i couldn't find the box set (seasons 1 & 2) anywhere on boxing day... they were all sold out... (also should have seen the look on my dear husband's face when we heard it... NOW he knows that it's popular.. lol) but i have found it on amazon.. i've already seen seasons 1 & 2... but i want to watch them again and again... and really, i need to refresh my memory before sinking my teeth into season 3...
so exciting!!.. also to be ready for the upcoming knit along!!!
ok so now that i'm feeling a little more stocked up.. (there will always be more yarn purchases)... time to get knitting! what's on your needles? any new christmas pressies that are helping you click away? do you knit with harmony needles? what do you think?? i'd love to hear about it! let's get ready for some serious downton abbey and knitting! xo