
swatch happy

i told ya i'd be back today with swatches. both are knitted on a 3.25mm needle... and i guess i caved and am showing you the colours as well :) it's ok, i know you won't tell anyone. so what do you think?

i wanted to take a picture with my hand in it so you could get a sense of how small these stitches are... and here's the other one...

the first swatch is definitely airier, you know? hmmm so what are your thoughts? to remind you, this is for the featherweight cardigan, by hannah fettig.

also... ummm as i kind of wandered into my lys today since owen's grandma and papa were watching him this morning while i had a dental appointment downtown.... they happened to have a habu trunk show going on! how lucky am i?? it was gorgeous! such a different way of knitting! i really wished that i had my camera.... but some of the items were knitted with stainless steel, with paper linen, just a different assortment of fibers! i am definitely more inspired to pull out my linen and work on something with that. *swoon*

of course i didn't leave empty handed. it's not often i can peruse a yarn store alone! it was a treat for sure. and here are the treats i may have collected... well no i totally collected them.. hee hee

you could say i'll be keeping myself busy ;)

how is your day coming along? have any of you ever knitted in the japanese style? or with such different fibers as stainless steel? i'd love to hear about it! drop me a line, and let's chat!

sleepy days...

today, we are off to a slow start... but it always makes me feel better to share a little bit here :) i decided to knit up the swatches for you, so i can get a little feedback, and as i'm knitting them, i think i've made my choice.... but i'll show them to you soon. ...
in the meantime, i think we should grab a snack, get on our comfies and take it easy today. what do you think?
 and here's a little something to make you smile :)

my hair doesn't do that... i think it would definitely suck if it did :) i'll be back soon with swatches to share!

how is your day going? anything on your needles? leave me a comment, i'd love to hear from you.


good morning!

and how was your weekend? did you get any crafting done? did anyone try out the tutorial? i'd love to see pictures if you did :)

i got some swatching done...

i'm excited for june, because i'm taking part in my first big kal (knit-a-long). we're knitting up cardi's for the summer!

shannon from the ah-maz-ing blog luvinthemommyhood is working on organizing it for us. she's so wonderful! xx

i've chosen to do the featherweight cardigan by hannah fettig. if you want to see more info on that, click here.
i am just trying to decide on the yarn... and i think more swatching needs to be done. i did a swatch with diamond luxury collection pima lino lace. on a 4.0mm needle. but i found this swatch  little too airy.. not very practical, and i know i'd get something caught on it... i would have to try another swatch with a smaller needle. i have 1275 meters of this yarn. or the other option is in using the classic elite yarns silky alpaca lace. of which i have 1840 yds. i am trying to swatch on a 3mm needle. so far i like how that looks. i know i know, i give you yards and meters to work with. silly me. how very canadian. :)
anyhoo, i feel bad that i didn't actually take any pictures of the swatches, but i've found some pics of the sweater. i did actually post a pic a few days ago, but for the sake of making this a little easier to follow, i'll just post a few pics here.

so cozy...

i like the 3 colour stripe idea...

remember this one?

and i do like this one too...

isn't this a lovely cardigan? i really do like it a lot. here's my little problem though. i seemed to have bought 2ply which isn't really a problem in itself... because the pattern calls for it... so that's all fine and good. but (and this part is kind of a problem) pretty much all of these photos that i love oh so much are knitted up in a slightly heavier weight yarn. like a 3 or 4ply.  so what am i to do? i suppose the 2 ply on a smaller needle will work, as long as i have enough yarn, because i'd like the make the cardi with longer sleeves...
ahah oh the stresses of knitting!

anyone have any tips for me? ah well. i know i 'll figure it out... maybe i'll make 2 of them!

i'll just remember to remember this no matter what happens, right?

how is your monday morning treating you? what did you get up to on the weekend? was it enjoyable? leave me a comment, and any tips you have on my knitting delima, please i'd love to hear from you!



good morning! it's friday! yippeeee!!!! bring on the weekend :) thanks for letting me vent a little yesterday.. but as promised, i have a little goodie for you :) how hoes a tutorial sound?
yes? good. cause i've got one for you.

here at nook. i love and i mean love my coffee. i need it very much. so i thought i should do something nice in honor of coffee. here it is!

 hug your coffee

no more double-cupping it folks! this eco-friendly sleeve for your coffee or tea on the go will keep your fingers happy. it's small & portable, not to mention it adds the perfect style to your morning... - or whenever you favor your cuppa :)
it's sized to fit most "to go" coffee cups

here's what you'll need:
needles: 3.75mm/US 5 dpns
yarn: berroco weekend aran weight. but a worsted would probably work fine too.

using the long-tail method, CO 36 sts. join to work in the round, being careful not to twist your sts.
you can use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of your round if you'd like, but i just use the end of the tail from casting on. it's up to you.

k2, p2 ribbing for 4 rounds.
switch to knitting in stockinette (knit every round) for 3"
k2, p2 ribbing for 4 more rounds.
bind off in patt.

weave in the ends, and you're done!

see? what an easy fun tutorial! i'm happy to share it with you! hope you have many wonderful coffees, lattes, hot chocolates, teas... whatever your little heart desires with these puppies.  my hubby has already requested the brown one for himself. he loves them!

if you're not a knitter, do not despair! these little cuties will be listed in the shop soon. they make great gifts!


copyright nook2011. pattern is for unlimited personal use. please do not reproduce or sell this pattern, or items that are knitted from this pattern. for any questions please contact rebeccanook@gmail.com

cheers to a wonderful weekend! i'll be back bright and early monday morning!

what are you up to this wonderful weekend? any exciting plans? please leave me a comment, i'd love to hear about it!



well folks. i really wanted to put up a good post today! really really. but with toddler very much underfoot, and a sick hubby, and a computer that continually kept giving me problems, as well as a sore mouth from recovering from yesterday's trip at the dentist...... i really could have used this today.

Source: None via Rebecca on Pinterest

you've all had those days, right? i promise, tomorrow will be much better. i have a goodie planned... :) promise

how was your day today? tell me it was better than mine :)



it's cloudy here today, and a little chilly. a good morning to covet, no? come on! grab a coffee, and let's go!!
i think there are some things that a knitter just would be happiest if they could posess:

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

how perfect, right? so wonderful... also, i would definitely have to only use these when writing from now on.

any outfit would be complete with this adorable brooch...  seriously cute.

Source: etsy.com via Rebecca on Pinterest

but honestly. i have to have this lamp.  it's what i want.. a lot. this would make me happiest :)

i probably won't be able to stop thinking about it now until i can get my hands on it :)

how is your week going? we're halfway through now!! any new knitting tools or toys you must have?


cardi crush...

i've never followed the twilight series before... i know it has a huge following and all, but i never really seemed too compelled to pick up a book... (eep.. i know i know)
however.... this cardi could get me started! haha

Source: None via Sharon on Pinterest

it's gorgeous! i love the colour, the shape, and the pockets.. everything, really. it just looks so cozy. i could totally curl up in this cardi with my favourite book (i plan on picking up some good ones this summer) and cup of tea. i'd go scope out a great hammock, the perfect crochet afghan and just disappear for the day...  i don't know.. i just love it... and so, cardi's are on the brain now.

i need a summer cardi. need.  i've actually picked one out, and have yarn at the ready.. i'm hoping i'll be casting on for it this week. want to see?

isn't it lovely??  i think it would be just the right cardi for summer... and a fav of my wardrobe.. yes. yes it will be.  the colours i have picked out are not the same as this pic.. but i can make that a secret, can't i? i'll show you soon enough :) although, now i feel the need to also get the yarn and pattern stat for the twilight cardi... how about you?

what's on your needles today? any fav. must knit's for summer? who are your fav authors? leave me a comment, i'd love to see what you're working on!


relaxing today...

what a wonderful long weekend we're having! the forecast was cloudy and damp... but the weather is proving it wrong! case in point. ... i'm actually sitting outside in the sun as i'm writing this post! love it!

wanna know what we got up to doing yesterday?

the fair! so much fun this year. we met some friends and headed on out. the rain stayed away, so that made us extra happy. we didn't get a chance to see the rodeo though... a little too much moola to spend just to get in.. we thought, but the rides were more fun anyways... especially to 3 year olds ;)

here's hoping you are having a wonderful day... a holiday to all you Canadians! yippee! we're fans of holidays...
as for the knitting... i've remembered to pack along a little project to be working on. i'm looking forward to sharing it with you!

what are you up to today? are you getting any sun? leave me a note and let's chat!

a cabled sweater

for this class, we tackled a sirdar pattern. this is the design d - cabled tank with polo neck. you can check out some of the details  here.

this is the sample that i knitted up:

 materials i used were:
yarn: james c brett marble chunky
needles: 5.0mm, 6.0mm
more details here on my ravelry page.

the class went really well, and everyone had a lot of fun! new techniques were learned! cabling (clearly) :) , and different types of seaming, both mattress stitching and kitchener stitching...
i'm really proud of everyone in the class! these were the same ladies who attended the slipper sock class as well... though i was silly enough to only remember my 3 year old's toddler digital camera... and um.... those pictures never really turned out all that well. hahaah.

i finally managed to actually remember to bring the (right) camera to this class, so please take a peek! you can see this sweater knitted up in a variety of yarns, and i love the outcome of all of them. such a versatile pattern in terms of yarn options, i think.

...working on the neckband

 here, we are stitching up the shoulder before beginning the neckband.

 one of the finished products. isn't it lovely?

all in all, a lot of fun was had :)

do you attend any knitting classes? how do you like them? what are you learning? what would you like to learn? feel free to leave a comment, i love hearing from you!


thank you!

nook's feelin' the love here with all of your encouragement and support with the blog launch and etsy shop! thank you so much! you've given me very warm fuzzies.

now it's my turn to give you warm fuzzies... i'd like you to meet baxter. he just moved in with us, and we're pretty smitten with him :)

and now you are too! :) he'll be 8 weeks old on tuesday. we're adjusting to life with him really well. .. see?

... and it looks like he's adjusted well to living with us :)

as for our long weekend, we're takin' it easy here so far. just enjoying being together :) it's a good thing to relax, i think. ....

and i'm of course getting a little of this done.... a gift for a dear friend.

...and this :)

it's a little rainy today, but that sure doesn't stop us from a yummy breakfast out on our balcony of french toast and strawberry banana smoothies recipe from family feedbag. so yummy!! amy's food blog is delish! definitely check her out!

what are you working on this weekend? anything on your needles? any cute lovable balls of fuzz keeping you distracted? :)



i can't tell you how happy i am to see you here! today is a special day to me, because it's kind of like my grand opening :) !!! i hope you'll like this space, and will come back to visit often. it's fun here. we can chat about lots of knitting, and baking, and really anything that strikes our fancy. though, it must be said, that's usually a yarn related topic for me ;) i can't help it. haha.

feel free to kick off your shoes (after all, it feels like summer today so we might as well go barefoot), and take a little look around. there's lots to see.. don't forget to check out my shop!

stay a little while, and we'll have cake.... virtually anyways ;)

thanks for coming by to say hello! feel free to leave comments for me, i love love hearing from you! invite your friends and we'll have a mini party today. :) i like that.

how is your day going? do you have any exciting plans for the long weekend? i'd love to hear about it! what do you hope to find here on nook? what would you love to read about and chat about? send me a comment! it always makes my day hearing from you.


as promised!

i told ya! i've been knitting :)
with summer almost here.. (a girl can dream) i thought a nice summer top was in order. i fell in love with make up your mind by knittedblissJC. you can find the pattern and her info here or if you don't have a ravelry account yet (and really you should) the info is also found here. so without further ado... look!!

i love how there are so many variations of stitch patterns that are worked up in this beauty. i have to say, i learned a bit on this project too! i've never made a racerback top before, let alone knit one! so i have to say, i'm pretty pleased.

see? look at the detail! i had never done the hindu pillar stitch before. i love the effect! ... it's in the fourth band from the bottom....  neat, hey? the hindu pillar stitch is actually a process where you purl 3 together, then knit the same 3 sts together, then purl the same 3 sts together before letting it off the needle.. thereby not decreasing any sts. though it must be said.. this stitch slows the process down a fair bit.. but that's ok. the whole tank isn't done in it, so it's fine.

and now for the yarn.

this is a first for me, knitting in cotton like this. (i know, crazy isn't it?) but i love it! i really do! it was so nice to work with. and very gentle on my hands. i like winding my own skeins by hand because that way i can inspect the yarn before i actually knit with it.. and i know what to expect...
this little project took me 2 skeins to make up. and it was surprisingly quick! the different stitch patterns made the whole tank top come together rather quickly.

i think this will be a great staple to my wardrobe this summer! so go, check it out! and dare to try it for yourselves!

what are you working on for the summer? tops? cardi's? skirts? leave me a comment and we'll talk summer wardrobe!
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